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Brother-and-Sister Duo Bring Brooklyn Robot Foundry to New Jersey

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The Brand Igniting Youth Inspiration Through Creativity and Technology Enters the Garden State

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ,  Brooklyn Robot Foundry – the vibrant and inclusive brand dedicated to prioritizing diversity and empowerment for children of all backgrounds and communities through STEAM Education, has announced its newest franchise partners, bringing the brand to New Jersey for the first time.

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Unlocking the Mystery of Leap Year: A Journey Through Time

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, every four years, we encounter an anomaly in our calendar: the phenomenon known as leap year. But what exactly is leap year, and why does it exist? To unravel this mystery, let’s embark on a journey through history to discover the origins and significance of leap year.

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42% of 2022 High School Seniors Who Took the ACT Test Flunked

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, 42% of 2022 graduating seniors nationally who took the ACT met ZERO of the four college readiness benchmarks ( English, reading, science and math). Scores on the ACT college admissions test by this year’s high school graduates hit their lowest point in more than 30 years — the latest evidence of the enormity of learning disruption during the pandemic.

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Seven Ridgewood High School Teams Enter 2022 NJ STEAM Tank Competition

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Applied Engineering Club continues to grow in popularity at Ridgewood High School with membership climbing to 111 students in the club’s third year. Seven RHS teams have submitted video entries to the 2022 New Jersey STEAM Tank Challenge. Created and sponsored by the New Jersey School Boards Association, this competition gives students the opportunity to apply STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) to real-world problems and offer innovative, equitable, and sustainable solutions. Club advisors Dr. Labowsky and Mr. Wohner are extremely proud of the creativity and commitment of the teams and look forward to the next rounds of the competition.

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Useful Tip For Choosing The Right Degree For You


Moving on to higher education is a big step into adult life. Choosing a degree often feels like making a decision that will determine what you end up doing for the rest of your life. Although this is not always the case it is important to pick a degree that you will enjoy. This article will give you some useful tips for choosing the right degree.

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Americans Overwhelmingly Reject Oregon’s New Education Law Letting Illiterates Graduate

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The state of Oregon has eliminated requirements that students demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing and math before graduating high school, and an overwhelming majority of Americans don’t want such a policy in their schools.

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Applications of Prime Numbers and Ordinal Numbers

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Prime numbers can be defined as numbers that can only be divided by one and the number itself. A prime number will always have only two factors, that is, the number itself and one. 2, 3, 19 are examples of a prime number. Suppose we take the number 10. The factors of 10 are 1, 2, 5, and 10. As it has more than two factors (apart from 1 and 10), it is known as a composite number. Prime numbers are an arithmetic mystery that is not just limited to having only two factors. Once Euclid proved that the list of primes is endless, there has been constant research going on about primes that continue even to date. One ongoing project called the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search aims to find prime numbers. It has yielded the largest prime number that has 23,249,425 digits and can fill 9000 pages of a book taking 14 years to compute this value. Prime numbers see great use in cybersecurity and cryptography.

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How to earn money from sports betting?

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Most people want to place the bats or begin the fun. Have you ever heard that a gambler place bets online? Nowadays, it’s very common to make batting online on the favorite sports game try cricket bets. You all can use the knowledge about the game to place the bats to make predictions that will help to win more money. Sports betting can be part-time or full-time business for several people, or they also enjoy the action of the game. It is something that provides a huge loss of earning money in a very short time.

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BFMS Math Team for Takes First Place in the MATHCOUNTS 2020 Bergen/Hudson Chapter Competition!

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,the BFMS math team for taking first place in the MATHCOUNTS 2020 Bergen/Hudson Chapter Competition! In March, these students will be showcasing their problem-solving skills in the state competition at Rutgers University.

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The Public Education System is Failing Our Kids


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress, aka the nation’s “report card,”  was released last April and its was filled with some very sobering facts on public education. As we head into 2019 the Ridgewood thought it was time to restate some of the findings.

According to the report only 37 percent of 12th-graders tested proficient or better in reading, and only 25 percent did so in math. Among black students, only 17 percent tested proficient or better in reading, and just 7 percent reached at least a proficient level in math.

The atrocious National Assessment of Educational Progress performance is only a fraction of the bad news. Nationally, our high school graduation rate is over 80 percent. That means high school diplomas, which attest that these students can read and compute at a 12th-grade level, are conferred when 63 percent are not proficient in reading and 75 percent are not proficient in math.

For black students, the news is even worse. Roughly 75 percent of black students received high school diplomas attesting that they could read and compute at the 12th-grade level. However, 83 percent could not read at that level, and 93 percent could not do math at that level.

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Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Can’t Pass a Basic Test of Financial Literacy


Madeline Farber / Fortune
5:12 PM ET

Apparently the message of the financial crisis didn’t get across

Quick: If you take out a $1000 loan that has a 20% rate, how much will you owe a year in interest?

Answer: $200. But if you got that wrong, you’re not alone. Nearly two thirds of Americans can’t calculate interest payments correctly, according to a new study. About a third said they didn’t even know how.

One of the silver linings of the financial crisis was that it was supposed to have taught many Americans a lesson, albeit painful, about the dangers of debt, and financial issues in general. Apparently, the message, though, didn’t get across.

All told, a new study, which was released today, estimated that nearly two-thirds of Americans couldn’t pass a basic financial literacy test, meaning they got fewer than four answers correct on a five-question quiz. Worse, the percentage of those who can pass the test has fallen consistently since the financial crisis to 37% last year, from 42% in 2009.

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Ridgewood’s Super Science Saturday : Be Part of Super Science Saturday’s Award-Winning Day

December 14,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Find out first-hand why Super Science Saturday, the biggest science and technology exhibition in Northern New Jersey, has won a prestigious award from the New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame.

