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High Performing Charter Schools in Trenton and Jersey City to Receive $4.25M in Funding to Serve More Public School Students

School Choice by ArtChick

  photo by ArtChick Photography

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hamilton NJ , the New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association (NJPCSA) announced plans to provide $4.25 million to three public charter schools from the Association’s Charter School Program (CSP) grant from the US Department of Education. After a rigorous review process that included charter school experts from across the country, Achievers Early College Prep Charter School and Paul Robeson Charter School in Trenton will each receive $1.5 million and Kindle Education, a new public charter school set to open in 2023 in Jersey City, will receive $1.25 million.

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#LetMyChildLearn Campaign Calls on Governor Murphy to Reverse NJDOE’s Charter School Expansion Denials

IMG 2014 2

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hamilton NJ,  over the last month, the New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association (NJPCSA) launched the most extensive paid and earned media campaign in its history to call upon the Governor to reverse his Department of Education’s charter school expansion denials. Parents, lawmakers, leaders and community members responded in unprecedented numbers.

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Charter School Parents Take On Trenton!

IMG 2014 2

Call on Governor Murphy to Reverse Department of Education’s Charter School Denials and #LetMyChildLearn

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

TRENTON NJ,  Following February’s denials of high-performing public charter schools, hundreds of parents and students, primarily families of color, from New Jersey’s public charter schools took to the state’s capitol, urging Governor Phil Murphy to direct Acting Department of Education Commissioner Angelica Allen-McMillan to reverse these harmful decisions and support the growth of high-quality charter schools in New Jersey. Hundreds of parents and students took to the Statehouse Annex, traveling from all across the state, to express their concerns of being uprooted from the schools that best fit their educational needs.

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