Watch George W. Bush’s Speech At Ground Zero After The 9/11 Attacks [VIDEO]
Watch George W. Bush’s Speech At Ground Zero After The 9/11 Attacks [VIDEO]
Today, we honor the memory of those we lost on September 11, 2001. On that day, the lives of nearly 3,000 people were tragically cut short at the hands of those who sought only suffering and destruction. The innocent victims were our fathers, our mothers, our daughters, our sons, and our friends. They were the brave and selfless few that raced to help in the minutes, days, and weeks after the attacks. Today we honor their sacrifice.
While lives were taken and property was destroyed, what the terrorists were truly seeking to attack that day was our resolve and our spirit. They wanted the American people to cower and relinquish the most fundamental right that we hold dear—our freedom.
Unfortunately for them, our armed forces abroad and our first responders here at home—the most dedicated and well-trained people on the planet—have never backed down from a challenge since our country was founded nearly 250 years ago. And these brave men and women have the unwavering support of millions of Americans who cherish their freedom and stand by those who fight for it.
As we pause to remember all that we lost on that day 15 years ago, we must remember that our flag still proudly flies here and across the world. We must remember that the terrorists failed to take what they wanted most—our nation’s belief in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And as our country continues to face adversaries here and abroad, we must remember just how precious life and freedom truly are.
Let us never forget those we lost 15 years ago today. May God bless the United States of America.
Rep. Scott Garrett (CD5)
The House approved legislation Friday by voice vote that would allow families of 9/11 victims to sue the government of Saudi Arabia, CBS News has confirmed.
In May, the Senate passed the measure, which was sponsored by Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Chuck Schumer, D-New York.
The White House has expressed opposition to the bill. Speaking to CBS News’ Charlie Rose in April, President Obama warned that the bill could have consequences that would, for example, allow people in other countries to sue the U.S.
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date June 19, 2016
Lynch: “Partial Transcript” Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To Islamic Terrorism Removed
In an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd, Attorney General Loretta Lynch says that on Monday, the FBI will release edited transcripts of the 911 calls made by the Orlando nightclub shooter to the police during his rampage.
“What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of alleigance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda,” Lynch said. “We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the Islamic State].”
The Washington Post reported last week that the gunman made multiple phone calls while holding hostages: “The gunman who opened fire inside a nightclub here said he carried out the attack because he wanted ‘Americans to stop bombing his country,’ according to a witness who survived the rampage.”
Salon reported that: “Everybody who was in the bathroom who survived could hear him talking to 911, saying the reason why he’s doing this is because he wanted America to stop bombing his country.”
The Washington Post also noted that during his 911 call from the club, the gunman referenced the Boston Marathon bombers and claimed “that he carried out the shooting to prevent bombings, [echoing] a message the younger Boston attacker had scrawled in a note before he was taken into custody by police.”
FBI Director James Comey said at a press conference that the shooter’s past comments about Islamist groups were “inflammatory and contradictory.”
For the month of September, “Portraits” of the 12 residents Ridgewood lost in the Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001, will be displayed in the Ridgewood Library Auditorium which is open 7 days a week.
All are invited to visit this exhibit to reflect and remember –
Richard Blood; Michael Carroll; Daniel McGinley; James Munhall; Charlie Murphy; Steven Paterson; Michael San Phillip; Bruce Simmons; Steven Strobert; Gina Sztejnberg; Jon Vandevander; and Christopher Wodenshek.
Mass at 7 p.m. at Mount Carmel Church, Passaic and Prospect streets.
For the month of September, “Portraits” of the 12 residents Ridgewood lost in the Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001, will be displayed in the Ridgewood Library Auditorium which is open 7 days a week.
All are invited to visit this exhibit to reflect and remember –
Richard Blood; Michael Carroll; Daniel McGinley; James Munhall; Charlie Murphy; Steven Paterson; Michael San Phillip; Bruce Simmons; Steven Strobert; Gina Sztejnberg; Jon Vandevander; and Christopher Wodenshek.
Mt. Carmel Church will hold a Mass at 7PM on September 11th
MAY 18, 2015, 10:28 PM LAST UPDATED: MONDAY, MAY 18, 2015, 10:31 PM
Law enforcement officials, alarmed by Islamic State’s sophisticated online recruitment campaigns and by the rising number of young people they’ve caught trying to join the extremist group, are reaching out to warn community leaders and clergy across New Jersey.
“It is a threat to our young people. It is a threat to the future of all of us,” said William Gale, supervisory special agent for the FBI’s Newark Division, in a recent forum in Wayne.
Aside from delivering warnings about the Islamic State’s luring of young people, meetings between law enforcement and Muslims in metro areas around the country are intended to open lines of communication and provoke an exchange of information, federal agents say. Muslims leaders, who have hosted the talks, say the outreach is a sign of cooperation.
