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Major Construction for Franklin Avenue/North Maple Avenue Corridor Heading for Ridgewood Central Business District

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the high density housing continues to effect the Villager of Ridgewood central business district with taxpayers footing the bill.  The main objection against the high density housing was all the ancillary coasts like police, fire, EMS, sewage , water, parking , schools and traffic .

Continue reading Major Construction for Franklin Avenue/North Maple Avenue Corridor Heading for Ridgewood Central Business District

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Reader says The mayor is a class act

Mayor Susan Knudsen

I’m not in any camp and remained undecided until hearing two candidates speak at coffee. Harwin was pleasant but lacked substance. No grasp on issues, memorized talking points and knows a great deal about herself. Mrs. Harwin did not answer questions. She was accompanied by Paul Aronsohn and Gwenn Hauck. Another coffee was for Knudsen and Sedon and only Knudsen attended. The mayor was gracious and well informed on many issues. She is a wealth of knowledge and discussed issues I was unaware of. Questions were asked and answered without hesitation. Knudsen spoke well of Sedon. Not a fan of Willett. She and Harwin have dirtied themselves by mudslinging and I’m not impressed. The mayor is a class act. I voted Knudsen and Albano in 2014 and will be voting Knudsen and Sedon this time

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Questions Arise Over Who Hired the Video Company for Aronsohn’s Ethically Challenged Promo Video

video promo for garage  Gwen

Dear “James”
Please source your random facts… because to me, almost none of them are accurate.
“And let us not forget Ms. Hauck, who actually hired the video company that made the video, paid for it, and then collected reimbursement from public money.”
I did not pay for them. Bob Rooney, the CFO payed the video prod. co. and the printer directly. You can check.
And your personal opinions are just that, yours to share as you think are appropriate. But, I will never understand people who seem to actually enjoy turning good philosophical disagreements into such vindictive personal attacks.

Reader reminds us this is the same  Gwenn: Calling members of the public terrorists, stalkers, creeps…..telling them they should move, they should not have moved, and they should sit down.

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Reader says Very important not to assume they are truly gone

Ridgewood 3 amigos

Very important not to assume they are truly gone. They still have much skin in the game and want more. Every person appointed to a committee/board/etc. as a future source of information/votes should be dismissed, as should every preexisting staff member drawn to their questionable glow and continuing to feed them information and work on their behalf (grants for construction, etc.). Every committee or other group created solely to further Aronsohn’s post council career should be eliminated pronto, starting with the super-bogus Financial Advisory Committee.

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Reader says Knudsen and Sedon went through Hades for two years with the Three Amigos insulting them at every turn.

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Boyd Loving

Knudsen and Sedon went through Hades for two years with the Three Amigos insulting them at every turn. They do not deserve this kind of treatment from Voigt. It really must grate on them. If you think about it, that must be the desired result — to demoralize them, wear them out, and persuade them not to run for re-election. They are certainly under no obligation to run again but Ridgewood would be very fortunate if they were to do so. We need as many people like them as we can get in elected office. The amount of destructive energy the Three Amigos mustered and expended on a regular basis while in office was prodigious. They were constantly conniving and dissimulating, spewing their duplicitous rhetoric like possessed Energizer Bunnies. How good officeholders can justify dealing with that kind of stuff without resigning on the spot is a mystery but we are lucky here in Ridgewood.

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Ridgewood Council Meeting , Halaby blames New Council for Past Failures , Guild President says he is uninformed , Master plan for trees , Uber moves forward and Cubs win!

village Council
file photo by Boyd Loving
November 3,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, We had the rare treat at last night’s council meeting , hearing from Rurik Halaby not once but twice in one evening.  In opening comments he expressed dismay with all the legal fees this council is incurring (thank you Paul Aronsohn), the “secret” search for a new manager who will most likely be a friend of a current council member (as opposed to a friend of Paul Aronsohn ) and that too much is being done in closed session.

Cathy Quinn spoke in defense of maintaining the no parking on Pomander Walk. lo and behold she is an Episcopal minister at Gwenn Hauck’s church, St. Elizabeth in Ridgewood.  Many remember that Gwenn pushed and pushed for the “no parking” zone on Pomander and now we know why.

