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Is the Hudson County Republican Party Chairman Trying to Undermine the Ciattarelli Campaign

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Photo “Screenshot of Facebook picture of Arango’s event Tuesday night, August 3rd”

by Joshua Sotomayor Einstein

Jose Arango is once more actively working against the Republican Party and its interests. The Democrat-helping Chairman of the Hudson County Republican Party held an impromptu dinner on Tuesday night August 3rd with roughly a dozen and a half people on the same day and in the same county as the packed meet and greet for GOP Gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli. This isn’t the first time Arango has tried to harm other Republicans by throwing a last-minute competing event.

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GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Jack Ciattarelli : “Like most of the Governor’s policies, this plan does nothing to fix our broken state”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Trenton NJ, GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Jack Ciattarelli  trashes Gov. Murphy’s Energy Master Plan; “Not only is the Governor’s energy master plan unrealistic, but like his other policy proposals, it will drive up costs on families, retirees and small businesses, and worsen a state economy that is already dead last or next to last in job growth, wage growth and fiscal health.
Calling for the complete phase out affordable natural gas – which heats about 75% of New Jersey homes – is a disaster. Where is the Governor going to find the money for his grandiose plan to force conversion of furnaces, hot water heaters, stoves, and dryers to electric? I’ll tell you where – New Jersey taxpayers who are already being crushed.

Continue reading GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Jack Ciattarelli : “Like most of the Governor’s policies, this plan does nothing to fix our broken state”