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Glenwood Road to Reopen Going One Way From Ridgewood to Ho-Ho-Kus

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, at Wednesday’s Village Council meeting Village Manager Heather Mailander announced that Glenwood Road was reopening going one way from Ridgewood to Ho-Ho-Kus . Glenwood Road hill was closed while the NJ Department of Transportation and NJ Transit improved the railroad crossing at the Ho-Ho-Kus train station.

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Update on Glenwood Road Closing

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photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, as previously reported on or about May 15, 2021, the Glenwood Road Hill will be closed while the NJ Department of Transportation and NJ Transit improve the railroad crossing at the Ho-Ho-Kus train station. This closure will last for approximately 30 days. When Glenwood Road reopens, it will be a one-way street, down the hill.

Continue reading Update on Glenwood Road Closing

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Glenwood Road Hill Will Be Closed by NJ Department of Transportation and NJ Transit on May 15th

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photos by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on or about May 15, 2021, the Glenwood Road Hill will be closed while the NJ Department of Transportation and NJ Transit improve the railroad crossing at the Ho-Ho-Kus train station. This closure will last for approximately 30 days. When Glenwood Road reopens, it will be a one-way street, down the hill.

Continue reading Glenwood Road Hill Will Be Closed by NJ Department of Transportation and NJ Transit on May 15th

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For the duration of the Coronavirus pandemic, Village Hall is closed to the public and meetings are being held with participants at remote locations, connecting to conferencing software provided by 

Members of the public are invited to view meetings live using Zoom, which also allows them to “raise a hand” and contribute with voice and video when they are invited to do so during Public Comments as well as during Public Hearings during the meeting.

Please click the link below to join the virtual meeting:

Or Telephone, Dial:  1-646-558-8656                                                                             

Webinar ID: 861 1108 1042


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Glenwood Road in Ridgewood to become One-way Eastbound

Ridgewood's Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

photos by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to Boyd Loving in a Facebook post, ” It’s official. Barring approval of an estimated $4 million improvement project to widen Glenwood Road, that street will become one-way eastbound (vehicular traffic from Ridgewood to Ho-Ho-Kus only) within the next 6-12 months. The one-way change/designation for vehicles is being mandated by the NJDOT in conjunction with their plans to upgrade the NJ Transit grade level rail crossing at the bottom of the hill. Village and Borough of Ho-Ho-Kus elected officials fought NJDOT on the issue, but NJDOT is refusing to budge citing numerous safety hazards associated with the continuation of two-way vehicular traffic at the grade level rail crossing.”

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Ridgewood's Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

photo by Boyd Loving

1.         7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor

2.         Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act

Mayor: “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin    board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood NewsThe Record, and by submission      to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and          time of this meeting.”


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Reader says, “I encourage you all to look at the signage at the top and bottom of Glenwood. You’ll see they’re all about as clear as a NYC parking sign”

Ridgewood's Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

“If the logic for closing the road or making it one-way is to reduce the risk of accidents from over-sized vehicles, then how about actually first making clear to drivers that this is a road for passenger vehicles only? I encourage you all to look at the signage at the top and bottom of Glenwood. You’ll see they’re all about as clear as a NYC parking sign. Moronic wording that nobody would read or decipher when turning onto the road. Who actually came up with these signs? Clowns?

Proper and clear signage – no words, pictures only – will dramatically cut down on any confused drivers from out of town. This should be the first step in addressing whatever concerns actually drive this issue.

The only other factor possibly behind the drive to make this a one-way road is the very clear anxiety among some of our collective neighbors about how to navigate their Yukon XLs down the twisty road with oncoming traffic. Wouldn’t it be easier for those drivers to simply take another route than to force this change on the rest of us?”

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We have been Down this Glenwood Road Before

Ridgewood's Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ in 2017 the NJ Dept of Transportation evaluated the railroad crossing from the Upper Heights of Ridgewood to Ho-Ho-Kus via Glenwood Rd to Brookside Ave. Since 2013 the Ridgewood blog has presented  close too 75 posts on various issues pertaining to Glenwood Road .

Continue reading We have been Down this Glenwood Road Before

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Reader says ,”The biggest problem is enforcement”

Ridgewood's Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

by Boyd Loving

“This road has been in use for more than 200 years. Closing it is stupid. 40 years ago when the state had to repair the bridge over the Waldwick RR tracks this was the detour route. Closing it is stupid. The biggest problem is enforcement. People stopping at or on tracks to discharge passengers, trucks that are over the limit, idiots who don’t know how to drive slowing down on an uphill grade causing following cars to get stuck on the tracks, etc.”

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Ridgewood's Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, On June 24th and June 25th, weather permitting, PSE&G will be working in the intersection of Upper Boulevard and Glenwood Road. During this time, the intersection will be closed for vehicles coming from Hillcrest Road. A detour will be in place, sending vehicles down to Fairmount Road, to Upper Boulevard, to the Ho-Ho-Kus hill.  Going up Glenwood Road, from Ho-Ho-Kus, the same detour will be in place.  In order to avoid this detour, please plan alternate routes.

