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Progressive Group Based in New Jersey’s 5th Congressional District Endorses Challenger Dr. Arati Kreibich for Congress

NJ Endorses Dr Arati

the staff of the Ridgewod blog


FAIR LAWN NJ,  Indivisible NJ 5th District, the progressive grassroots group based in New Jersey’s 5th Congressional District, is endorsing challenger Dr. Arati Kreibich for Congress. The group’s mission is to hold elected officials accountable for their votes and actions. They have been closely following the NJ5 Representative, Josh Gottheimer, and believe that Dr. Kreibich would better represent the residents of the District. According to Jeanne Stella, “Arati running is the best thing to happen to the 5th District since we got rid of Garrett.”

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Doctor Found Guilty of Having Bomb-Making Materials in Ridgewood Apartment


the staff of the Ridgew0od blog

Ridgewood NJ, a jury found a physician guilty of stockpiling bomb-making materials in his Ridgewood (Bergen County) apartment. Dr. Roberto Rivera was also acquitted of a charge of creating a risk of widespread harm, while the jury was hung on two weapons charges. Authorities arrested Rivera in November 2012 after a raid of his home uncovered large amounts of materials that can be used to make bombs and instructions on how to construct homemade explosives. Two assault rifles and ammunition had also been seized. During the two-week trial, prosecutors said Rivera started researching chemicals and homemade explosives after being radicalized by the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011. Neighbors started to see an influx of packages being delivered to his door.

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Do You Suffer from “Trump Anxiety Disorder” ?

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July 31,2018
by Rich Pezzullo and the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Since President Trump was elected, mental health professionals in the United States have seen an increase in patients whose stress has come from politics.

A prevalent “symptom” of the “disorder” is feeling as though the world is going to end.

Before you start saying that this is the result of President Trump’s current behaviors, consider the fact that the American Psychological Association has recorded a rise in anxiety in the Trump era, with a five per cent increase (52 to 57 per cent) in politically induced stress levels over a six-month period before, during and after the 2016 election .

As previously reported on this blog Ridgewood has become a breeding ground for what is now called ,“Trump Anxiety Disorder.”

The American Psychological Association (APA) found in a recent online survey that stress levels following the election are the highest they’ve been in a decade. And the majority of respondents reported stress over the 2016 election and the future of the nation as factors.

The APA also found a correlation between stress levels and electronic news consumption.

Therapists told CBC that in recent months, patients have indicated that separation of migrant families at the border, the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy and Trump’s various feuds with other world leaders have all been triggers for “Trump Anxiety Disorder.”