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7 Things You Should Never Leave Your House Without

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We don’t like being caught off guard, therefore we carry more than we usually need. We’ve whittled down our list of stuff we don’t leave home sans over the decades. These are the items we’ve discovered we actually require when we’re out. We live a fast-paced existence that is frequently filled with unforeseen events and experiences.

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Valley Hospital Drops from A-rated to B-rated in Latest Leapfrog Safety Guide


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to the LeapFrog Safety Guide, Valley Hospital dropped from a grade of  A to a grade of  B.

COVID created a was a difficult year for everybody and Valley Hospital was no exception . According to the The LeapFrog Safety Guide, the hospital fell short in the area of hand washing ;

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Don’ts and Dos on Coronavirus

Jane M. Orient M.D.

by Jane M. Orient, M.D.

Some of the views expressed here are controversial. So, do ask your doctor. I hope you have one—not just the HMO or retail clinic “provider.”

Don’t panic. That is always good advice. If you, like the world’s economy, operate on just-in-time inventories, and did not take advice to stock up 3 weeks ago, do not join a mob at a big-box store. Somebody there is no doubt infected. Plus, there’s the risk of getting trampled or injured in a fist fight over the last roll of toilet paper. Most of the world survives without that luxury good. If you have no rice or beans or pasta in the pantry, that is more serious, but you should still avoid mobs if at all possible. Take-out and drive-through places are booming.

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Tito’s Handmade Vodka Reminds Fans that Vodka is for Drinking not for Hand Sanitizing


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, It turns out much to our disappointment   that vodka isn’t an effective substitute for hand sanitizer, which is apparently a thing that some people have been asking vodka makers. If all you have is vodka, just wash your hands normally and enjoy a nice drink.

Continue reading Tito’s Handmade Vodka Reminds Fans that Vodka is for Drinking not for Hand Sanitizing