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Montclair Faces Reality, Mayor Announces Meeting between Township Jewish and African-American Communities

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I am pleased to announce that Rabbis and African-American Clergy from greater Montclair will meet in the next 48 hours to address the relationship between the Jewish and African-American communities.  I cannot overstate how much these leaders have committed to addressing the incendiary cloud hanging over our community at the moment.

Continue reading Montclair Faces Reality, Mayor Announces Meeting between Township Jewish and African-American Communities

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Bergenfield Mayor and Bergen County Executive Candidate Norman Schmelz Says Other Bergen County Officials Did Nothing During Saudino’s Tiraid

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Bergenfield NJ, In a statement Bergenfield Mayor and Bergen County Executive Candidate Norman Schmelz said , “Michael Saudino’s resignation is a step in the right direction for residents of Bergen County and New Jersey. Unfortunately his derogatory and offensive statements concerning women and minorities were already something that was reported in the public sphere and press many times as of late, and many of those who clamored for his resignation in the past few days had no hesitation accepting his support over the past few months. None of his co-partners in Bergen County government seemed shocked at the veracity of his statements, only by its contents; it is a stain on our county that County Executive Jim Tedesco did nothing while all of this hate was spewing and stood by the disgraced Sheriff. Tedesco’s actions may be worse than Saudino. Saudino may not know better, Tedesco does.”

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“The Hater,” the App that lets you find love based on what you hate


July 21,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Its Friday night and you are looking for a date . Let us introduce “The Hater,” the app that lets you find love based on what you hate.

Haters gonna hate,”Hater ” is the first dating app that matches people on the things they hate.  Founded in 2016, Hater is the dating app that matches people based on what they hate. Hater is available for iOS on the App Store, and will be available for Android in Spring 2017.

Hater is making serious online dating more approachable by replacing cumbersome surveys and bios with a fun, alternative way to express your personality.

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Americans hate the federal government now more than ever



Americans hate the federal government now more than ever
By Catey Hill
Published: Jan 27, 2015 6:49 a.m. ET

If you have to deal with the federal government — be it the seemingly innocuous Social Security Administration or the eternally-despised Treasury Department, home to the IRS — prepare to be even more annoyed than in the past.

According to a report released Tuesday by the American Customer Satisfaction Index, our satisfaction with the federal government has hit an all-time low (at least since the company began collecting data for this index in 2007). The federal government now scores a 64.4 out of 100 in terms of satisfaction (the average across all industries is 75 out 100). This is the lowest score across the 40 different industries – including industries like airlines, cable companies and others — that the ACSI measures, with the exception of Internet service providers.

“Overall, the services of the federal government continue to deliver a level of customer satisfaction below the private sector,” the report — in which ACSI interviewed 1,772 randomly selected people — concludes.

When asked what they specifically didn’t like about the government, some Americans cited issues with the staff and customer service. Indeed, Americans are more annoyed with the government’s customer service (specifically how courteous, helpful and professional the government staff are) than they were in 2013: customer service rankings for the government plummeted 6% from a year ago — from a score of 80 to a score of 75. While this sounds bad, ACSI Director David VanAmburg says that some of it has to do to with the fact that some agencies have fewer staff members now than in the past, which makes consumers more frustrated when trying to get something accomplished in a timely manner.