Garrett Statement on Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act
Dec 3, 2015
the staff of theRidgewood blog
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ-05), issued the following statement after voting against the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act:
“New Jersey residents deserve to have their tax dollars spent on transportation and infrastructure projects right here in the Garden State instead of being wasted in Washington, D.C. Unfortunately, the FAST Act is full of budgetary gimmicks that will ensure another round of taxpayer-funded bailouts when what we really need are substantive reforms that put our transportation funding on a sustainable fiscal path. The reason Americans have spent $143 billion on bailouts over the last seven years is money set aside in the Highway Trust Fund—the tax you pay at the pump—has been wasted on projects that are unrelated to roads and bridges.
“And if the bailouts aren’t bad enough, the FAST Act also includes provisions to resurrect the most shameless example of crony capitalism Washington has ever concocted—the Export-Import Bank. Overall, I believe New Jersey deserves better, which is why I will continue to fight to end bailouts, end special treatment for Washington insiders, and ensure that my constituents can see their transportation dollars being spent closer to home.”