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Reader says ,”You’re seeing just the start of an avalanche of buildings, subdivisions, etc. that will totally transform Ridgewood to some XYZ city place. “

3 amigos

” It is just a matter of time before another historical chunk of RW is swallowed by builders. I see a lot of people on Facebook expressing concern about this site, about how Ridgewood is losing its character, etc. However, I would like to remind that many of them either voted for Aronsohn or happily embraced the garage and the new apartment buildings. So I am sorry but you should have used your brain a little more and think about long term consequences. You’re seeing just the start of an avalanche of buildings, subdivisions, etc. that will totally transform Ridgewood to some XYZ city place. “

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Downtown Development guidelines the “big picture”


Downtown Development guidelines the “big picture”
January 13, 2013
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ  Looks like the Ridgewood News has brought their A game to Village Central Business District development debate by proposing the planning board consider the big picture ,not only the impact to the CBD but the impact to the whole town , the schools,services ,infrastructure and commuting  in their latest Ridgewood News editorial: Developing guidelines ( )

According to the News , “Ridgewood officials are considering the potential impact on the village. A draft ordinance is being drawn up that contains specifications each developer must follow, such as floor area ratio, setbacks, sign usage and minimum parking. That’s an important first step, but we believe much more must be considered.

Then the good stuff ,”In addition, the impact on traffic downtown – already a concern for many, especially regarding pedestrian safety – must be an important factor for Ridgewood’s planning board. The draft ordinance will guide officials in decisions such as units per acre and appropriate maximum building height. But we hope Ridgewood officials will consider the “big picture” and the impact of so much potential housing in one small geographic area.( )

What is the “big picture”, the “big picture” is the is the overall impact on the community as a whole , the schools, Village services, ,parking, infrastructure, commuting , medical , traffic, EMS , fire, safety and of course the over all  viability.of  Ridgewood’s downtown  .With Urbanization comes added costs to the whole Village as well as quality of life issues that are very hard to put a price tag on .

If the Ridgewood Station project , the Dayton, Chestnut Village and the Enclave it will add over 300 new housing units within five blocks of each other forever changing the Village and the nature of the Village itself.