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The Effects of Testosterone Boosters on the Body


Testosterone is a male hormone that is responsible for the development and maintenance of the male attributes on the body. Women on the other hand have testosterone but in very little amounts. Testosterone is an important male hormone that is responsible for the physical looks and behaviors in male. Males start producing testosterone 7 weeks after conception. The hormone starts peaking at around puberty before reaching peak levels at the late teens. However, after the age of 30, testosterone levels in male begin to fall until old age. Although most men have the right amount of testosterone in their bodies, there are instances where the body produces too little testosterone. Continue reading The Effects of Testosterone Boosters on the Body

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What are Anabolic Steroid Symptoms and Warning Signs

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What is Anabolic Steroid?

Many of the major functions of the human body are stimulated by different hormones. One of the most active hormone in the body is testosterone which is the key male sex hormone. Way back in the 1930s, scientists decided to design drugs that actually provide similar anabolic and androgenic effects as testosterone. 

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