Later in the evening, Mr Halaby was in fine form as he praised former mayor Paul Aronsohn for his lovely column in The Ridgewood News and then said that Susan should be doing the same as the “public” (the six people who still like Paul Aronsohn)  is in the dark with this new council.

Thankfully, Anne Loving stepped up to the mic to say that Paul’s self-serving column gave little information and The Ridgewood News was doing a great job with weekly articles dedicated to the council meetings.

Rurik went on to make some muddled comments about a puppet council who in some ways was like or not like Donald Trump based on some notion of over regulation. He also blamed the recent vacancies on some of the boards and committees on the community’s dissatisfaction with the council ( not the removal of incompetent political hacks hired by Paul Aronsohn).  Thankfully, his 5 minutes were up.

His wife, the acerbic Cynthia Halaby of daffodil fame, had admonished the council earlier for the condition of the trees and for making references to Summit, NJ in the Uber discussion when Summit is nothing like Ridgewood.

Mike Sedon gave a praise worthy report on the new Five Year Forestry Management Plan which will allow for numerous grant opportunities and training for village employees and Shade Tree Commission volunteers to address our dwindling stock.

The Uber discussion actually went quite well and it looks as though we will do a 6-month pilot program starting in January.  A resolution is on the table for next week’s meeting and the village CFO will run some projections on expected revenues taking into consideration subsidies and the gain or loss of premium parking passes.

Ridgewood Guild president and town whiner, Tony Damiano spoke way too long on why isn’t he being informed on a regular basis about every project sanctioned by the village.  Susan tried to address his concerns but he was too busy complaining to hear her.Perhaps the Ridgewood Guild needs better more informed leadership?

Boyd Loving once again was great addressing leaf issues with very good suggestions about how we should inform the landscapers of changes in our policies, Village regulation changes and pick up schedule . He also suggested a listing on the village website of the registered landscapers so that residents can make more informed choices , The registered list would also make enforcement easier.

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Readers say ,Lighting in Van Neste Square has Finger prints of previous Administration


First we have Roberta and the boys applying for a grant to rip up the brick and remove the walkway in the center of the park. Then we have installation of a tree illumination system, installation of conduit in trenches, installation of pathway lighting, installation of concealed electrical outlet boxes, installation of an audio system and other ancillary items buy the Conservatory all within the same month. I don’t believe in coincidences . Pay special attention to ( audio system and other ancillary items). I believe that one of the members of the Conservatory is a former Council person who tried to spearhead a campaign to put a gazebo in the center of the park.

Previous mayor was dead set on having horrible “concerts” and other noise wreck the peace of downtown. Is this supposed to attract apartment renters/buyers? It’s a park, not Madison Square Garden. Installation of audio systems in parks should not be happening. Thank goodness the current council refused to sign the grant application (worked on, as usual, by manager’s assistant Janet Fricke, whose tenure should end before the next manager arrives) for ugly concrete (replacing the donor-named bricks, which were going to be moved to some area in a corner or something) and a stage or fountain in the center–it’s nice having NOTHING in the center–that was thrust under their noses by the previous village manager with an urgent plea to sign because the deadline was (of course) nigh–an old village manager trick, and not only by her. Collusion by the Village Engineer, who must be replaced, was major. Get those people out of there. Cronin is no better in plotting and planning ways to wreck the place and doing lots of work before the council even knows about it. Council must remain highly vigilant about these unnecessary projects intended (even now) to make Aronsohn’s construction-union supporters happy, and quash them at the earliest opportunity.

Town must stop accepting gifts of things that we don’t want or need. “Conservancy” is a joke. People cynically join groups with a name that sounds good but represents the opposite of what they have in mind. It’s depressing. REAC’s first report was to say that synthetic turf was great, etc. “Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Board”–as long as it’s sports. I give up on all of them.