Science professionals, parents, teachers and students are all welcome to play a role in making this award-winning event an even bigger success in 2016. Super Science Saturday welcomes new members for the all-volunteer Executive Committee that is planning the next exhibition, scheduled for February 27 at Ridgewood High School.

There also are a variety of other volunteer opportunities for those who are passionate about science and technology and want to be involved in a high-impact program like Super Science Saturday– from helping spread the word about this award-winning exhibition, coordinating with new adult and student presenters or just assisting on the day

The 28th annual Super Science Saturday is a particularly special event, as the New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame (NJIOF) recently recognized Super Science Saturday for its

“Advancement of Invention & Process.” This award recognized Super Science Saturday for creating and sustaining this annual half-day exhibition, which showcases the marvels of science and technology for attendees of all ages.

NJIHOF honors inventors whose lifetime work has contributed significantly to the prosperity of New Jersey. Inaugural award winners include Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison. Over the years, NJIOF has recognized Nobel Laureates and prominent researchers in many fields, including those who have pioneered life-saving drugs, and contributed to advanced communications technology, astrophysics and NASA missions.

Super Science Saturday’s Executive Committee is proud to be recognized along with such distinguished award-winners.

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Ridgewood Schools Still Shine but Nationally Math, Reading Scores Slip for Nations’s School Kids


2015 Ridgewood District-wide Science Testing Report
Click here to read the District-wide State Testing Report for Science 2014-2015, presented to the Board of Education on October 19, 2015 by the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Cheryl Best.


WASHINGTON (AP) — Results from national math and reading tests show slipping or stagnant scores for the nation’s schoolkids.

Math scores were down for fourth and eighth graders over the last two years. And reading grades were not much better: flat for fourth graders and lower for eighth graders, according to 2015 results released Wednesday for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) exam.

The falling mathematics scores for fourth and eighth graders mark the first declines in math since 1990.

The results suggest students have a ways to go to demonstrate a solid grasp or mastery in reading and math.

Only about a third of the nation’s eighth-graders were at proficient or above in math and reading. Among fourth graders, the results were slightly better in reading and in math, about two in five scored proficient or above.

The report also found a continuing achievement gap between white and black students.

There were a few bright spots: the District of Columbia and Mississippi both saw substantial reading and math gains.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan urged parents, teachers, and others not to panic about the scores as states embrace higher academic standards, such as Common Core.

“We should expect scores in this period to bounce around some, and I think that ‘implementation dip’ is part of what we’re seeing here,” Duncan said in a phone call with reporters. “I would caution everyone to be careful about drawing conclusions.”

Chris Minnich, executive director of the Council of Chief State School Officers, echoed Duncan.

“One year does not make a trend,” Minnich said at a panel discussion Wednesday. “We set this new goal for the country of college and career readiness for all kids. Clearly, these results today show we’re not quite there yet and we have some work to do.”

The Common Core standards were developed by the states with the support of the administration. They spell out what students should know in English and math at each grade level, with a focus on critical thinking and less of an emphasis on memorization. But they have become a rallying point for critics who want a smaller federal role in education and some parents confounded by some of the new concepts being taught.

The NAEP tests, also known as the “nation’s report card,” don’t align completely with Common Core, but NAEP officials said there was “quite a bit” of overlap between the tests and the college-ready standards.

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Why Math geeks are so excited about March 14, 2015, at 9:26:53



Why Math geeks are so excited about March 14, 2015, at 9:26:53
BY Rebecca Jacobson  March 13, 2015 at 5:26 PM EDT

It’s a most auspicious holiday for math lovers. Saturday, March 14, 2015 is Pi Day, a celebration of the irrational number that describes the ratio of a circle’s diameter to its circumference. Pi is approximately 3.141592653, but it continues at random to infinity. No matter how many numbers after the decimal place you use, the only way to get it exactly is to use the symbol pi.

Pi Day is a holiday for math (and pie) enthusiasts to celebrate their love of numbers. And this year marks a once-in-a-century occurrence. At 9:26:53 a.m. the date and time will read 3.14.15 9:26:53. That’s 10 digits of pi.

It’s odd for something out of math to become so popular, David Blatner, author of “The Joy of Pi” told the NewsHour in 2013. But there’s something special about pi that people connect with, he said.

Why Pi Matters

By Steven Strogatz

Every March 14th, mathematicians like me are prodded out of our burrows like Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhog Day, blinking and bewildered by all the fuss. Yes, it’s Pi Day again. And not just any Pi Day. They’re calling this the Pi Day of the century: 3.14.15. Pi to five digits. A once-in-a-lifetime thing.

I’m dreading it. No hope of solving any equations that day, what with the pie-eating contests, the bickering over the merits of pi versus tau (pi times two), and the throwdowns over who can recite more digits of pi. Just stay off the streets at 9:26:53, when the time will approximate pi to ten places: 3.141592653.

new kind of science

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The largest science extravaganza in northern New Jersey, this year’s Super Science Saturday will feature the incredible 25-foot egg drop challenge; the traditional great paper airplance contest and the live rocket launch, in addition to project presentations by students.

Admission is Free
Location: RHS
9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.


1.12.15: Workshop Dates are Announced
A three-session workshop will be held on February 13, 20 and 26 from 4:15-6 p.m. at Benjamin Franklin Middle School. This workshop will provide an opportunity for students to choose a project, set it up and lay it out. Click here for more information.

Full details of the day, including registration forms, can be found on the Super Science Saturday website

Super Science Saturday is proudly presented by The Ridgewood Education Foundation  ( and  Valley Hospital (

Click here for the latest Super Science Saturday flyer.

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