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A House Divided: Personal accounts of family living at the Hermitage during Civil War

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Public Library in conjunction with the Hermitage present, While Civil War battlefields never reached northern New Jersey, it was a grim and turbulent time for the Rosencrantz family at the Hermitage. As Northern “peace” Democrats with a deep entanglement with slavery, the family was caught between both sides. Drawing from personal accounts of the family spread throughout Virginia, Philadelphia, and Bergen County, this presentation explores their experiences during an era that defined not only the nation, but the Hermitage as well. Guest speaker: Victoria Harty. Register here. Co-sponsored by the Hermitage.

Continue reading A House Divided: Personal accounts of family living at the Hermitage during Civil War

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Virginia Governor KKK photos Open Up Old Wounds for Democrats

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Gov. Phil Murphy and U.S. Sen. Cory Booker called for fellow Democrat Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam to step down after a 1984 medical school yearbook surfaced Friday showing him in a photo in which one person is dressed in blackface and another is wearing a Ku Klux Klan uniform.

The yearbook image opened old wounds in the Democratic party and was first published Friday afternoon by the conservative news site Big League Politics. The Virginian-Pilot later obtained a copy from Eastern Virginia Medical School, which Northam attended. The photo, one of several on a page dedicated to Northam, shows two people posing — one in blackface wearing a hat, bow tie and plaid pants; the other in a Ku Klux Klan robe.

One of the inconvient truths about the Democratic Party is that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history.

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Charlottesville: Reporters should leave the opinion writing to us pundits


Editors note this is a shockingly well written editorial by Paul Mulshine 

By Paul Mulshine

Columnist, The Star-Ledger

After a couple of years during which Donald Trump has done so much to make the jobs of those of us in the media easier and more entertaining, I am starting to see a pattern.

First the Donald says something of which my fellow members of the media strongly disapprove.

Then they take to their computers and TV screens to declare that “This time he’s really gone too far.”

Much speculation about his replacement by someone less interesting ensues.

And then the Donald mounts a counterattack that deflates the media narrative – until next time, when he will once again go too far and start the cycle over again.

The coverage of this Charlottesville incident offered a classic example.

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Kathy Griffin Channels ISIS and New Jersey Still Votes for McClellan

Kathy Griffin Channels ISIS

June 1,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, so far left “comedian”  Kathy Griffin Channels ISIS, and the Democrat Mayor of New York City sponsors a convicted terrorist as grand marshal of the Puerto Rican day parade .

In July of 2016 Democrat critic and Center for Security Policy founder Frank Gaffney said on SiriusXM radio , “I’m sorry for Democrats – I used to be one myself – who are now being completely disenfranchised by a party that is aligned with our enemies, and not with America,” Gaffney declared. “They will doom all of us, if they had their way.”

In Dinesh D’Souza: The secret history of the Democratic Party , D’Souza says Andrew Jackson established the Democratic Party as the party of theft.  He mastered the art of stealing land from the Indians and then selling it at giveaway prices to white settlers.

D’Souza goes on Democrats like Senator John C. Calhoun invented a new justification for slavery, slavery as a “positive good.”  For the first time in history, Democrats insisted that slavery wasn’t just beneficial for masters; they said it was also good for the slaves.

Later the Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 in Pulaski, Tennessee by a group of former confederate soldiers; its first grand wizard was a confederate general who was also a delegate to the Democratic National Convention.  The Klan soon spread beyond the South to the Midwest and the West and became, in the words of historian Eric Foner, “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.”

So I guess it is no surprise that the Democrat party of today represents anti American sentiments of ISIS , supports terrorism, pro illegal immigrant, is anti free speech, pro state-ism, and anti freedom .  While the Democrats along with their union allies are deeply entrenched in New Jersey  it may behoove many readers to remember that New Jersey voted for George B. McClellan for  president and not Abraham Lincoln . Yes in the election of 1864 McClellan won only 3 states , and yes one state was New Jersey.

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Reader Points Out Rainbow Flag Opens a Can of Worms


If the Ridgewood chapter of the Confederate States of America Historical Society were to have their petition to fly their organization’s flag (the Stars and Bars battle flag) turned down, they would sue, successfully, and for plenty of money. If they received approval and their flag were raised over Van Neste Square, George Soros and his highly paid ninja-clad Antifa rioters would reduce Ridgewood to rubble in the space of three days. Village Council, you have brought this circumstance about by your foolishness and incapacity to ask your hired legal gun the right combination of questions. What are we to do with you? Send all five of you to a remedial Muni Law workshop in Atlantic City for the weekend? The Mayor and Deputy Mayor, up for re-election next year, need to get religion (small “r”) pronto.