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Rollover Crash on Route 208 southbound near Van Winkle Avenue in Hawthorne ties up Traffic in both directions

Rollover Crash on Route 208

photo courtesy of Boyd Loving

January 25,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, A single vehicle rollover crash on Route 208 southbound near Van Winkle Avenue in Hawthorne tied up traffic in both directions on Tuesday afternoon, 01/24. The vehicle’s lone occupant, its adult male driver, was transported to a local hospital by a Hawthorne EMS ambulance. He reportedly sustained injuries that were not considered life threatening. Hawthorne PD and FD personnel also responded to the incident. The flipped vehicle was righted and removed from the highway by a flatbed tow truck.

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Traffic Light Taken Out by Hit and Run on Goffle Road in Hawthorne

Traffic Light Taken Out by Hit and Run

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

January 13,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, A hit and run collision at the intersection of Goffle Road and Goffle Hill Road in Hawthorne resulted in a traffic light stanchion being knocked into the Goffle Brook on Thursday afternoon, 01/17. A Hawthorne PD supervisor caught the fleeing vehicle, a tractor trailer, minutes later on Route 208 northbound in Franklin Lakes. No injuries were reported in the mishap and an electrician from the Borough of Hawthorne was summoned to begin removing the damaged equipment and installing replacements. No word from police on the scene as to whether any summonses were issued to the truck driver.

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Car Drives Onto Rail Road Tracks on Diamond Bridge Avenue in Hawthorne

Car Drives Onto Rail Road Tracks on Diamond Bridge Avenue in Hawthorne

photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

December 31,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, The adult female driver of a 4-door Chevrolet sedan escaped injury after driving her vehicle onto the New York Susquehanna and Western Railroad’s tracks off of Diamond Bridge Avenue in Hawthorne on Friday evening, 12/30. The vehicle was able to be driven away on its own power after being removed from the tracks by a flatbed tow truck. Hawthorne PD responded to the incident.

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Water contract vote in Hawthorne postponed



A water supply contract between the borough and Ridgewood was postponed until Aug. 17 until additional information could be found per a councilman’s request.

Hawthorne is currently one of Ridgewood’s water suppliers. They currently have a contract, but the Department of Environmental Protection has requested that Ridgewood extend the contract for 10 years.

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Tree Falls Knocking Out Power in Hawthorne

Tree Falls Knocking Out Power in Hawthorne
photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook
July 31,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Hawthorne NJ, Localized power outages occurred when a large evergreen tree fell in front of 70 Watchung Drive, Hawthorne on Saturday morning, 07/30. Portions of Watchung Drive were impassable for over two (2) hours. Electric power was restored by PSE&G crews after a tree service removed the fallen tree. There appeared to have been no damage to the home at 70 Watchung Drive. Hawthorne PD responded to the incident.

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Strong Winds take down branches and Knock Out Power in Ridgewood

Strong Winds Ridgewood

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

May 16,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, A Volkswagen Jetta was just one casualty of a fast moving rain/wind storm that swept through Northwest Bergen County at approximately 7 PM on Sunday, 05/15. Electric service to a home at 428 George Street in Ridgewood was severed when this large tree limb fell. Fallen tree limbs were also reported in neighboring Glen Rock and Hawthorne.

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TD Bank Branch Held Up in Hawthorne

TD Bank Robbery
photos courtesy of Boyd Loving
TD Bank Branch Held Up in Hawthorne 
February 18,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Hawthorne NJ, The TD Bank branch located at 617 Lafayette Avenue, Hawthorne was held up shortly before 4:30 PM on Wednesday, 2/17. Hawthorne PD responded to the incident. A description of the perpetrator and his getaway vehicle was obtained and provided to surrounding area law enforcement agencies.
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Home Renovation Severs Gas Line in Hawthorne

Gas Leak Hawthorne

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook
Home Renovation Severs Gas Line in Hawthorne
December 31,2015
the staff of the Rmidgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, A late afternoon interior gas main break at a home under renovation, located at 275 Warburton Avenue, Hawthorne, forced the evacuation of eight (8) nearby homes as workers from PSE&G struggled to shut off gas to the affected residence. No injuries were reported in the incident, which drew response from Hawthorne PD & FD personnel. The gas line was reportedly severed by workers performing renovations on the home.

PSEG reminds us that If you smell gas, open a window, leave the building and call 1-800-880-7734 (PSEG) to report the problem.

Natural gas is a colorless, odorless hydrocarbon that’s nearly 100% combustible. A distinctive odor, like rotten eggs, is added to natural gas to help assist in the detection of leaks, though it should not be solely relied upon to provide warning.

