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Readers say the new council has not gone far enough to come to grips with the damage done by the prior Aronsohn council majority

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Boyd Loving

I don’t think this council has gone far enough to come to grips with the damage done by the prior council majority and what needs to be done to right that damage. No one wants to beat a dead horse. But we need to acknowledge the damage that was done in order to move on and in order to prevent the revisionists from painting the wrong picture. Pure and simple, the Aronsohn regime was riddled with bad decisions and actions. Let’s identify them, correct the problems and then move forward. But it does us no good to stick our head in the sand out of some misguided sense of gentility.

Roberta continued to work there because she had to put in some time to build a case to then be able to sue the village. She resigned, in writing, as of Sept 6th, yet all her supporters (Weitz, Pucciarell, Halaby) are assisting in building her case with terms and fake outrage on how she was pushed out, mushandled, ‘unjustly removed’, “abrupt firing’, ‘offer to resign’. This has been the plan all along since they lost the election. Another sleazy move by the ‘wrong side’.

Her dislike for some some council members was displayed in public. Her disagreement with the vision of the new council was public.

I was surprised that she did not resign the day after the election. Why would she continue to work there? The “contentious” environment was of her making.

The fact that it was reported in the Record that she sited a “contentious” environment is enough reason for her to be removed. No professional resigns with a letter accusing anger in her environment. Of course the thought would be she might steal confidential files or even worse…,,,,

I think Roberta wanted to be escorted out. Who knows she may have feared losing control. Knudsen performed the right, safe, professional action.

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Reader says Village Manager, Human Resource, Village Engineer, Superintendent of Parks and Rec. are running this town not the new council

3 amigos

First of all why is Christopher Rutishause e-Mailing plans for the park to Bill Gilsenan? Why is Gilsenan getting involved in the park? Im tired of all the so called Demigod running this Village. Paul Vagianos, John Saraceno Ed Sullivan, Tom Hillman and now Bill Gilsenan. Their names were not on the Village ballot for council. This council has to watch very closely what goes on because there has always been a small group self proclaimed Demigod who try to run this town from behind the scenes. Simply voting out the 3 Amigos is not going to stop this because its Systemic.

VM, Assistant to the VM, HR, Village Engineer, Superintendent of Parks and Rec. and the above named are running this town not the new council. Poster just need to reflect back to some of the fiascos that have happen in the last 4 years to find the common thread. Wise up new Village Council and get a grip on this. Don’t let them distract you while they plan or plot.

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Reader says I Think it is healthy that there is a housecleaning of the council because there was obviously mistrust


We are simply fortunate that this is a educated town for the most part and that the public serves as checks and balances. Think it is healthy that there was a housecleaning of the council because there was obviously mistrust whether warranted or not. Certain issues can now be looked at with a relatively clean slate. though some large issues like Valley will still carry forward. On that matter, I hope Ridgewood will stand its ground and not accept any cave in and also follow what other communities are doing as far as challenging the farcical tax exempt status From experience , local govt isnt easy especially for newcomers who are usually idealistic before realities set in. NJ govt excesses and obligations to an over sized public sector has impacted all municipalities .

I can say that no one should come in to local politics with a personal agenda unless it is to serve their community. Shouldnt be a stepping stone to better and greater things. Ridgewood doesnt need career politicians but civilans that fight for their townspeople at every turn. Unfortunately influence peddlers muddy the waters so much that which was once a clear vision become foggy. It can be difficult to stand against the self interests of the influential when you become influential enough to be in those circles.Others simply make mistakes out of good intent.
I wish this new council the best and hope that they remember that they were elected to serve their community first and foremost. This isnt about them but the overriding wishes of the majority. Best advice I can give is to listen to your citizenry and communicate with them with honesty. Never gonna make all happy but Ii people respect your reasoning then they can accept even if they cant embrace
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Reader asks What will the new Council do to turn this toxic situation around and restore the vitality of the downtown

Ridgewood CBD

The Village Manager is correct. There currently is a parking surplus on several days during the week and on weekends. This information conflicts with data compiled over the years by trained parrking professionals who performed studies of the parking situation in Ridgewood.

So what has happened ?? Ridgewood did have a severe parking problem as outlined in study after study conducted by professionals over the past 89 years. More recently observations have been made by residents and others that the parking problem is not nearly as severe as heretofore thought. The question then is what has changed ? It is this writers belief there has been a fundamental and dramatic shift the way people shop…..and to a lesser extent how they dine. The web has deciminated retail stores both large and small and this is not going to change.More and more people prefer to shop online and this trend shall remain.

Downtown shopping may become obsolete as virtually anything you desire is only a few clicks away ….and can be delivered. right to your doorstep. The problem we are facing is the death of the traditional “downtown” as we know it. Businesses and restaurants will leave, empty buildings will profilerate and what was once described as a vibrant but “quaint” downtown comprised of older buildings containing a wide mix of tenants will suddenly be preceived as seedy and tired when vacancies rise and business flee town.

What will the new Council do to turn this toxic situation around and restore the vitality of the downtown. Some aergue that a garage would provide the majic cure. While it may help it will not provide the elixir that will get the CBD back on its feet again. It will take a garage AND a lot of work to re-build a downtown that can effectively compete with web providers and mega -stores. We can do it but it will cost money ….lots of it and it will take a comprehensive plan….whcih unfortunately no one seems interested in undertaking and.nor do we even have the skills to create such a plan. At present Ridgewood is in the worst possible position