he staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood Nj, the Village Manager Keith Kazmark pointed out the two major issues impacting the current municipal budget in Mondays meet the Manager meeting .
he staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood Nj, the Village Manager Keith Kazmark pointed out the two major issues impacting the current municipal budget in Mondays meet the Manager meeting .
file photo by Boyd Loving
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood families are going to have to start making choices between food on the table, gasoline and property taxes.
Here’s the data from the recently adopted 2018 Municipal budget: (https://www.ridgewoodnj.net/images/User_Friendly_Budget_2018.pdf )
Village net debt is now $50.1 mm BEFORE the garage and further property investment. Interest costs are rising, so that will act as a further drag on spending as more of the budget goes towards interest expenses on our debt going forward.
Continue reading Raising Rates Call Into Question Village Debt
The OPRA request indicated Council Women Gwenn Hauck has had issues in the past paying her property taxes on time .
April 6, 2015 Last updated: Monday, April 6, 2015, 9:34 AM
By Mark Krulish
Staff Writer |
The Ridgewood News
Budget season continued in Ridgewood with village officials gathering for the second of three public budget meetings on March 22 to resume discussion of departmental needs for the upcoming fiscal year.
Among the changes made in the weeks between the first and second budget meeting was a reduction in the capital budget of approximately $700,000, which brings the current number to $3,194,000.
These talks will be taken up again at 5 p.m. on April 6 in a third public budget meeting. Discussion will include more concrete numbers for each department as well as the revenue side of the budget, said Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld. The village is targeting April 22 as the date for introducing the budget.
file photo Boyd Loving
Ridgewood begins municipal budget discussions
March 5, 2015 Last updated: Thursday, March 5, 2015, 3:01 PM
By Mark Krulish
Staff Writer |
The Ridgewood News
Ridgewood officials gathered at Village Hall last Saturday morning for a discussion between department heads and the governing body about some details of the municipal budget, including the needs of various departments and anticipated spending.
The seven-hour roundtable meeting was a departure in style from previous years and talks centered on the Department of Public Works, the Building Department, Health Department, Parks and Recreation, Fire Department, Police Department, Engineering and Human Resources, along with a closing discussion on the capital budgets.
Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld said one of the goals for the meeting was to present the best numbers possible, but there would not be any indication of the final figures or tax impact to residents until closer to budget introduction.
Sonenfeld noted that some increases in spending were attributed to the need for repairs to an aging infrastructure and upgrading the village’s technology.