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NJGOP Files For ELEC Investigation Against “Murphy For Governor”

Phill Murphy Clear Water

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ,  This past Friday it was announced that Katie Brennan settled her lawsuit against Gov. Phil Murphy’s campaign and the State of New Jersey for $1 million.

According to the $1 million settlement, the State will pay $800,000 and the Murphy for Governor campaign’s insurance company will pay $200,000.

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Katie Brennan lays out policy reform recommendations to address sexual violence, harassment in the Murphy Administration

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 the staff of the Ridgewood blog

TRENTON  NJ, Sexual assault survivor Katie Brennan laid out a list of policy reform recommendations to improve the criminal justice process for victims of harassment, sexual assault and sexual misconduct in New Jersey in a letter to Sen. Loretta Weinberg and members of the Workgroup on Harassment, Assault and Misogyny in New Jersey Politics sent last week. Brennan, who has advocated for sweeping policy change since coming forward in October 2018 about her own sexual assault by senior Phil Murphy campaign and administration staffer Al Alvarez, also said she would like to present to the Workgroup about her proposals at its next hearing in March.

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Trenton Needs to Focus on Fighting It’s Culture of Sexual Harassment

Tom Kean - High Quality

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean said leaders in Trenton need to focus on fighting a culture of sexual harassment in response to a published report detailing women’s stories of abuse while working in the world of New Jersey politics.

“Whenever you start to think we’ve made progress in improving the culture in Trenton, a story like this comes out that proves you wrong,” said Kean. “It’s clear that a much greater focus needs to be placed on addressing the epidemic of sexual harassment and assault to protect everyone who works in New Jersey government, politics, and government affairs. Senate Republicans are ready to continue our efforts through the LSOC or another forum to put an end to the epidemic of sexual harassment that continues to victimize too many women in New Jersey.

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Cory Booker And Phil Murphy, Perfect Together

Booker Murphy 11

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

LAWRENCEVILLE NJ, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, Tricia Flanagan, said that U.S. Senator Cory Booker bringing New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy on the Iowa campaign trail doesn’t match the Senator’s rhetoric on women’s rights.

Tricia Flanagan asked, “Does Senator Booker not remember the time he stood before a crowd in Iowa and attacked President Trump saying, ‘We’re not defined by a president who does not believe women?’”

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Murphy Chooses Staff Over All New Jersey Women In The Workplace

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the staff of the Ridewood blog

Trenton NJ,  At a press conference yesterday, Governor Murphy defended members of his staff for their handling of sexual assault allegations against Al Alvarez. The protection of his aides comes in executive defiance of the findings of a report released earlier in the day by a bipartisan panel of state legislators. 

Governor Murphy’s exact quote was, “I believe that the team in my office did what they believed was the right thing, and I stand behind them. That has been the case and will continue to be the case.”

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Katie Brennan Demands: “‘Hold Accountable Those Who Failed To Take Action’ In Administration”


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Following is a statement from Katie Brennan in response to the Select Oversight Committee report issued today:

“The findings of this report confirm what I have known all along–that sexual violence survivors in this state still cannot expect to receive justice. I waved a red flag at every turn of this process, and at every turn, I went unheard. And while my story should cause outrage, what should be even more disturbing is the knowledge that I am only one of countless survivors in our state who have gone voiceless and whose assaulters remain unaccountable. To our lawmakers, you now have a mandate–take meaningful action to create real accountability for perpetrators of sexual violence and for those who would protect them. To the Administration, you have a mandate as well, to hold accountable those who failed to take action or actively protected Al Alvarez. To truly claim the moral authority to implement a strong, pro-women, progressive policy agenda, the individuals in your senior leadership who have been complicit must be held to account.”

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Senator Kristin Corrado: Gov. Murphy Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Sweep Hiring Scandal Under the Rug

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Senator Kristin Corrado said Governor Phil Murphy should not be allowed to sweep a hiring scandal under the rug, with key questions unanswered and major discrepancies in the stories told by current and former staff in the Governor’s inner circle.

Sen. Kristin Corrado said Gov. Phil Murphy should not be allowed to sweep a hiring scandal under the rug, with key questions unanswered and major discrepancies in the stories told by current and former staff in the Governor’s inner circle. (

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Assemblywomen Schepisi Not Buying Verniero Report Findings

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, in an astonishing turn of events an independent investigation by former State Supreme Court Justice Peter Verniero failed to find out who was responsible for hiring former Schools Development Authority chief of staff Al Alvarez.

Alvarez is at the center of rape allegations by former Murphy staffer State Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency chief of staff Katie Brennan alleged that Alvarez sexually assaulted her in April 2017, when Alvarez was in charge of Muslim and Latino outreach for Murphy’s campaign, for which Brennan would later volunteer.

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Reader says,”any proper investigation of Murphy’s past while on Wall Street they would have been very aware of his reputation for disrespect”

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

Had the press done any proper investigation of Murphy’s past while on Wall Street they would have been very aware of his reputation for disrespect, arrogance, and treatment of woman along with his other male partners.

Of course they probably are aware, however would never publish these accounts as the Socialist agenda must be pushed forward.

Wake up folks. Insist on full transparency.

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Katie Brennan Claim alleges the state, Governor Murphy and Attorney General Gurbir Grewal, acted negligently and with reckless indifference

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, A state government employee Katie Brennan who says her allegations that she was sexually assaulted by a campaign staffer to Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy were ignored or downplayed has filed a notice of intent to sue New Jersey for damages.

An attorney for Katie Brennan filed the notice of tort claim last week.The notice alleges the state, including Murphy and Attorney General Gurbir Grewal, acted negligently and with reckless indifference when it hired Albert Alvarez.Brennan says Alvarez sexually assaulted her in 2017 during Murphy’s gubernatorial campaign and that she told several officials in Murphy’s administration.
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Murphy Plays the Fool on Brennan Rape Testimony


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton N J, Governor Phil Murphy continues to play , “I knew nothing card”  as to why he hired an accused rapists ? The Murphy Administration has been rocked by a series of high profile blinders hiring career criminals to the ethically challenged.

The New Jersey Select Oversight Committee kicked off its investigation into the Murphy administration’s hiring practices with the testimony of Kate Brennan .

Brennan in chronological order related what did – and did not – happen after she said she was raped by Al Alvarez in Jersey City in the early morning hours of April 8, 2017. Both had been involved with what was then Murphy’s election campaign for governor.

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Katie Brennan Says She was Raped by Murphy Appointee and the Murphy Administration Tried to Cover it Up

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Jersey City NJ,Katie Brennan spent more than a year trying to get authorities to take action against the man she accuses of sexually assaulting her. Finally, she emailed New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.

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