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Kosher Grocery Store in Fair Lawn Hit by SUV

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebnook page

follow Boyd on Instagram as well as Facebook.

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Fair Lawn NJ, no injuries were reported in connection with a late Sunday afternoon, 01/14, motor vehicle crash in which a Lexus SUV mounted a curb and knocked over a protective bollard in front of a Kosher grocery store on Fair Lawn Avenue in Fair Lawn. The crash left the Lexus impaled on top of the bollard; two (2) tow trucks were required to remove it from its predicament. Fair Lawn Police department responded to the incident.

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Car Veers off Road Hits Parked Car in Driveway in Fair Lawn

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook Page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Fair Lawn NJ, no injuries were reported following an early Saturday afternoon, 05/07, crash in which the driver of an older model Toyota Camry lost control of his vehicle, veered off of River Road in Fair Lawn, and struck a VW Passat parked in the driveway of a single family home located in the 4-00 block of River Road. The Passat came to rest against the home, but no structural damage was reported. The damaged Camry continued southbound on River Road and came to rest on the front lawn of a nearby home. Fair Lawn Police and Fair Lawn Fire Department responded to the incident. Both vehicles were removed from the scene by separate flatbed tow trucks.

Continue reading Car Veers off Road Hits Parked Car in Driveway in Fair Lawn

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Car Strikes the Side of a Multi-family home on Union Street Ridgewood

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, no injuries were reported by the adult female driver of a white colored, 4-door Hyundai Sonata sedan that crashed into the side of a multi-family home in the 100 block of Union Street, Ridgewood on Thursday morning, 10/07. Ridgewood Police and Ridgewood Fire Department responded to the incident. A flatbed tow truck assisted in removing the vehicle from its impaled position. Despite crash related damage, the vehicle was able to be driven away on its own power. Damage to the home appeared to have been cosmetic in nature only.

Continue reading Car Strikes the Side of a Multi-family home on Union Street Ridgewood

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No Injuries Reported in Wyckoff Garage Fire

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photos courtesy of Wyckoff Volunteer Fire Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, Shortly after 2pm on Tuesday , the Wyckoff Volunteer Fire Department was alerted to a confirmed garage fire in the Crescent Avenue area. A 2nd alarm was requested. The fire was knocked down a short time later. No injuries were reported .

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Backhoe on Truck Transport Strikes Linwood Avenue Overpass Route 17 Southbound in Ridgewood

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a backhoe being transported on a flatbed tractor trailer struck the Linwood Avenue overpass of Route 17 southbound in Ridgewood on Wednesday afternoon, 01/27 before falling to the highway and blocking two (2) southbound travel lanes. A southbound passenger vehicle was damaged by resultant debris, but no injuries were reported in the incident. Ridgewood Police, Ridgewood Fire Department, and NJDOT personnel responded to the scene. A heavy duty tow truck righted the flipped backhoe, which was removed from the highway by the flatbed tractor trailer that it had fallen from.

Continue reading Backhoe on Truck Transport Strikes Linwood Avenue Overpass Route 17 Southbound in Ridgewood

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No injuries were reported following the Thursday morning, crash into a Speedway Gas, on Goffle Road, in Ridgewood

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photos a courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

June 28,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, No injuries were reported following the Thursday morning, 06/28, crash of a Jeep Renegade into a convenience store located at Speedway Gas, 465 Goffle Road, Ridgewood. Ridgewood Police  and Ridgewood Fire Department responded to the incident. Damage to the structure itself was limited to glass breakage only. Fire Department personnel requested that Ridgewood Health Department officials respond to determine if any food products for sale were contaminated by broken class. The Jeep appeared to have sustained very minimal damage and was likely to be driven from the scene.

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No Injuries Reported for late Friday afternoon crash at the intersection of Dayton Street and South Maple Avenue in Ridgewood

Ridgewood Police

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

March 10,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, A two (2) vehicle late Friday afternoon crash at the intersection of Dayton Street and South Maple Avenue in Ridgewood resulted in a response by Ridgewood Police and Fire Department personnel. One (1) summons was issued in connection with the injury free collision. Both vehicles were towed from the scene.

