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Amazing Without Aronsohn, Pucciarelli, and Hauck and now Roberta the New Ridgewood Council accomplished volumes

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ
September 8,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood bog
Ridgewood NJ, Aronsohn, Pucciarelli, and Hauck often referred to Roberta as a “breath of fresh air,” even though clearly the air around her became increasingly foul as her (thankfully) short time in the job progressed.  Now that she has resigned and been escorted out of Village Hall, things are really running well.  We have Heather Mailander in the manager’s seat.  She is so capable, so professional, and she does her job without interjecting her opinion as if she were a 6th council member and without looking at Chris R and Janet F for affirmation every time she speaks.

We have a five-person council who are all independent thinkers, are polite, considerate, and they don’t interrupt each other at meetings.  They are actually prepared for meetings (well, Susan and Mike always were, but now they are joined by three more who are equally informed and have done their homework).  Now more nonsense like we used to have with Albert pontificating about anything and everything just to hear himself speak, and Gwenn reading from her ipad something that someone else wrote, and Paul furiously texting with Paul Vaggianos (yes, we witnessed this many times) during meetings and then giving us the doe-in-the-headlights look while saying “transparency, transparency, transparency.”

This new Council has been in place just since July 1, but so far they have accomplished volumes including that they:

1. are going to lengthen the time for public comments.

2. are respectful of members of the public who come to speak

3. overturned the much-hated Ordinance 3066

4. stopped the ridiculous Van Neste proposal

5. are going to prevent puppy-mill and kitten-mill animals from being sold in Ridgewood

6. are looking at many (and reasonable) ways to improve and increase the parking

7. are saving the Schedler House

8. will be putting grant money (hopefully) towards remediating Kings Pond

9. will be repealing the illegal ordinance that tried to prevent people from videotaping public meetings (put in place because hot-headed Aronsohn got caught getting nasty at an HPC meeting)

10. have hired a new Planning Board attorney (ok, so the VC didn’t do this, but it is yet another wonderful new development)

11. will be lowering the overkill lighting at Habernickel Park to be consistent with other parks and in response to the neighbors’ legitimate concerns about this ridiculous flood lighting

12. discovered that the extraordinarily cumbersome and confusing leaf collection process that Roberta put in place was based, in part, on a 7-day rule that has not been effective for a couple of years.  So now they are putting a smooth and simple leaf collection schedule up and we can stop hearing about “no leaf left behind.”

13. will be revising the prohibition of parking on Pomander Walk, which is discriminatory and was put in place to serve Gwenn’s friends on that street.

Wow, how much has been accomplished and all with a pleasant and civil atmosphere.  Way to go Susan, Mike, Ramon, Jeff and Bernie!!!
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New Ridgewood Council Gets Down to Village Business

New Ridgewood Council Gets Down to Village Business

The Council repealed 3066
Kings Pond will get a fix
Jackie Hone will be vindicated
Parking problems will be remediated
People at the mic are respected
Our Mayor is smart and educated
The best of the best were elected
All and all we’re feeling elated!

by Linda McNamara


July 21,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  The council meeting was business like and everyone was respected.  People are now allowed to ask questions and the new council actually answered. It is amazingly difference from when Aronsohn ruled and they all stared at the speakers or, worse yet, they attacked the speakers.

A couple of people spoke happily about 3066 being repealed.  It will not be finally repealed until the August public meeting.

A man spoke about fixing Kings Pond and it sounds like that will happen . Susan has already put money in the budget to finance that. Saurabh asked and asked about the supposed $60,000 spent by Stacy Antine at Health Barn. Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld waffled on providing info and Boyd blasted her for this.

The swearing in of Chief Luthke was wonderful and the high point of the night The room was packed  standing room only.  There was much applause  and John Ward came and pinned his own stars on Jackie’s epaulets. The whole thing was very moving. The female chief from Bergenfield was in attendance as were three freeholders.

The only blemish on the event was that the unelected village manager as usual planted herself in the midst of the swearing in, where she has no right to be.  Someone needs to remind Ms. Sonenfeld that she needs to stay up on the dais as the other unelected members (Heather and Matt) do for proclamations and swearing-ins.

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Is the new Ridgewood council really planning to approve minutes from the last meeting this Wednesday?

New Ridgewood Village Council

July 18,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Is the new council really planning to approve minutes from the last meeting this Wednesday. We noticed an agenda line item for July 20th meeting which says :

6.  Approval of Minutes

If the new council is planning to approve the minutes from July 13th meeting on July 20th, that will be a surprising change for the village residents.
The previous administration had stopped releasing meeting minutes for almost 2 years while they went on to approve multi family housing and garage issues. They had forced residents to watch long video recordings which could take hours instead of quick text searches in the meeting minutes.

Here is a short video of how they approved 2 years worth of meeting minutes on their last day in the office.

Although surprising, this will be a good change for the village of Ridgewood.

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New Ridgewood Council gets to work

New Ridgewood Village Council


RIDGEWOOD – Ridgewood’s new governing body laid the groundwork for pressing issues in their first meeting on Wednesday. Parking, budget approvals and Ridgewood Water were top items.


The council openly brainstormed different ideas to fix parking in the central business district. Deputy Mayor Michael Sedon, who kicked off the conversation, said the village should explore creating more one-way streets, which will increase on-street parking spots.

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Readers say Not Everyone is Happy With the New Ridgewood Council

Rurik Halaby

Rurik Halaby photo by Boyd Loving

Week 1. Rubrik is already on Facebook questioning the council decisions.

He obviously doesn’t realize that he looks like a really big crank. He must think that he is going to command legions of dissatisfied residents in his own revolt. Meanwhile the old council members have moved on. Even Don, Tim and Ron have seen the writing on the wall and have kept a low profile.

The Village is ready for this change and we spoke at the polls. Rubrik is going to be that guy who attends council meetings just to hear his own voice. I wish that he ran for office so that he could have come in last. Probably would not have amassed the necessary signatures to get on the ballot.

Not all of the “old Council members” have moved on – Gwenn was sitting in the audience at last night’s Council meeting taking copious notes during the discussion about parking. She left the meeting shortly after that discussion ended, and was seen pow wowing with Rurik Halaby in the hallway.

Mr. Halaby needs to lick his wounds and go home. We simply don’t want to hear from him any more (and never did). Addressing council members as if your approval mattered was embarrassing.

Last night Mr. Halaby accursed Mayor Knudsen of “pandering to her base,” but he never blinked an eye when his buddy Paul Aronsohn did anything possible to please his buddies – property owners in the CBD and real estate developers.

You’ve gotta feel a bit sorry for Halaby. Two major election defeats within 45 days of each other and now when he speaks at Village Council meetings, no one on the dais gives a rat’s ass about anything he says, and the only person in the audience listening to him is his wife.

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New Ridgewood Council plans for a comprehensive parking solution

Ramon Hache ridgewood NJ
June 21,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Before you vote today, please take a moment to watch this video of Councilmen elect Ramon Hache. It will give you a clearer idea of what the New Village Council plans to do regarding a comprehensive parking solution. Ramon discuses parking, signage , and much much more.
Video by Dana Glazer :