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Black and Latino Public Charter School Students Outperform Their Peers

School Choice by ArtChick

photo by ArtChick Photography

Results show pandemic-related setbacks statewide in student learning with public charters best positioned to accelerate educational recovery  

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hamilton NJ , the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) released statewide assessment scores for the first time in three years due to extensive disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic. While there were significant drops statewide, analysis shows that Black and Latino students enrolled in public charter schools in the six largest charter cities are twice as likely to be proficient in English language arts and mathematics compared to their district peers based on 2022 statewide assessment results. This data verifies that public charter schools accelerated student learning for low-income students of color during a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic in Newark, Trenton, Paterson, Camden, Jersey City and Plainfield.

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NJ Public Charter Schools Welcome 60,000 Students ,teachers and school staff for the 2022-2023 Academic Year

School Choice by ArtChick

photo courtesy of ArtChick Photography 

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hamilton NJ, The New Jersey Public Charter School Association (NJPCSA) welcomes 60,000 charter school students and the thousands of teachers and school staff who will attend and work at the 85 public charter schools across the Garden state for the 2022-2023 school year. As free, public schools open to all students, public charter schools have a diverse student population across the state. Eighty-five percent of students attending charter schools are students of color, 72% of students are from low-income households and 10% are students with disabilities.

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#LetMyChildLearn Campaign Calls on Governor Murphy to Reverse NJDOE’s Charter School Expansion Denials

IMG 2014 2

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hamilton NJ,  over the last month, the New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association (NJPCSA) launched the most extensive paid and earned media campaign in its history to call upon the Governor to reverse his Department of Education’s charter school expansion denials. Parents, lawmakers, leaders and community members responded in unprecedented numbers.

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