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Bump Outs at the Intersection of W. Glen Avenue and Heights Road are Nearly Complete

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photos courtesy of Village Manager Keith Kazmark

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the current council initially opposed the public safety work on West Glen, opting to focus on turfing over Route 17 ,but  according to the Village Manager Keith Kazmark  the bump outs at the intersection of W. Glen Avenue and Heights Road are nearly complete. This work effort was designed to better control a difficult intersection, shortened pedestrian cross walks and slow vehicle speeds.

Continue reading Bump Outs at the Intersection of W. Glen Avenue and Heights Road are Nearly Complete

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Road Work Begins on Ridgewood’s Franklin Avenue Corridor

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photo courtesy of the Ridgewood Police Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Franklin Avenue  will be closed between N.Maple Avenue and N.Broad Street on Friday 11/18/22 for Milling and Monday 11/21/22 for paving beginning at 7AM. During that time traffic under the railroad underpass will be detoured to Ackerman Ave and E.Glen Avenue . Expect delays in the area and plan an alternate route.

I love Wing Bikes. Use my referral link to get a discount now!


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Reader Comment’s of Mayors Debate Win , Blatant Lies and False Claims by Opponents and Inept LWV Moderators

Ridgewood Village Hall 17

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ after a log commenter called the Mayors performance at the candidates Night Debate  , “horrible, shrieking mess. I will never vote for Knudsen. I did, twice, but never again. She has disintegrated in the last year.” Another reader defended the Mayor:

“It would have been hard not to feel combative when your work of nearly a decade was being attacked with blatant lies and false claims while a sea of planted supporters of your opponents glared at you, laughed at you, and yes, openly booed. Horrible.”

Continue reading Reader Comment’s of Mayors Debate Win , Blatant Lies and False Claims by Opponents and Inept LWV Moderators

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Village of Ridgewood Master Plan Update from Mayor Knudsen

cbd 53

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Planning Board and Master Plan Committee are pleased to present the Village of Ridgewood Master Plan draft for preliminary public review and feedback. A public hearing for adoption by the Planning Board is scheduled for Tuesday, September 20th, 2022, 7:30pm at Village Hall.

Continue reading Village of Ridgewood Master Plan Update from Mayor Knudsen

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Saddle River Footbridge in Ridgewood In Need of A Major Overhaul


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on Tuesday, the East Saddle River footbridge at the bottom Kingsbridge Lane was closed with caution tape and horses. One Wednesday , additional plywood blockades were installed by the Ridgewood maintenance crew, as they unsecured a portion of broken fencing. A Village source told the Ridgewood blog ,”the bridge is shot” .

Continue reading Saddle River Footbridge in Ridgewood In Need of A Major Overhaul

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Mayor Knudsen Asks “does a business belong in the middle of a park” ?

Habernickel Family Park 2

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, In the article on the front page of The Ridgewood News in quotes it states “this partnership has exceeded all expectations & proven to be a mutually beneficial to all”.   How?  It has always been called a partnership but the first few years NO profits from Healthbarn went to the village.   Healthbarn kept 100% all while the village advertises it on its parks & rec website.  The only classes today that are partnership are the few offered on one day off school holidays.

Continue reading Mayor Knudsen Asks “does a business belong in the middle of a park” ?

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Reader points out, ” that the placement of the pickleball courts here was done in the same way… arbitrary, capricious, with no prior notice to the neighbors or neighborhood”

Pickleball Court Dimensions 1024x576 1

“Our heartfelt thanks to Mayor Knudsen. The neighbors of the Glen School playing area are grateful. We hope the pickleball players will find another form of exercise in which to participate in order to maintain their health during this difficult Covid-19 time. However, there are both public (free) and private pickleball courts in Bergen County which are located in non- residential areas, and which are available to Ridgewood residents. (Google it.) To answer some comments, I would say that the revenue brought in by pickleball each year is considerably less then the taxes paid by the Glen School neighbors each year. Perhaps you might agree that the taxpayers that live here deserve consideration. To the person who complained about the court closing being arbitrary and capricious, I would point out that the placement of the pickleball courts here was done in the same way… arbitrary, capricious, with no prior notice to the neighbors or neighborhood, during the prior administration. So, again, thank you Mayor Knudsen. I hope that by March 22, a way can be found to resolve this situation equitably for all concerned. And Happy New Year.”

