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NJGOP Chairman Says Murphy’s Fire Arm Executive Order Continues Targeting Legal Gun Owners


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ,  Today, Governor Murphy signed an Executive Order attacking the Second Amendment. NJGOP Chairman released the following statement in response:

“Like most sensible New Jerseyans, the NJGOP also supports common sense gun laws, but once again Governor Murphy shows his inability to take aim at gun crime and instead continues his practice of targeting legal gun owners.

“Today’s Executive Order is big on bravado and short on substance. It creates the same false sense of security that the rest of his political pandering creates.

“On behalf of the NJGOP, I call on Governor Murphy to do something meaningful to combat gun crime and stop criminalizing gun owners, manufacturers and retailers.”

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Police Officers’ are technically in violation of the NJ’s standard capacity Mag Ban

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Phil Murphy’s attempt to disarm tax-paying NJ gun owners. It seems that in their ZEAL to make everyone “FEEL GOOD” about “doing something” about the great “firearms menace”, nobody in the in the Murphy Administration got the memo that NO EXEMPTION exists in the current statute for off duty Police Officers for ANY gun they carry! So how many Police Officers’s are technically in violation of the standard capacity Mag Ban simply because their department-issued equipment is in VIOLATION of the LAW put into place by the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in NJ (our Attorney General)?