Bus, Light Rail, Access Link and Atlantic City Rail Line Resume Regular Service; Northeast Corridor to Resume with Weekend Service Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.; Other Lines Remain Suspended while Repairs Continue
Main/Bergen County to resume on weekend schedule at 10:00 a.m.
August 4, 2020
Ridgewood NJ, in the aftermath of today’s intense and damaging storm, NJ TRANSIT anticipates service on the Northeast Corridor will resume with weekend service at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, Wednesday August 5, and Atlantic City Rail Line service will resume with regular weekday service. Morris & Essex, Montclair-Boonton, Main, Bergen, Pascack Valley, North Jersey Coast Line, Raritan Valley and Port Jervis rail lines will remain temporarily suspended for tomorrow morning’s commute as crews continue to work around the clock to clear approximately 150 trees, repair signal systems and repair overhead wires which power trains. These lines will resume service on a weekend schedule once these repairs are complete and tracks are inspected.