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Ridgewood's Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, On Friday, January 25, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., weather permitting, Glenwood Road from Upper Boulevard down the hill to the Ho-Ho-Kus train station will be closed all day for tree trimming and removal work by the Village of Ridgewood Parks Department. Please plan an alternate route on this day.

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Reader asks Where is the traffic study for the impact on the three immediate train line crossings?

Ridgewood's Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

file photo by Boyd Loving

1) How does making it one-way help when there are instances of vehicles getting stuck both going up as well as going down (James – you should start posting the photo of the tractor trailer that got stuck going down).

2) That bus in the photo was already in violation of the posted vehicle restrictions for that road. Who is to say they will not violate a new restriction?

3) Where is the traffic study for the impact on the three immediate train line crossings in the vicinity of this crossing – Glen St and Franklin Tpke in Ridgewood and Wyckoff Ave in Waldwick? How about the traffic impact study on Linwood Ave, intersection of Linwood and N. Maple, and intersection of N. Monroe and Wyckoff Ave?

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Ridgewood Mayor “Currently the Village is hopeful to have the road remain open to one-way traffic with continued restrictions to vehicle size/weight”

Ridgewood's Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

June 12,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, from the Village of Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen , Important link to information regarding modifications to Glenwood Rd (“S” Road – Glenwood Hill – HoHoKus Train crossing) traffic and pedestrian flow:…/1440-glenwood-road-rr-crossing…

Currently the Village is hopeful to have the road remain open to one-way traffic with continued restrictions to vehicle size/weight. This remains a jurisdictional matter and Village efforts have been to avoid complete closure of this important connecting roadway. Importantly, as noted, “meritorious” objections received will warrant submission to the DOT’s Exception Committee to determine further action. Questions and/or objections concerning this matter should be directed to I would suggest copying on correspondence the following individuals:,, and Communications may also include support for the one-way compromise /solution.

As stated in DOT correspondence, Ridgewood will be required to adopt an ordinance to legally change Glenwood Road traffic to one-way; Village ordinances are subject to proper public notice and a public hearing. The ordinance introduction and public hearing will be added to a future Village Council agenda. To receive Village Council agendas and updates simply email and note “register” in the subject line.

Kindly share this information with concerned residents, friends and neighbors.

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Ridgewood’s Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

Ridgewood's Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

December 9,2016
by Boyd A. Loving

Ridgewood NJ, Acting Village Manager Heather Mailander has announced that the portion of Glenwood Road between Upper Boulevard and the Ho-Ho-Kus train station will be designated one-way eastbound (i.e., all motor vehicle traffic down hill only; no motor vehicle traffic will be permitted to travel from the Ho-Ho-Kus train station up hill) sometime within the coming year.


This change is being mandated by the NJ Department of Transportation (NJDOT) because tractor trailers, buses, and other larger motor vehicles attempting to travel westbound on Glenwood Road from Ho-Ho-Kus are continuing to create hazardous conditions at the grade level railroad crossing just north of the Ho-Ho-Kus train station.

NJDOT gave the Village two (2) options; ban motor vehicle traffic completely between Upper Boulevard and the Ho-Ho-Kus train station, or keep the route open to eastbound traffic only.  Village officials chose the later option.


The one-way change will be implemented shortly after the grade crossing itself is rehabilitated, which is scheduled to happen sometime in 2017.

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PSEG Ridgewood CBD


April 30,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, PSE&G gas will be starting a major construction project on May 2nd, and continuing for four months.  The majority of the work will be on W. Glen Ave. between N. Monroe St. and N. Maple Ave.  During the construction W. Glen Ave. will be closed to all vehicular traffic. . A detour plan will be in place during the entire project, with the minimum impact as possible to the public in mind.  These detours will be monitored for traffic impacts by police officers daily. PSE&G has sent out notices and a robo-call alert to their customers about the work.   Please see the attached plan for phase one detour.

If you have any questions please feel free to call.  Below is the list of streets that will have work done on them.  Phase one will run with the longest and will run as the other streets are also being worked on.

Streets to be used in the Detour Plan –

West Glen Avenue, between N. Monroe St. and N. Maple Ave

E. Glen Ave., between Fairfield Av. and George St.

Lawrence Court,

Heights Road, Monte Vista and Madison Pl.

Alpine Tr.

Colwell Ct.

Douglas Place

Park Slope, between Monte Vista and Madison Pl.

Ridge Road, Heights Rd. and Crest Rd

Sterling Place, between E. Glen Ave. to Kensington Dr.

Glenwood Road

The work is scheduled to take approximately 4 months.  We will be working with the contractor, Fletcher Creamer, and PSE&G to minimize disruptions to residents.

Village Police Department Traffic Control Officers will be utilized.

For further information and FAQ’s please Click Here

To read the PSE&G letter to customers Click Here