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New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission has Moved Many Transactions online


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Oakland NJ, New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission has changed the way we do business, moving most of our transactions online. For a list of walk-in, online, and by-appointment transactions, visit our updated Cheat Sheet at .
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Ridgewood Police Report the Downside of Online Shopping

14 counterfeit

June 3,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood police report the downside of online shopping . On May 23rd, a West Saddle River Road resident reported a fraud and a theft occurred in the past. The victim reported purchasing several Louis Vuitton and Gucci items online from a merchant in China. The victim reported after receiving shipment she noticed the items were not authentic and attempted to return the items but discovered the website was no longer in service. The merchant in China was reached by email and agreed to reimburse the victim but reported the shipping was approximately $400. The victim was advised to file a report and forward it to her credit card company for reimbursement.

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No one is talking about a major reason that people aren’t shopping for clothes in stores


Mallory Schlossberg

Feb. 28, 2016, 9:01 PM

Department stores and specialty retailers have faced declining sales recently, with brands from Macy’s to Gap closing stores.

Many people are pinning the apparel industry’s recent struggles on unseasonably warm weather, which could discourage the purchase of winter clothing.

But there might be another problem that few people are addressing: consumer boredom.

“Today’s retailers face a tsunami of problems but none, in my opinion is more deadly than the pandemic of sheer consumer boredom that shoppers are being subjected to,” retail expert Doug Stephens writes on his blog, The Retail Prophet. “Most retail is just painfully boring. In fact, the majority of store chains, malls and shopping centers have become beacons of boredom, monuments to mediocrity and havens of ho hum.”

Stephens gives an example of a category buyer at Macy’s who is guided by the obvious: sales. If a product won’t sell in droves, then it’s not worth putting it on the shelves, he says.

“And it is for that one single reason — anticipated square foot sales volume — that a plethora of unique, fun, fashionable and fascinating products will likely never see the light of day on the sales floor,” he writes. “Now, repeat the Macy’s buyer mandate across the thousands and thousands of retail buyers, each of whom follow the same essential rule, and soon every store in the mall begins to look the same. Every mall looks vaguely like the next. And voila…mass boredom!”

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Nearly one-quarter of America’s teenagers are almost always online

education concept - students looking into phones and tablet pc a

By Julian Hattem – 04/09/15 09:44 AM EDT

About one-quarter of the nation’s teenagers are online “almost constantly,” according to a new Pew Research Center study.

The study of Americans aged 13-17 found that 92 percent of teenagers go on the Internet every day, and 24 percent say they are “almost constantly” on the Internet, in a sign of just how central the Web is becoming for young people’s lives. More than half the nation’s teenagers — 56 percent — go online several times a day.

“Much of this frenzy of access is facilitated by mobile phones — particularly smartphones,” noted study author Amanda Lenhart.

About 73 percent of teenagers own or have access to a smartphone, the Pew survey found, while African-American teenagers were the most likely to own one.

Of those that use a mobile device to go online, 94 percent go on the Internet at least once a day.