But for Muslims whose forebears built local businesses and institutions, emotions provoked by talk of Islamic extremism mingle with a certain wariness that their communities could be stigmatized by the actions of a few. The worry becomes palpable with fresh memories of undercover spying by NYPD on New Jersey mosques and Muslim student groups.
May 10, 2015, 03:37 pm
By Mark Hensch
An expose published on Sunday alleges that President Obama deceived Americans with his narrative of the 2011 assassination of Osama bin Laden.
Author Seymour M. Hersh accuses Obama of rushing to take credit for the al Qaeda leader’s death.
This decision, Hersh argues in the London Review of Books, forced the military and intelligence communities to scramble and then corroborate the president’s version of events.
“High-level lying nonetheless remains the modus operandi of U.S. policy, along with secret prisons, drone attacks, Special Forces night raids, bypassing the chain of command, and cutting out those who might say no,” Hersh wrote of the Obama administration’s counterterrorism policies.
Hersh based his report on a single, anonymous source. This individual, he said, is a “retired senior intelligence official who was knowledgeable about the initial intelligence about bin Laden’s presence in Abottabad.”
Hersh’s source alleged that the Pakistani government had an active role in approving and implementing the raid on bin Laden’s compound.
In addition, the source said that the Obama administration originally agreed to announce bin Laden had been killed in a drone strike rather than shot during an active Special Forces mission.
“Obama’s speech was put together in a rush,” Hersh wrote of Obama’s announcement of Operation Neptune Spear to Americans.
“This series of self-serving and inaccurate statements would create chaos in the weeks following,” he added.
“This was not the fog of war,” Hersh quoted his anonymous source as saying.
Iran Declares Pre-emptive Victory in Nuke Talks
Top Iranian Negotiator: ‘We are the winner’
BY: Adam Kredo
March 11, 2015 5:00 am
Iran’s foreign minister and chief negotiator in nuclear talks with the West declared victory for his country, stating that no matter how the negotiations end, Tehran has come out “the winner,” according to remarks made on Tuesday and presented in the country’s state-run press.
Javad Zarif, the Islamic Republic’s foreign minister, stated in remarks before the country’s powerful Assembly of Experts, which recently installed a hardline new cleric as its leader, that the nuclear negotiations have established Tehran as a global power broker.
“We are the winner whether the [nuclear] negotiations yield results or not,” Zarif was quoted as saying before the assembly by the Tasnim News Agency. “The capital we have obtained over the years is dignity and self-esteem, a capital that could not be retaken.”
Zarif’s comments were accompanied by a host of bold military displays by Tehran in recent weeks, including the announcement of one new weapon that Iranian military leaders have described as a “very special” missile.
Jindal: Obama ‘Unfit to be Commander in Chief,’ More Intent on Warning About the Crusades
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said President Obama “seems more intent on telling us warnings about the Crusades, criticizing America” than fighting terrorism.
Jindal, the 2016 hopeful playing the most hardball lately, emerged from a governors’ meeting with Obama at the White House yesterday to declare the president “unfit to be commander in chief.”
“I take no joy in saying that,” said Jindal, in town for the National Governors Association meeting, to reporters. “I don’t say so for partisan or ideological reasons.”
Jindal elaborated on Fox this morning, saying Obama “disqualified” himself from being fit to lead the country and its military as he “refuses to identify one of the main military threats we face by name: radical Islamic fundamentalism.”
“You listen to those quotes from his own administration. Eric Holder says, ‘We’re not at a state of war.’ You’ve got the State Department saying, ‘We’re not going to kill our way to victory,’ at a time when these barbarians, they’re beheading Christians, they’re torturing, prosecuting Christians, Muslims, Jews, other religious minorities, they are — they killed over 100 schoolchildren, they’re actually killing editorials, because they don’t like their cartoons,” he said.
The governor also cited two “fundamental mistakes” Obama makes in his authorization of military force request to Congress.
“One, he puts an arbitrary timeline, a three-year deadline in there. We know we’ll be done when we’ve hunted down and killed these terrorists, not some political deadline. And then secondly, he bars the use of ground troops,” Jindal said.
“We need to enlist our military commanders. We need to go to them and say, ‘Give us a plan to hunt down, to kill, to eradicate these terrorists.’ We don’t need a president who’s trying to appease (inaudible), trying to be politically correct. He won’t even name the enemy we face, and now he’s refusing to give our military the tools — all the tools they need to go and win this war.”
Barack Obama: Muslim elders too ‘boring’ to win Isil propaganda war
Islam is not to blame for rise of Islamic State says Barack Obama, arguing people not religion responsible for violence and terrorism
By Peter Foster, Washington
11:27PM GMT 18 Feb 2015
President Barack Obama has warned that Muslim community leaders are in danger of losing the propaganda war with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil) and are often too “boring” to prevent their young people from getting radicalised.
Paying Isil a back-handed compliment for the effectiveness of its gruesome social media outreach campaign, Mr Obama said it was imperative to reach young Muslims and address their social, political and economic grievances in a way that they understood.