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Mayor Knudsen with Jessica Formoso FOX 5 News

28660860_820222434840922_6Mayor Knudsen ,  Jessica Formoso FOX 5 News, Ridgewood NJ, snow storm

March 7,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Mayor Knudsen with Jessica Formoso FOX 5 News. OEM expecting 15″ – Mayor Knudsen says , “be safe Ridgewood & check in on elderly neighbors “.

March 9, 2018 – 5:30pm to 10:00pm
March 16, 2018 – 5:30PM to 10:00pm
March 21st at 5:30pm – final budget overview & setting the tax rate
March 28, 2018 Budget Introduction
April 25, 2018 Budget Adoption

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Mayor Knudsen is doing her best. She is one person with a whole crew fighting against her

New Ridgewood Village Council

The attached article makes me sad. People attacking the Mayor and people (council folk included ) posting articles in favor of a business is just hurting other people. Why bring the mayors kids into it, why bring a kid into that has nothing to do with it ( ward’s son). Mayor Knudsen is doing her best. She is one person with a whole crew fighting against her. Why? Healthbarn is a business owned by a New Yorker that was placed in a quiet neighborhood. If you support it and want to use it no one is saying you can’t. Just also be respectful of where it is NOW and why people are upset. Take a step back from your selfish behavior and come up with a solution. Help not hinder because all the postings in support of healthbarn are embarrassing the business ( I feel ) because NOT one person has said WHY it is good for Ridgewood. The business can still function and charge Ridgewood for the activities it sponsors if it were somewhere else and not changing the quality of life for a neighborhood. Maybe put it back at the Stable. There is a park, a playground and so forth that still can be used by her paying clients. If it is so loved by some think of a plan BUT do not dis respect tax payers who have had their quality of life changed and are seeking support from their council.

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Mayor Knudsen , “The first meeting of the Planning Board Master Plan subcommittee was Tuesday Aug 2. The meeting was very efficient and productive

Mayor Susan Knudsen

photo courtesy of Melanie Whobin

August 4,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, According to Mayor Knudsen , “The first meeting of the Planning Board Master Plan subcommittee was Tuesday Aug 2. The meeting was very efficient and productive. We are looking forward to continuing on such a positive path. Our mission statement is as follows:

“The goal of the Master Plan Subcommittee is to assist the Planning Board, the Ridgewood Village Council and the public with the Master Plan process including, but not limited to: project education, scheduling, milestones, budgeting, public engagement and participation, and to ensure an open and transparent process.”

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Reader says Jeff Voigt and Evan Weitz have made repeated attempts to assassinate the character of Mayor Knudsen

Village Council

Jeff Voigt and Evan Weitz have made repeated attempts to assassinate the character of Mayor Knudsen. Along with the help of Paul Aronsohn, Roberta Sonenfeld, and Jan Civility Phillips. Fortunately, the Mayor is above board and beyond reproach, so their repeated volleys of verbal munitions have simply bounced off the mayor. And they have bounced right back to the low life small minded Voigt crew and they are starting to be seen for their true tainted colors.

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Councilman Voigt’s announcement last week about the library turns out to have been premature

village Council

December 15,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Jeff Voigt’s announcement last week about the library turns out to have been premature.  Mayor Knudsen had to announce that the library is only in very preliminary discussion and was in no way prepared to publicly announce a 5 million dollar renovation that would involve the library being closed for a year.  Good job Councilman Voigt, jumping the gun unprofessionally and getting everyone riled up for no reason.   Boyd Loving later suggested that the library should include the Village Council in the process of their plans and pipe dreams, rather than presenting The Nancy Green Palace as a fait accompli.

Mayor Knudsen also announced that subsequent to last week’s meeting, at which Councilman Voigt verbally accosted Mayor Knudsen, she and her council colleagues received numerous emails from residents complaining about the behavior of Mr. Voigt.  As she began to explain that the council will aspire toward civility moving forward, Mr. Voigt unbelievably attempted to rudely interrupt her as she spoke.  When she politely asked him to wait, he did so.   Upon completing her report, she ceded the floor to Councilman Voigt.  He then lit into her, referred to her only as Susan, not as the Mayor, and called her comments and actions deceitful, disrespectful, and stated that she disregarded other people who actually care about this town (meaning that Mayor Knudsen does not actually care about this town).  Yes, he said those and things, and he went on to say that he cannot and will not and does not intend to apologize for anything he said.  This guy is Albert Pucciarelli without the toupee.

