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Community Relations Advisory Board Pushes its Own Political Charged Agenda

gay flag

June 16,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  Community Relations Advisory Board or CRAB looks for a life line in a recent letter to North Jersey Media Group : Community board vital to Ridgewood CRAB co-chairs Jan Philips (Ridgewood), and Nick McRae (Glen Rock), lay out there case to save the very and controversial political body . CRAB is a group of people looking for a cause.

Seriously? Jan Philips and teamed up with councilmen Jeff Voigt went out of their way to discredit Mayor Knudsen and misrepresent her as a bigoted b%*ch while comparing her to Glen Rock and holding Glen Rock up as the best place ever. And then it turns out that Mayor Knudsen did a fine job of honoring Pride Month. Go Mayor Knudsen. Jeff Voigt, resign, now.

The dispute was never about the Pride Flag. No one on the Village Council is biased against anyone. Jan Philips and Jeff Voigt used false and skewed information to turn it into a free-for-all simply to try and discredit the Mayor.

A reader summed it up best , “This is such an obvious silly ploy of former Mayor Aronsohn  and his political motives and morally corrupt Patsys. I don’t know why more people don’t see through this. He made big promises and he didn’t deliver. He literally NEEDS to corrupt this current council and break it all apart to sneak his people back in in order to deliver on the bs promises he made about disabled housing and parking garages.”

The Community Relations Advisory Board of Ridgewood and Glen Rock was harassing the hell out the Ridgewood Village Council/Mayor in requesting the pride flag be flown at our Town Hall. Did they do the same from Glen Rock Council/Mayor? What say you Jeff Voigt? Pretty sure this smells of town politics especially when you consider Jeff Voigt is best friends w Hans Lehman who is married to Jan Phillips, Chair of CRAB. Disgusting. They say this isn’t political but it is. CRAB is politicizing this. All roads lead to Aronson-also a member of CRAB.

Reader says ,”Jan Phillips, self-appointed queen of diplomacy who trashes Mayor Knudsen every chance she gets. Paul Aronsohn who trashed so many people during his reign of terror that the list of those who escaped his bile would be shorter. Gwenn Hauck, at least I think that is Gwenn Hauck at the easel – the queen of mean who used to throw verbal barbs at residents and elected colleagues alike during public meetings.”