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Ridgewood “Octoberfest” Moved to Sunday October 8th – 11-6pm!

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  the Octoberfest was moved to JUST Sunday October 8th – 11-6pm! Come Hang with the family – live music, shopping, hayrides, food & more!

The Ridgewood Guild’s Tony Damiano said in a Facebook post,” Regretfully we have to cancel Oktoberfest tomorrow (Saturday.) due to the expected rain. The hayride people cannot conduct the ride because of dangerous conditions and some of the musicians can’t play. The good news is….Sunday Is supposed to be beautiful so we are extending the hours. The new time is 11:00 – 6:00.”

Continue reading Ridgewood “Octoberfest” Moved to Sunday October 8th – 11-6pm!

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Republican Gubnatorial Candidate Jack Ciattarelli Pays A Visit to Upper Saddle River to Celebrate Octoberfest

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, Republican Gubnatorial Candidate Jack Ciattarelli once again visited Bergen County. This time he paid a visit to Upper Saddle River as they celebrated Octoberfest. Ciattarelli stepped up his attacks as news broke that “Federal investigators descended on two state-run veterans homes this week as part of the U.S. government’s investigation into deficiencies in care at the nursing homes that had one of the highest COVID death tolls in the nation, a New Jersey official confirmed late Thursday. Sources at both homes say investigators from the U.S. Department of Justice interviewed residents and staff at the beginning of the week at the Menlo Park veterans home and Wednesday and Thursday at its sister facility in Paramus.”

Continue reading Republican Gubnatorial Candidate Jack Ciattarelli Pays A Visit to Upper Saddle River to Celebrate Octoberfest