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Delay in Sen. Bob Menendez’s Bribery Trial: What You Need to Know

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file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, in a recent development, the start of the bribery trial involving New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez has been postponed by a week, shifting from May 6 to May 13. The decision came after attorneys on both sides agreed that the additional time would facilitate trial preparation efforts.

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Cory Booker Says Menendez Should Resign , Calls Allegations “shocking” with “disturbing details of wrongdoing”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) on Tuesday morning said he wants his colleague, U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), to resign. The statement from New Jersey’s junior senator represents a change on the federal scene, where Menendez’s fellow caucus members have been reluctant to cast a stone at the indicted New Jerseyan:

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New Democrat Voter Registration Bill Would Undermine the Integrity of the Election Process and Wreak Havoc at the Polls on Election Day


Under the New Democrat Voter Registration Bill We Could See the Russians Voting for Trump Again , LOL ……Russia, Russia Russia!

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Middletown NJ,  Assemblymembers Vicky Flynn and Gerry Scharfenberger (LD13 – R’s) are speaking out against the introduction of Senate bill S247, a piece of legislation that if passed would fundamentally change voter registration requirements by allowing potential voters to show up on Election Day and register to vote on top of other drastic reductions to registration requirements which will undermine the integrity of the election process and wreak havoc at the polls on Election Day.

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NJ Democrats Continue to Stonewall Investigation of 7,000+ Deaths at Veterans Homes, Nursing Homes & LTC Facilities

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, The Senate Republican caucus will continue its efforts to form a Senate select committee with subpoena power to investigate the massive loss of life and ensure the safety of vulnerable residents at New Jersey’s veterans homes, nursing homes, and long-term care facilities (LTCs).

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NJ Congressman Pascrell Needs to Decide If He is Part of the Solution or Stay Part of the Problem

Bill Pascrell

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr.  continues to attack President Trump with comments like ,”Trump’s idiotic and vicious meddling with our medical experts is endangering Americans’ lives on an untold scale.”

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New Jersey Democrats condemn racist and discriminatory comments unless it serves a partisan political purpose

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Demarest NJ, An effort by Senator Gerald Cardinale (R-39) to address the incivility at all levels of American politics was ruled “out of order” by the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee today.

After ruling an effort by Sen. Gerry Cardinale to increase civility in politics “out of order,” Democrats on the Judiciary Committee adopted a partisan attack on the President of the United States. (

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Democrat NJ Run Towns More Unequal than Others

River Vale NJ, Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi,

“An incorrect narrative exists in New Jersey that Republicans do not care about the middle class or income inequality. I am one of the more vocal voices pushing back against this false narrative while trying to explain that democratic policies implemented that may sound good, such as Mount Laurel (aka affordable housing), Abbott School Districts, Areas in Need of Redevelopment, etc. have resulted in more disparity in our state rather than less. The Star Ledger today ranked the top 10 communities with the greatest income inequality in NJ. The one thing they all have in common? Each community on this list is controlled by the democratic party and most have been for decades.…/the-towns-in-nj-where-income-inequalit…

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Reader implies New Jersey is an, ” Embarrassment”

GTY clown gathering main jef

“Trenton Democrats continually waste OUR TAX DOLLARS on this kind of garbage! Always playing dirty politics instead of working to lower our taxes, cut spending and implement the services they are suppose to be doing for the citizens of NJ!!
How about using Our Tax Dollars on actually maintaining our roads, bridges & seeing to it that our Governor, Mayors etc are “ upholding the rule of law..” such as immigration laws. They should be cutting funding given to illegals living in sanctuary cities in NJ at tax payers expense!! Overturning Gov’s Free Community college for illegals causing s greater burden on many families that can’t afford to send their own children to those same colleges!!
No instead Trenton Democrats choose to waste time & OUR money making a political blunder that will cost We the Taxpayers legal fees, court cases and frankly more embarrassment then they all do already!!!”

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Kean Calls Cancelling Of Redistricting Amendment Vote: ‘Big Win’ For People Of New Jersey

Tom Kean - High Quality

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Kean Statement On Redistricting Announcement

Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean issued the following statement in response to news that the redistricting amendment has been pulled from Monday’s Senate Voting Session agenda:

“This is a big win for the people of New Jersey. The proposed redistricting amendment would have disenfranchised millions of voters, taking away one of the most important rights we have as Americans: the power to choose who represents us in the halls of government.