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If you smell gas in your home:

Put out all open flames. No smoking.  Do not attempt to light any appliances.
Don’t touch electric switches, thermostats, appliance controls or electric panel breakers. These items may cause sparks that could lead to an ignition.
Do not use an automatic garage door opener.
Do not start your car if it is in the garage or close proximity to the house.
Open windows and outside doors for ventilation.
If the odor is strong, don’t use your telephone or cell phone inside the house.
Leave the premises on foot and call 1-800-436-7734 (PSEG) from a neighbor’s home and remain outside until PSE&G arrives. PSE&G provides 24-hour emergency service every day of the year.  PSE&G technicians are expected to respond to leak emergencies within 60 minutes.
Do not assume someone else will report the condition.
PSE&G does not charge customers for responding to gas leak emergencies.


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Underground Gas Leak – Warning Signs:

You smell natural gas outside. Natural gas smells like rotten eggs.
You hear a hissing sound coming from the ground.
You see dirt blowing from a hole in the ground.
You see water bubbling in a puddle or around a valve box.
You see a ring or circle of dead grass or vegetation in a lawn area.

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Hawthorne zoners reject housing development of Wagaraw Road property


Ridgewood’s VC needs to follow Hawthorne’s lead.  If every town builds high-end or affordable housing there will be a glut of housing to fill.  The only ones benefiting from all these projects are the developers.  What a scam! Ed

Hawthorne zoners reject housing development of Wagaraw Road property

NOVEMBER 23, 2015, 9:12 PM    LAST UPDATED: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2015, 9:12 PM

HAWTHORNE — The zoning board on Monday night rejected a plan to build high-end apartments on Wagaraw Road, concluding an 11-month application to develop a long-vacant property that was once proposed as the site of a Walmart supermarket.

Board members said they weren’t persuaded by the case made by the property’s owner, the Bedrin Organization, that apartments designed for New York City commuters suited the site, which lies in an industrial and commercial zone, next to a beverage distributor. The vote was 6-1 against.

“While we are certainly disappointed, the real losers here are the hardworking taxpayers of Hawthorne,” said Gerald Bedrin, a partner in the organization.

The 8.6-acre property on the southern end of the borough remains the borough’s largest undeveloped property. Walmart planned to build a 42,000-square-foot supermarket there until lawsuits by borough residents delayed the development, and the retailer withdrew.

At last month’s zoning board meeting, about 20 residents spoke out in support of the project, many showing up with blue “Rivergate YES!” stickers.

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Child falls into Hawthorne Swimming pool

photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page
Child falls into Hawthorne Swimming pool
August 31,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Hawthorne NJ, At approximately 2:45 PM on Monday, 08/31, Hawthorne PD received a 911 telephone call reporting that a 1-year old had fallen into a swimming pool located in the rear of 225 Washington Avenue.
The caller further reported that the infant was not breathing. The infant’s mother began CPR and first arriving Hawthorne PD officers deployed a defibrillator. The child was transported by a Hawthorne EMS ambulance to St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in Paterson with assistance from a paramedic unit based at the Medical Center. The ambulance was escorted to the hospital by a marked Hawthorne PD unit.
An investigation into the nature of the incident is now underway. The victim’s current condition is unknow
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Elderly Male Critically Injured in alleged Suicide Attempt

photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

Elderly Male Critically Injured in alleged Suicide Attempt

August 31,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, Officers from the Hawthorne Police Department, along with a deputy from the Passaic County Sheriff’s Office, responded to a single family home located at 44 Kaywin Avenue, Hawthorne shortly after 7:30 PM on Sunday, 08/30 after receiving reports that the male homeowner was armed and threatening to kill himself.

A SWAT team was quickly summoned to the address. However, prior to their arrival, a Hawthorne police officer made entry to the home and found an elderly male victim in a bedroom, suffering from a single gun shot wound to the head. The critically injured victim was transported to St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in Paterson by an ambulance from Hawthorne EMS. An investigation into the circumstances of the shooting is now underway.

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Fallen Ridgewood Tree Limb takes out Power Hawthorne

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving Facebook page
Fallen Ridgewood Tree Limb takes out Power Hawthorne
July 11,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, On 7/10/2015: Police and fire department personnel in two (2) neighboring municipalities responded to separate reports of fallen tree limbs that blocked roadways and disrupted electric service late Friday afternoon.
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Ridgewood public safety teams were dispatched to a home on Oak Street, where a Village owned tree limb had fallen on the front lawn, knocking out electric, phone, and cable TV services. In neighboring Hawthorne, police and fire units converged on Minerva Avenue, where a limb from a privately owned tree had crashed to the ground, destroying a back yard shed and taking down several wires. No injuries were reported in either incident.
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