Ridgewood NJ, it’s Micale and Dani for Ridgewood Board of Education . The teachers union push clearly made an impact , taking out current Board of Education President Mike Lembo , but Trustee Saurabh Dani held on to retain his seat.
Ridgewood NJ, the League of Women Voters of Ridgewood will host a candidates forum for the Ridgewood Board of Education on October 18th. Questions from the audience can be accepted at the Forum that evening, or sent to ridgewoodlwv@gmail.com. up to 48 hours prior (7:00 p.m. 10/16/23). There are seven candidates running . Questions are important , the Village seems to always get bit by the questions no one asks . The other issue for many Ridgewood residents was the Leagues efforts to help eliminate the “School Budget Vote ” ,taking away one of the key corner stones of community involvement in the Ridgewood School System . This effort would seem to have invalidated the purported purpose the League of Women Voters of Ridgewood’s existence.