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Closter Volunteer Ambulance & Rescue Corps Dispatched to Help Fallen Horseback Rider in Rockleigh

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Closter NJ, Closter Volunteer Ambulance & Rescue Corps was dispatched mutual aid to Rockleigh for someone who had fallen off their horse on the trails. Upon arrival at the park, Closter EMT’s were greeted by a woman on a horse. She and the horse guided the EMT’s to the patient, who had fallen near a rocky creek.

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National Border Patrol Council Responds to Fake News and Democrat Talking Points

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Washington DC, the National Border Patrol Council is proud to share the below post that was recently published by a member of the Border Patrol Horse Patrol in response to the latest false narrative being peddled by the usual press and politicians.

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