“This shouldn’t be a partisan issue. Gerrymandering is wrong. We will remain vigilant, and fight back against any redistricting proposal that betrays democracy.

“I hope that this time, the sponsors will work with nonpartisan election experts and legislators on both sides of the aisle, so we can craft a redistricting proposal that we can all be proud of. The people we have the privilege of serving deserve no less than an amendment that ensures fair and equal representation for all.”

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Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi Shares Her Thoughts on How the System Failed Katie Brennan

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi’s  interview with David Cruz and NJTV today on how the system failed Katie Brennan.

“The most important take-away thus far is how many times the system failed her,” said Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi. “So here you have a situation where it wasn’t an allegation of, ‘Hey, someone was mean to me on the campaign trail.’ It was, ‘I was sexually assaulted by this person who’s now in charge of personnel decisions and nobody ever took a step to investigate.’”
Schepisi says what she heard was a lack of clarity on whether protocols for follow up were even in place. And that made it possible for someone who had a “curious lack of curiosity” to simply pass the buck.

“It just became a convenient ‘not it,’ ‘hot potato’ type of thing to say, well, you don’t fall specifically into a particular set of rules right now, so we’re not going to do anything on this,” she added.…/lawmakers-already-mulling-pol…/

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Murphy Plays the Fool on Brennan Rape Testimony


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton N J, Governor Phil Murphy continues to play , “I knew nothing card”  as to why he hired an accused rapists ? The Murphy Administration has been rocked by a series of high profile blinders hiring career criminals to the ethically challenged.

The New Jersey Select Oversight Committee kicked off its investigation into the Murphy administration’s hiring practices with the testimony of Kate Brennan .

Brennan in chronological order related what did – and did not – happen after she said she was raped by Al Alvarez in Jersey City in the early morning hours of April 8, 2017. Both had been involved with what was then Murphy’s election campaign for governor.

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Senate Republicans Urge Sponsors to Table “Undemocratic” Constitutional Amendment on Redistricting


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, The fifteen members of the Senate Republican caucus sent a letter today urging the sponsors of a proposed amendment to the New Jersey Constitution to table the proposal, saying it is clearly designed to impart a permanent electoral advantage to incumbents and legislative candidates from the Democratic Party.

Senate Republicans urged the sponsors of a proposed constitutional amendment to table the proposal, saying it is clearly designed to impart a permanent electoral advantage to incumbents and legislative candidates from the Democratic Party. (

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Reader says , ” I’d respect him more if he just said hey, I was appointed by a left-wing-loon that wants to make NJ a sanctuary state”

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It’s pretty bad when the Attorney General lies to the public.
I’d respect him more if he just said hey, I was appointed by a left-wing-loon that wants to make NJ a sanctuary state and this what he wants, instead of the make believe reason “we want all residents to feel safe interacting with state and local police officers”

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New Jersey Issues What Can be Called the ,” Terrorism Protection Directive “

9/11 wtc

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, New Jersey Attorney General Grewal has issued a statewide directive curtailing state and local police participation in Federal Civil Immigration Enforcement – “Immigrant Trust Directive” Designed to Promote Public Safety by Building Trust Between Police and Immigrant Communities.

In November 2018, the State of New Jersey issued new rules designed to strengthen trust between law enforcement officers and immigrant communities. The rules limit the types of assistance that New Jersey state and local law enforcement officers may provide to federal immigration authorities, including ICE.

For example, under the new rules, a New Jersey police officer may not stop, question, arrest, search, or detain an individual simply because the officer thinks that the individual might be undocumented. In addition, police officers cannot ask about an individual’s immigration status except in the rare cases when that information is relevant to a specific criminal investigation.

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NJGOP Chairman Calls For Independent Investigation Into Sexual Misconduct In The Murphy Administration


photo Governor Murphy

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ,  As a candidate for Governor Phil Murphy vowed to “fight to stop sexual harassment and assault“.

Yesterday, Politico reported former Murphy transition team member and Schools Development Authority Chief of Staff Albert J. Alvarez, was accused of sexual misconduct against a woman last year, but only just resigned last week.

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