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Reader says Village Manager, Human Resource, Village Engineer, Superintendent of Parks and Rec. are running this town not the new council

3 amigos

First of all why is Christopher Rutishause e-Mailing plans for the park to Bill Gilsenan? Why is Gilsenan getting involved in the park? Im tired of all the so called Demigod running this Village. Paul Vagianos, John Saraceno Ed Sullivan, Tom Hillman and now Bill Gilsenan. Their names were not on the Village ballot for council. This council has to watch very closely what goes on because there has always been a small group self proclaimed Demigod who try to run this town from behind the scenes. Simply voting out the 3 Amigos is not going to stop this because its Systemic.

VM, Assistant to the VM, HR, Village Engineer, Superintendent of Parks and Rec. and the above named are running this town not the new council. Poster just need to reflect back to some of the fiascos that have happen in the last 4 years to find the common thread. Wise up new Village Council and get a grip on this. Don’t let them distract you while they plan or plot.

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Readers Analyse Ridgewood “Garage Vote”

pro garage signs 2


The first election was presumably simply for a parking garage. Many of us voted “yes” because we do need a garage. When Aronson and crew decided that we voters “really meant” to vote “yes” on that monstrosity that he wanted, a second vote was held. On that we voted “No” because it was supposed to be “Did we want to bond money for ‘A’ garage” but Aronson inserted the amount for the largest garage that he wanted. He also set the vote on the earliest possible date, while he was still in office so he could presumably still break the ground for his dream. And yes, our new Council members did say they wanted a garage but not “that” garage. So, to me, what the voters wanted was still a garage, but not something of that size. And they wanted the new Council to handle the details with input from the residents of Ridgewood.


file photo by Boyd Loving

We voted against the monster garage.People were duped into voting for the monster garage in November. We were reassured that we were voting for A garage, not any specific design.
Then some hard working residents started a petition drive against the monster garage. No one ever said that they were against building a garage. They just want the right size in the right location.
Council members who were elected said that they would look into a redesign/relocation. No one running said that they were against a garage. There will be a garage.


file photo by Boyd Loving

One current council member admitted publicly during the campaign in the spring that he had been among those bamboozled by lies and omissions about the garage (he did not put it quite that way) and voted yes in the November referendum. He was among many. Had a true depiction and description been made available, including the fact that the thing was going to Occupy Hudson Street, and if it had been explained, as was the case, that a “yes” vote was not for a concept, but for the largest drawing–formally “approved,” by mayoral fiat, by the Historic Preservation Commission’s relatively new chair (appointed by the then-mayor), without checking with the members, and by the mayor’s personally created and hand-picked Financial Advisory Committee–how many residents would have agreed to it? Only those with something to gain, those who pay no attention, and those whose finger slipped in the voting booth. I think the “yes” votes would have amounted to about 150, including mistakes.

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Reader says I feel sick about the endless pathetic attempts to manipulate and deceive Ridgewood by Aronsohn and his minions

3 amigos

Does anybody actually believe the kid had anything to do with that letter? A show of hands, please. Letter ends, “Let’s get it done”–has a teenage boy ever said or written that sentence, especially about a parking garage? Comical idea. But mostly, I feel sick about the endless pathetic attempts to manipulate and deceive us. Are Aronsohn’s minions being treated to the marketing programs of White Horse Strategies? They’re working so hard to fleece us. More important, could all these selfish, destructive, impossibly contemptuous people please shut up and go away or become honest? Either will do. Tired of identifying their ploys and rejecting them.

the letter:


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Reader says its Time to Ban the Ex Mayor and His Supporters from Grand Standing at Public Meetings

village council meeting

file photo by Boyd Loving

Clearly, this was an attempt on Ms. Winograd’s part to generate a newspaper headline that the current Council was seeking to limit public comment.

Siobhan Winograd is on the anti-Knudsen team.

Let’s list the mouthpieces for the former megalomaniacs so that we’ll know we can ignore everything they say. Sonenfeld, obviously. Willett and Weitz. Winograd. Halaby, Griffith.

Why would the former council members, who were defeated resoundingly, come to the meetings to attempt to advance their failed agendas?Are they just spiteful? Do they need to grow up?

