the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, just in time for spring La Niña is over , meteorologists with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have confirmed.
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, just in time for spring La Niña is over , meteorologists with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have confirmed.
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, as PSE&G works as safely and quickly as possible to restore power to the remaining customers from yesterday’s storm, we also are preparing for the first named hurricane of the season to reach our area, forecast to bring heavy rain, and high winds Friday morning. As the remnants of Tropical Storm Elsa make its way up the coast, employees are performing system checks and prepping for potential new outages.
Continue reading PSE&G Preparing for Remnants of Tropical Storm Elsa
Here are several organizations and coordinated efforts coming to the aid of Texans:
The American Red Cross is encouraging people to donate money on its website or to text 90999 to donate $10. The organization is also asking for volunteers. https://www.redcross.org/hp/harvey2
Other organizations include the Salvation Army https://salvationarmyhouston.org/, Samaritan’s Purse and Heart to Heart International.
The crowdfunding website Global Giving https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/hurricane-harvey-relief-fund/ is trying to raise $2 million to provide “food, water, and medicine in addition to longer-term recovery assistance” to Harvey’s victims.
The crowdfunding service GoFundMe also has highlighted stories of people who are suffering as a result of Harvey.https://www.gofundme.com/raise-funds/hurricane-Harvey
The South Texas Blood & Tissue Center and Texas-based Carter BloodCare (1-877-385-724) are accepting donations https://www.donatingforlife.org/index.cfm?utm_source=website&utm_medium=locations&utm_campaign=11.23.15-dfl-locations-page-website-find-a-blood-drive-link .
Several organizations are offering aid to displaced pets, including Dallas Animal Services https://dallascityhall.com/departments/dallas-animal-services/Pages/default.aspx and the SPCA of Texas https://www.spca.org/news_hurricane-harvey.
And the Texas Diaper Bank is assisting people with small children https://www.texasdiaperbank.org/ .
file photo Boyd Loving
FEMA reimburses Ridgewood $830,000 for Hurricane Irene, Sandy repairs
December 11, 2014 Last updated: Thursday, December 11, 2014, 5:18 PM
By Laura Herzog
Staff Writer |
The Ridgewood News
Ridgewood has received a total of $1.2 million from the federal government in reimbursement for emergency damage and other costs of past large-scale storms.
The village received a few big checks – totaling more than $830,000 – in the past two weeks.
According to Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently provided Ridgewood with checks for Hurricane Irene and Sandy, respectively, amounting to $448,500 and $382,900.
The $382,900 check came in last Friday, Sonenfeld said this week.
“We have not collected all of the FEMA monies, but we have collected the preponderant amount of it,” Sonenfeld said in an email on Tuesday. “We still have some close-out activity that must be done for Sandy and Irene; we are also waiting for monies for the Halloween Nor’easter.”
Ridgewood has received approximately $1.168 million for all three storms.
According to Sonenfeld, these reimbursements include operating expenses, like “staff expenses that were incurred for removal of trees, cleaning up of roads, managing street closures and managing traffic.”
But the majority of the funding reflects “capital expenditures,” she said.