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Time to Farm Out Many Village of Ridgewood Services to the County

bike lane

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, many of the major proponents of the parking deck in the central business district are starting to have second thoughts. Realizing that taking a sizable debt load for a depreciating structure that requires systemic subsidy was not a smart idea.  A little late to do anything about the structure, like turf fields in flood zones and the Village Hall wreck-on-vacation another thing resident taxpayers will be stuck with forever .

Continue reading Time to Farm Out Many Village of Ridgewood Services to the County

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Ridgewood Retail Food Establishment Inspection Report – Q3


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Retail Food Establishments Q3 2018 Inspection Report . The Q3 report shows no restaurants in the Village with an unsatisfactory rating .

The retail food establishment operator shall post the most recent evaluation placard in a conspicuous place so the public may view the placard. The evaluation placard shall identify that the establishment is one of the following:

Continue reading Ridgewood Retail Food Establishment Inspection Report – Q3

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Village Hall Backup generator installation



So if I understood Heather correctly, scheduling the backup generator installation for a weekday afternoon was done to save a $5000 installation premium? Really?

The departments that are being sent home for a half a day include the Health Department, the Water Department, the managers office, the clerks office, the building Department, the Engineering Department, and the finance Department.

How could all of those salaries possibly total less than $5000?

Clearly this was a bad decision. Someone needs to be held accountable, please.

Boyd A. Loving
342 South Irving St.