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How U.S. Students Stack Up Globally: A Look at Education Performance and the Future Under New Policies

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, how do U.S. students compare with their peers around the world? Despite being one of the world’s leading economies, the United States continues to face challenges in education, particularly in math and science, according to international assessments. As new education policies loom under the incoming Trump administration, these results provide a backdrop for what changes may lie ahead.

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Only 12% of NJEA’s Highest-In-The-Nation Dues Are Reinvested at the Local Level

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Sunlight Policy Center of New Jersey released their latest report today, entitled The NJEA vs. Local Unions: The Local Unions Make and the NJEA Takes.  The report examines the relationship between the statewide New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) and the hundreds of affiliated local unions around the Garden State and finds that only 12 percent of New Jersey teachers’ dues return home.

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New Report: Here’s why 40% of fourth graders can’t read at a basic level


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a teacher effectiveness organization’s report on the nationwide implementation of best practices for teaching reading reveals that 19 states including New Jersey lack critical policies to promote literacy effectively.

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Senator Calls for Investigation, into Teachers logging the personal health information of students and their families in a progressive organization’s campaign App

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NJEA and AFT upto it again

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

River Vale NJ, after it was revealed that national teachers’ unions have been training and instructing New Jersey teachers to log the personal health information of students and their families in a progressive organization’s campaign app, Senator Holly Schepisi called for an investigation and urged the Murphy administration to prohibit the invasive practice.

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Teachers Union Hits the Jackpot With the Biden “infrastructure” Proposal

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, the big Biden “infrastructure” proposal contains $100 billion for the teacher unions, er, sorry…for “education.” This is on top of the $112 billion for the teacher unions tucked in the 2020 COVID relief bills, and on top of another $170 billion in the $1.9 trillion Biden “stimulus” bill that passed in March.

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NEA, NJEA Join Forces to grow labor-management collaboration

Ridgewood Teachers

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The National Education Association (NEA) and the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) have agreed to develop a dynamic partnership to grow a New Jersey-based program to introduce states and districts throughout New Jersey and the country to the benefits and processes of labor-management collaboration. NEA is providing NJEA with a $500,000 grant to help expand the New Jersey Public School Labor-Management Collaborative and additional funds to help other interested state and local affiliates to plan and launch partnerships that foster labor-management collaboration practices in districts and worksites. NEA has committed to invest more than $3 million over three years to fund and grow this initiative.

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Ridgewood Education Association Questions School Ventilation System and MERV filters

rhs 2020
the sttaff of the Ridgewood blog
Statement from the Ridgewood Education Association August 29, 2020:
The Board of Education is responsible for the health and safety of the staff and students of the Ridgewood Public School System. Teachers and secretaries have told the Board they do not believe their buildings are safe and yesterday many staff members submitted specific questions – not comments – to the Ridgewood Board of Education. These were specific health and safety questions that we have already asked our principals. Our principals don’t know the answers. We had hoped that the Board would have asked those questions on our behalf yesterday. Instead they chose to ignore them and not have them even read aloud. This public disregard for our concerns regarding the health and safety of staff and students gives us less confidence in our District’s reopen plan and has left us now with new questions for the Board. It is our hope that these questions will be addressed at their next meeting on Monday.

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Reader says ,”Some of my kids’ teachers were … obviously putting in a great deal of time and effort to make remote learning as good as possible. Others – crickets”


“In my opinion CoVid has only exacerbated a dynamic that exists in any place of employment: Some people going above and beyond (whatever the motivation may be for their extra efforts), a lot of people meeting expectations and doing the job they are paid to do … and then the people I would describe as the Takers. No place of employment, public or private, is immune to this. Some of my kids’ teachers were very much present and obviously putting in a great deal of time and effort to make remote learning as good as possible. Others – crickets. Posting assignments, assigning kids to watch YouTube videos in lieu of teaching and just not interacting w/kids even remotely during the spring. In my (private company) – no different. Some decided to take advantage of WFH to not do all too much. I’m not speaking about people who had to care for sick family or step in to school their own kids. I hate to break it to people, but there are always Takers in society. The issue is if there is a tipping point, and productive people start to feel that they’ve been ‘had’ and decide why bother. In the private sector, it probably isn’t the right decision (in the long run) to so obviously show that you’re not really needed for the success of your enterprise.”