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Mayor Knudsen defending Historical Preservation and honoring Open Space/Green Acres is not a conflict of interest, it is her fiduciary and ethical obligation

Save Our Schedler Members & Friends at the Schedler House3

file photo by Boyd Loving

September 30,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog and posters

Ridgewood NJ, no surprise that some people in town are not concerned that possible fraud would seem to merit some investigation as well as possible violations of fiduciary responsibility and pay for play violations .Some people have even gone to jail for these things , some people …

“Should this even be newsworthy? This person is obviously a repeat complainer who would rather spend time harassing Village staff (and costing tax payers money) instead of being with their children. They don’t realize their townhouses at one point were full with trees and got bulldozed over with residential complaints. If we want to throw rocks, Susan should recuse herself from any Shedler discussions due to the fact her parents house is located directly across from the property. Yes, by the text of the law not defined as “conflict of interest”, however I do not believe she can make wise decisions without prejudice. Godforbid a RSA member connections was on the council, these same people would be crying, suing for their removal.”

Jackie Hone’s response…. 

“Dear 12:46, “Anonymous.” Seek to understand. Watching or attending the meeting would help correct your statement. I am not a repeat complainer, harassing Village staff. I filed one complaint, that is finally being addressed, with merit. Thanks to the new Village Council, my claims are being substantiated one by one. As for costing tax payers money…this compliant saved tax payers approximately 10 million dollars and avoided destruction of Green Acres, Open Space and US History (check the facts). Mayor Knudsen defending Historical Preservation and honoring Open Space/Green Acres is not a conflict of interest, it is her fiduciary and ethical obligation. Sorry, but you are wrong on this one too. Additionally, Mayor Knudsen’s parents owning a house, across the street from Schedler (by the way it’s down the road), is not a conflict of interest. That point was addressed, looked into, checked again, re-checked and sniffed one last time just in case. Each and every time, legal counsel said there is no conflict of interest. Lastly, despite your ill-spirited comment (rather spend time harassing Village staff…instead of being with their children”), I invite you to meet before a Village Council meeting so I/we can share more. I’m sure you’ve heard, I have a huge binder with all the proof. I passionately believe residents should be up to date and truly know what is going on in their community. Email me”

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Reader says We are all so grateful for Mayor Knudsen. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

susan village council

file photo by Boyd Loving

So let me get this story straight and see if I have it right. PSEG schedules major work on Broad Street to commence in late September and run through the Christmas season. This is done when Roberta is still employed. The summer comes and goes, and Roberta goes…and goes. Then last week Tony Damiano gets up at a meeting and states that this is the worst possible time for the merchants, as they make most of their money in the 4th quarter. This makes sense, but it is hard to hear the sense in his message since he is all but accusing Mayor Knudsen of doing this on purpose to screw the merchants. As if she would do anything remotely like that, honestly, Damiano is insane. But I digress.

So the meeting ends at midnight or whenever, and Susan goes right to work the next day setting up a meeting with PSEG to see if they will change the time frame away from the Christmas season. In a text exchange with Damiano, she tells him she will be meeting with PSEG and encourages him to give her any input or insights before she meets with them. He does not do so.

On Monday morning at 10:00 she meets with PSEG, along with Rutishauser and (in the absence of Heather who was off) Janet Fricke. Mayor Knudsen manages to accomplish a major victory, because she gets the giant utility company to change their dates. This happens because Susan is very pleasant and diplomatic. We know that the PSEG folks DESPISED Aronsohn because he was such an Atilla the Hun with them, bossing them around through the hurricane aftermath.But now we have a mayor who is pleasant, polite, professional, and easy to get along with.

Mayor Knudsen immediately composes a press release to let everyone know that the dates have been changed, but before she can send it Mr. Damiano in his great arrogance sends out a victory letter taking full credit for accomplishing the date change. Un-effing-believable. He was NOT in the meeting, but he takes full credit for this. He does not acknowledge Mayor Knudsen, he does not thank Mayor Knudsen, and in fact he goes on to write some very snarky and sarcastic comments about her. He accuses the Mayor of trying to stick it to the merchants, instead of thanking her for solving the problem. And then he goes on to posture that he will be doing direct negotiations with PSEG moving forward for any work they want to schedule. What???? Damiano is not an elected official, he is not an employee of the Village. He has ZERO authority to schedule any utility work in this town.

In the end, Mayor Knudsen took the right approach, solved the problem, and took the high road in the face of incredible invective from Tony Damiano as well as Troll Halaby.

We are all so grateful for Mayor Knudsen. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.