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Media Pile-On Tries to Discredit, Unseat NJ Republican by Smearing Oath Keepers as Terrorists

Oath Keepers

Media Pile-On Tries to Discredit, Unseat NJ Republican by Smearing Oath Keepers as The Democrats and their media amplifiers get their cover from a New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness “analysis,” claiming: The militia movement is decentralized, but it has two large followings—the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters. Both have members who justify the use of violence to counter perceived threats or violations to the US Constitution.

Media Pile-On Tries to Discredit, Unseat NJ Republican by Smearing Oath Keepers as Terrorists

“The truth?” a political attack ad for Democrat New Jersey Congressional challenger  and former Bill Clinton speechwriter Josh Gottheimer against incumbent Republican Scott Garrett asks. “Newspapers just caught Garrett at a fund-raiser with the leader of a home-grown terrorist militia group.”

A Clinton-backer promising truth should be all the red flags we need.

The “terrorist militia group”?  That would be Oath Keepers, assuming you can believe those newspapers, which appear to be doing everything they can to sway the electorate into accepting a political narrative that folds under minimal scrutiny. Witness recent headlines:

“Republican Chairman of Wall Street Committee Held Fundraiser with Official from ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Group,” Joshua Green of Bloomberg Business Week “reports.” (Yes, that Bloomberg.)

“Garrett event promoter tied to extremists,” weighs in. “Forget Wall Street banksters. Scott Garrett has new friends, on a terror list,” echoes and embellishes.

Sensing political opportunity and more headlines, Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg has called on Gov. Chris Christie to “denounce Garrett for his ties to the domestic terror organization” and on New Jersey’s attorney general to investigate if “Garrett violated New Jersey law, adding “In the wake of homegrown terror attacks – like the ones in Elizabeth, New York, and Seaside Park – the citizens of New Jersey deserve to know the full extent of Congressman Garrett’s connections to this terrorist organization.”

Yes, that’s Loretta Weinberg of “Confiscate, confiscate, confiscate” notoriety.

As an aside, it’s curious that Weinberg was referring to Islamist “domestic terror” acts with the principle suspect being one of those “refugees” Democrats are bound and determined to seed and embed throughout the Republic. Any connection to Oath Keepers was left (purposely) unstated, because there is none, and because the agenda here is to destroy them.

Which makes it fair to ask what the Democrat politicians and their “news media” publicists are talking about, and what else they’ve gotten wrong in their ceaseless, agenda-driven mission to conflate, smear, misinform and confuse. The answer is pretty much everything.

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In a Media Coordinated Push Bergen Democrats Attack Garret over Oath Keepers, but Fail to Distance themselves from Financial ties to Middle East Terror Supporting Nations


“This article is desperate and ridiculous at best. Rather than attack Scott Garrett for attending a meet and great with constituents at a diner in River Edge why won’t my democratic colleagues condemn and demand the return of tens of millions of dollars received by the Clinton Foundation from countries which promote awful human rights violations against women and gay people such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates.”
Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi 39th District

Weinberg Calls on AG to Investigate Garrett’s Ties to Domestic Terror Organization

By Max Pizarro • 10/11/16 1:36pm

Democrats smell blood in the 5th Congressional district, where GOP discombobulation has incumbent U.S. Rep. Scott Garrett (R-Wantage) blowing the whistle on Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and seeking to harden his own brand.

That’s a troublesome brand in its own right, according to Senate Majority leader Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen), who today demanded that Governor Chris Christie denounce Garrett for his ties to the domestic terror organization, the Oath Keepers.

Weinberg, moreover, also called on New Jersey Attorney General Christopher Porrino to conduct an investigation into whether Garrett violated New Jersey law.

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Wikileaks Reveals DNC Plotting to Smack Christie via Loretta Weinberg



When the transparency fetishist site Wikileaks released some 20,000 emails that were either hacked or leaked from the DNC on Friday July 22, most focused on identifying the source and punishing Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz for blatant favoritism of Hillary Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders. Ken Kurson, PolitickerNJ Read more

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Double Dipping Starts at the Top with Loretta Weinberg, D-Teaneck and 17 other assembly and senate incumbents



Double Dipping Starts at the Top with Loretta Weinberg, D-Teaneck and 17 other assembly and senate incumbents
March 1,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, In New Jersey, elected officials can start collecting their lawmakers’ pension once they qualify for it (based on a complex system of accumulating so-called retirement credits), yet stay in office and also garner a salary.

New Jersey state senator, Loretta Weinberg, and mentor to our mayor justified taking nearly a $41,000 pension while still collecting a $49,000 salary on grounds that she had lost money in the Bernie Madoff scandal. Despite taxpayer anger after press reports of her dual incomes, Ms. Weinberg’s colleagues elected her majority leader in November 2011.

This continues a disturbing pattern in the Garden State. Last year, during Jersey’s state legislative elections, 18 assembly and senate incumbents from both parties who double-dip were up for reelection, including Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, who in addition to her $49,000 a year legislative salary receives a pension of nearly $41,000 annually. In her case, both incomes are for the same job because Jersey allows legislators to retire while still in office and get both a pension and salary. All 18 legislators won reelection. Their retirement checks annually cost the overburdened pension system nearly three-quarters of a million dollars.

Elected officials also continue to employ a host of staffers who double-dip, including those working for the governor, the state’s comptroller and the attorney general. Rather than simply resign their state jobs when appointed to the staff of an official, these employees retire, grab their pension and take home a salary, too.

Double-dipping by New Jersey public officials continues to thrive for one big reason: Too many legislators either directly profit or quietly condone a costly practice that drains untold millions from state pension funds.

New Jersey Watchdog found 18 state lawmakers who receive retirement checks totaling $782,000 a year in addition to their legislative salaries. The roster includes leaders of each party in both the Senate and Assembly. (See full list below)

The Assembly’s roll of double-dippers features Deputy Speaker Connie Wagner, D-Paramus; Deputy Majority Leader Joseph Egan, D-New Brunswick; Majority Conference Leader Gordon Johnson, Teaneck; Minority Conference Leader David Rible, R-Wall Township; and Appropriations Officer John DiMaio, R-Bridgewater.

Ranking twin-scoopers in the Senate include Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, D-Teaneck and Minority Conference Leader Robert Singer R-Lakewood.(

The biggest dipper in the Legislature is Sen. Fred Madden, D-Turnersville, who collects nearly a quarter-million dollars a year from two public jobs and a state pension. In addition to $49,000 in legislative pay, theSenate Labor Committee chairman receives $85,272 from a State Police pension and $111,578 as dean ofLaw & Justice at Gloucester County College.

“Obviously, I don’t have a problem with people doing it,” Madden told New Jersey Watchdog last year.
“It’s not appropriate,” countered Sen. Jennifer Beck, R-Red Bank, one of the few legislators to openly oppose double-dipping. “The pension system is intended to support you at a time you are no longer working. So when you are an active employee, you should not be able to tap into both.”

Gov. Chris Christie has welcomed double-dippers into the ranks of his administration. A New Jersey Watchdog investigation last year found 19 state retirees were rehired under Christie.

Christie’s deputy chief of staff, Louis Goetting, gets $228,860 a year — $140,000 in salary plus an $88,860 pension as a state retiree.
“The governor called him out of retirement,” said spokesman Michael Drewniak. “And we are grateful to have him,”
Also in Christie’s corner are two prominent double-dipping Essex County Democrats who crossed party lines last month to publicly endorse the GOP governor’s re-election bid. (

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