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Reader says ,”what an overwhelming majority of parents want for their kids, which is more in-person learning”

rhs 2020 schools out

“If the BOE wants to be taken seriously (including those at the top with very obvious and unethical conflicts of interest, who shall not be named), they should remain keenly focused on what an overwhelming majority of parents want for their kids, which is more in-person learning…5 days a week. The taxpayers already pay way to much for the school budget, and while we may tolerate some non-sense and waste in the spirit of town civility, the one thing that will most certainly cause residents to “storm the castle” is if we are forced to spend our hard earned dollars to incentivize lazy and ineffective teachers, who are using COVID as a tool for their personal agenda. Every profession is exposed to the risks of COVID, so why should they be preferentially treated at our expense? Either opt out if you are truly scared, or just follow the damn protocols…”

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Reader says , “last thing taxpayers can afford is subsidize 20th century style “public servants.” Especially those who teach their children how to hate their own family and nation”

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photo by Boyd Loving

“Public unions gotta go. Unionizing against the public is a travesty. Ppl turned a blind eye while good times rolled, but we’re in a right spot now. And the decade of transformation has just started!

Expect fewer white collar jobs, normalization if demand for IT specialists and entertainers, high inflation and much higher taxes on top earners as well as property owners.

Covid merely accelerated the existing trend. With these issues, last thing taxpayers can afford is subsidize 20th century style “public servants.” Especially those who teach their children how to hate their own family and nation.”

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Reader says , “Should Corona last for the long run, the intelligentsia and NJEA unions will be toast”

rhs 2020

“residents here in Ridgewood know more about what happens than the eggheads at the BOE & REA who theorize on how to control thoughts as they trade bon mots at their cocktail parties. Should corona last for the long run, the intelligentsia and NJEA unions will be toast as they cling to their days gone by like the Luddites they are. I pity the truly great teachers in the district who have been lumped into the mix with the Marxists.”

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Reader Suggests Teachers Want Full time Pay for Part Time Work

rhs 2020 schools out

“So REA, if the Ridgewood BOE installs high efficiency HEPA filters in each classroom , will you agree to return to teach? These are recommended for critical healthcare applications like anterooms, isolation wards and COVID-19 patient rooms. When educational institutions reopen after the coronavirus outbreak, ASHRAE recommends a portable HEPA and UV air cleaner for each classroom, with at least two air rotations per hour. Will that, in addition to the already planned health, cleaning and physical distancing protocols, be enough for you to return to the physical classroom this fall? Or do you just not want to have to work full time but still receive full pay?”

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Reader asks , “How have day care centers and summer camps in NJ been open since June, but schools cannot reopen?”

rhs 2020 schools out

“In a normal society, this virus would be handled by having the sick or vulnerable stay home for as long as necessary, while encouraging the young and healthy to go about normally with life. Teachers that are sickly could stay home and go on unemployment like everyone else in the country. Young college grads with education degrees can temporarily Take their place. Very simple. How are parents that are not teachers or other government employees supposed to work and feed their families if they have to stay home and care for their children who are doing remote learning? This point is rarely brought up. How have day care centers and summer camps in NJ been open since June, but schools cannot reopen? Why are day Care workers and summer camp workers lives valued less than teachers lives? I drove by the Ridgewood YMCA parking lot last week and witnessed large numbers of children, of various ages, over the age of two years old, standing very close together and not wearing masks. Why is this permitted when masks are required in NJ outdoors when not social distancing?
Locking down everyone is actually making everyone more sickly in mind, body and soul. Why is it that the government and their followers only care about people sick or dying from covid19, but not from any other cause, like the annual flu, being killed in riots, or from not being able to receive necessary medical treatment? Yes there is a pandemic, however, like it or not, the fact is that less than 0.5 percent of all people will die from it. It is obvious that the pandemic has become a convenient, catch all excuse, which is being massively abused. This is to the detriment of all humanity, the effects of which will be ever lasting. Wake up people! Please please start thinking for yourselves and you will realize what is actually going on here. Only when teachers and all government employees are treated the same and feel the same pain as small business owners have, during this pandemic, will people actually see the truth, be on the same team and be able, willing and ready to work together.”

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Superintendent Fishbein Hinting at a Change Plans ?

rhs 2020 schools out

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The following is an excerpt from a letter dated Monday, August 17 from Ridgewood District Superintendent Fishbein to district parents (Superintendent Fishbein appears to be hinting that he will change plans and ask the state to authorize the Ridgewood District to resume instruction this fall via so-called “Remote Learning” only, delaying an actual physical return of students to their schools until later in the school year):

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Time to “Re-Imagine” The Ridgewood School District


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood teachers joined several other groups of teachers protesting the opening of schools this fall. According to North Jersey Media , “Ridgewood teachers gathered atop a Route 4 overpass to oppose a return to classrooms, saying in-person learning is not yet safe. NJ Education Association and other neighboring teachers oppose as well.
“It’s literally crisis-teaching in order to pretend that there’s some semblance of normalcy.” -Becky Catanzaro, a teacher from Ridgewood.”

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