“By the way, [to] the older people here – as wise and respected as you may be – your stuff is often boring,” he told a White House summit on combatting the rise of extremism, “compared to what they’re doing. You’re not connected. And as a consequence, you are not connecting.”
Mr Obama it was time to be “honest” that slickly-produced Isil videos of fighting scenes, beheadings other atrocities were succeeding in brainwashing young Muslims.
Where is Obama? #JeNeSuisPasObama
40 World Leaders in France Stand Up for Freedom Against the Terrorists. One Major Figure Was Missing.
Dear French Citizens,
This is a personal note from me but I suspect it represents the sentiments of many Americans.
I am sorry that our President didn’t go to France today and stand with your President and other world leaders against terrorism. It was an important statement to send to France, to the world and to terrorists and frankly he blew it. It was a big missed opportunity for my President and thus for all Americans. He should have gone. It was a mistake that he did not. Sometimes mistakes like that are made.
I stand with you and I think all Americans do stand with you. I had wanted the President to go to Paris today to represent how I feel and how most Americans feel after Paris was terrorized but that did not happen. President Obama didn’t just disappoint you — he disappointed many Americans today. Maybe there is a reason for his absence that I just don’t know but right now the White House has released no explanation.
Despite today’s absence, I know our President wants to stop world terrorism but his bad manners today – or maybe just dropping the ball – is not something we should harbor but rather drop and move on. It may be easier for you to drop than many Americans. As already noted, I am not happy with him tonight, but I will get over it. But, in the mean time, I do want the citizens of France to know we Americans stand with you and that we need each other to fight terrorism.
I also want everyone in France to know – and this is very important 0 that we have not forgotten that it was the French President who was the first national leader to show up at the White House after 9/11. You don’t forget things like that. (Nor have we forgotten LaFayette who fought for us in the Revolutionary War but that’s a bit farther back!)
I love your nation and have spent a lot of time there over the years – from college onward. Your citizens have been friendly to Americans and to me (although many have looked askance at me when I speak my very fractured French. You could be a tad bit nicer about my French.) Our nations have had their difference over the years but always I know fundamentally we are friends even when we might have some disagreements. We have the same goals and the same dreams.
So….I apologize for my President’s absence. Tonight I am mad at him but I will get over it and I hope you do, too. We have a bigger fight to fight than bad manners. We need to fight terrorism.
Greta Van Susteren
9-11 Remembrance
On Thursday, September 11th at 7PM -All are invited to attend a Remembrance Mass at Mt. Carmel at 7PM.
Fears grow that Americans fighting with extremists overseas could bring violence back home
Why I thought Bush made up the whole thing to fight wars so Haliburton could get rich ?
AUGUST 29, 2014, 11:23 PM LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 2014, 11:33 PM
WASHINGTON — The case of Mehdi Nemmouche haunts U.S. intelligence officials.
Nemmouche is a Frenchman who authorities say spent 11 months fighting with the Islamic State group in Syria before returning to Europe to act out his rage. On May 24, prosecutors say, he methodically shot four people at the Jewish Museum in central Brussels. Three died instantly, one afterward. Nemmouche was arrested later, apparently by chance.
For U.S. and European counterterrorism officials, that 90-second spasm of violence is the kind of attack they fear from thousands of Europeans and up to 100 Americans who have gone to fight for extremist armies in Syria and now Iraq.
The Obama administration has offered a wide range of assessments of the threat to U.S. national security posed by the extremists who say they’ve established a caliphate, or Islamic state, in an area straddling eastern Syrian and northern and western Iraq, and whose actions include last week’s beheading of American journalist James Foley. Some officials say the group is more dangerous than al-Qaida. Yet intelligence assessments say it currently couldn’t pull off a complex, 9/11-style attack on the U.S. or Europe.
However, there is broad agreement across intelligence and law enforcement agencies of the immediate threat from radicalized Europeans and Americans who could come home to conduct lone-wolf operations.
Such plots are difficult to detect because they don’t require large conspiracies of people whose emails or phone calls can be intercepted.
– See more at: https://www.northjersey.com/news/fears-grow-that-americans-fighting-with-extremists-overseas-could-bring-violence-back-home-1.1078326#sthash.44jaJXNL.dpuf
Senator Inhofe warns of potential terrorist attacks on U.S. soil
Posted: Aug 20, 2014 7:52 PM EDTUpdated: Aug 20, 2014 7:57 PM EDTBy: Phil Cross, Investigative Reporter
“ISIS, they are really bad terrorists, they’re so bad even Al Qaida is afraid of them,” Inhofe said reflecting on the recent beheading of American journalist James Foley. Beyond the beheading, Inhofe said the current terror organizations are not going to stay contained to the Middle East. “They’re crazy out there and they’re rapidly developing a method of blowing up a major U.S. city and people just can’t believe that’s happening.”
Inhofe blames policy decisions from the Obama administration and cuts in defense spending for putting the country in what he calls a dangerous situation.