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NJDEP: New Jersey’s Shore and lake Communities are Summer-season Ready

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Cape May NJ, New Jersey’s shore and lake communities are summer-season ready for visitors, Commissioner of Environmental Protection Shawn M. LaTourette said today during the State of the Shore event in Asbury Park that followed his annual observation flight ahead of Memorial Day weekend. The Commissioner also encouraged visitors and residents to be mindful of the health effects of extreme heat this summer, a growing concern as climate change impacts worsen.

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How To Enjoy A Summer Vacation In New Jersey

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Summer’s approaching and it’s time to pack up your things and get ready for an amazing holiday. As far as summer destinations go, New Jersey is well up there. With an immense Atlantic coastline stretching for 130 miles, there is plenty of sand and sea for you and everybody else. New Jersey embraces a curious mixture of urban and rural landscapes. It has beaches, forests, lakes, mountains, falls, hills, and an infamous water gap. It is one of the most diverse American states and has something to offer for just about everyone. If New Jersey is your pick for this year’s summer, discover the many ways in which you can enjoy an amazing vacation.

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Fall Trout Stocking Begins Next Week October 12th

brown trout fish

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, beginning October 12, two-year old trout averaging about 14″-16″ in length along with some three-year old broodstock , will be stocked in 36 streams, lakes and ponds throughout New Jersey.

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