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No Injuries following rollover crash at the intersection of Garber Square and West Ridgewood Avenue, in Ridgewood

rollover crash at the intersection of Garber Square and West Ridgewood Avenue

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

January 12,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, thankfully no injuries were reported following a Thursday morning, 01/11, rollover crash at the intersection of Garber Square and West Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood. The vehicle’s adult female driver was evaluated by Emergency Medical Technicians and declined ambulance transportation to a local hospital. Ridgewood Police, Fire, and EMS personnel responded to the incident. The flipped 4-door passenger sedan was righted and removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck.

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No Injuries as Car Hydroplanes off Route 17 Northbound in Ridgewood

Car Hydroplanes off Route 17 Northbound in Ridgewood

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

September 15,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, No injuries were reported following a crash in which a Toyota Camry would up hydroplaning off an entrance ramp to Route 17 northbound in Ridgewood on Thursday afternoon, 09/14. Ridgewood PD responded to the incident. A hydraulic lift tow truck removed the damaged vehicle from the scene.

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No Injuries at Major House Fire on Alden Road in Paramus

No Injuries at Major House Fire on Alden Road in Paramus

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

September 5,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, Paramus Fire department, Paramus Rescue Squad, Parmaus EMS, Paramus Police, and Paramus OEM units responded to a working house fire in the 800 block of Alden Road on Monday morning, 09/04. No injuries were reported in the blaze but the structure sustained heavy fire and water damage. Initial reports were that the home was vacant and under renovation at the time of the fire.

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No Injuries were Reported at Single Family Home Fire in Glen Rock

Single Family Home Fire in Glen Rock

photos courtesy of Boyd Lovings Facebook page

May 8,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, Glen Rock FD responded to a working fire in the bedroom of a single family home located at 289 Rock Road, Glen Rock on Sunday evening, 05/07. Three (3) Glen Rock PD officers entered the home prior to the arrival of FD personnel and knocked down the bulk of the blaze with dry chemical fire extinguishers. The fire reportedly started in a second floor bedroom closet. Glen Rock EMS also responded to the scene. No injuries were reported that required ambulance transport to a hospital. Rock Road between South Maple Avenue and Harding Plaza was closed while emergency crews worked.

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Ridgewood : No leak, no injuries, and only minor damage

ridgewood Police

courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

may 2,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, No leak, no injuries, and only minor damage. Could have been a disaster at the Speedway Gas Station, 465-475 Goffle Road, Ridgewood on Monday afternoon, 05/01. Ridgewood Police responded.

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No injuries were reported in connection with Wednesday’s Rollover Crash in Fair Lawn

Rollover Crash in Fair Lawn

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

March 16,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Fair Lawn NJ, No injuries were reported in connection with a Wednesday afternoon, 03/15, rollover crash on Broadway in Fair Lawn. The vehicle involved, a 4-door Saturn sedan, was righted and removed from the scene by a hydraulic lift tow truck. Fair Lawn FD Company #3 and Fair Lawn Heavy Rescue responded to assist Fair Lawn PD. A Paramus PD ESU unit helped with traffic control. Traffic on a service road feeding Saddle River Road southbound was detoured until the crash scene was cleared.

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Sunday Morning Head-on Collision Results in No Injuries

Sunday Morning Head on Collusion

photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

February 13,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, Although no one was injured in a head on crash near 594 Broad Street, Glen Rock on Sunday morning, 02/12, both vehicles were heavily damaged and had to be removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck. Glen Rock PD handled the investigation and crash report.

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No Injuries after Rollover Crash in Hawthorne

rollover crash hawthorne

photo courtesy of Boyd Lovings Facebook

January 26, 2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ , No injuries were reported following the rollover crash of a BMW SUV and a Jeep Wrangler at the intersection of Grandview Avenue and Vennik Place in Hawthorne on Wednesday evening, 01/25. Hawthorne PD, Wyckoff PD, and Wyckoff FD units responded to the incident. Both vehicles were removed from the scene by separate flatbed tow trucks.