Hot button issues bring a lot of people to public meetings. To limit their input would be wrong and would make them feel that their voices do not count.

There were a lot more residents speaking against the garage and high density housing than in favor of the projects. Maybe this attempt to limit public comment is an attempt to limit dissent.

Those with a financial interest in the projects, and their paid staff, will continue to go to the meetings. It will provide more time for them in front of the mic.

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Reader says , the presence of former Ridgewood councilwoman Hauck at council meetings is an embarrassment. Go home

Ridgewood 3 amigos

You forgot to mention that Gwenn Hauck came to the microphone and asked a question that she should have know the answer to had she been paying attention during the meeting instead of chatting with her buddy Rurik Halaby.

And then the FORMER councilwoman Gwenn Hauck goes flitting up to the microphone and asks a question that made no sense. She asked whether 3066 had been repealed. And it had not. And our Mayor had already explained why it was not being voted on last night. Ummmmm Gwenn…..please pay attention. It’s a shame to see you making a fool of yourself. Oh, that’s right, you always make a fool of yourself, nothing new there. Laughing my ass off from my easy chair with my ipad on my lap.

It really is time for Mrs. Hauck’s family to keep her at home for Council meetings. I feel bad and embarrassed for her at the same time.

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Ex Mayor’s Attempt to Squelch Free Speech at Ridgewood Council Meetings Falls Short with Mayor Kundsen

Councilwoman Knudsen
file photo by Boyd Loving
August 11th 2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Siobhan Winograd, self-appointed Mistress of Niceness, went to the podium and started whining about why can’t everyone be nice and how people’s comments are not pleasant  and then she suggested that people’s comments should be cut to three minutes from five.  Said she had done a bunch of research about other towns and we have more time allowed than many towns.    And then she went on past the buzzer for more than five minutes.

Mayor Knudsen stated that she was trying to think of how to accommodate MORE speakers, not fewer. She was considering one possibility of shortening each speaker’s time but lengthening the time slot to 40 minutes.  Clearly the Mayor is an advocate for the people and wants to hear from all of us.

The meeting went really smoothly and was very business like.  Even residents who had frustrations to air were treated respectfully.  All the former moaning and groaning about CIVILITY was completely unnecessary because really all we had to do was get rid of Aronsohn-Pucciarelli-Hauck and the air in the room cleared instantly.
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Reader says the council needs to conduct an inquiry into improper favoritism in Village of Ridgewood

3 amigos

Aronson left us these problems and we need to deal with them now, ourselves. How much money is too much to unravel what was done? Besides, this is not a witch hunt – – this is a targeted effort to try and determine the truth of repeated allegations of improper favoritism in Village life. There is a reason there is a law on the books that allows the council to conduct this inquiry. This is exactly the situation where an investigation is required.

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Ridgewood Elected officials may not use their positions to further political agendas or tax money to fund them.

pro garage signs 2

Stellar research. This item has been sent to all council members with a demand for restitution, the identity of the staff member who signed off on reimbursement, and the question: FRAUD?

In fact, fraud was committed twice: not only on taxpayers, but also on the videographer, reportedly a Hillmann family member, who was gypped out of his full fee on the pretention that the client was a village business and C. of C. member. Even if he was in on the “joke,” it’s wrong.

I suggest a letter on legal letterhead from the village attorney to Ms. Hauck: “It has come to our attention….we have obtained documentation, to wit…please make out your check, including $X in interest, to…and since you have committed fraud, please do not attend the September or subsequent meetings of the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board, except perhaps as an observer sitting over in the corner. To protect the village from possible legal action based on your fraudulent behavior as a council member, we must remove you from this and any future positions of responsibility within the village. Not-love, etc. etc.”

Elected officials may not use their positions to further political agendas or tax money to fund them.

If nothing is done, residents may ask WHY at future council meetings.

An easy way to send a single email message to all council members may be reached through this link, which is updated after every council election:

You can remove the cc: before sending, if desired.

A similar group email form posted on the council page of the village website has been suggested and approved (weeks ago), but not implemented (surprise).