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The Perils of Overdevelopment in Flood Zones: A Looming Environmental Crisis in Ridgewood

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Overdevelopment in Flood Zones is a County wide problem

photos by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, over the past few decades, rapid urbanization and population growth have led to increased pressure on land use, often pushing development into vulnerable areas, including flood zones. While urban expansion brings economic opportunities and infrastructural advancements, the dangers associated with overdevelopment in flood-prone regions are becoming increasingly evident. This article delves into the environmental and societal perils of unchecked development in flood zones, emphasizing the urgent need for sustainable land-use practices.

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Village , County and State look to Address Flooding Issues in Ridgewood

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photo courtesy of County Commissioner and former Mayor Ramon M. Hache Sr


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, County Commissioner and former Mayor Ramon M. Hache Sr. brought together Bergen County, the NJDEP, the Village of Ridgewood and the Ridgewood Board of Education to find solutions to address the flooding issues that have wreaked havoc on our athletic fields and municipal complex. Also present Village of Ridgewood Mayor Paul Vagianos, Councilwomen Siobhan Crann Winograd and Ridgewood BOE President Mike Lembo.

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“Stand up to Clear Cutting in Ridgewood”

chopping wood

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a group of residents on the east side of Ridgewood have organized a petition to protest the clear cutting of over 250 trees. According to the group the condominium community located at Carriage Lane in Ridgewood had a buffer requirement as part of its landscaping plan .

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One Village, One Vote is going to open flood gates for high density housing

high density housing

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the group One Village, One Vote is the brainchild of residents Bob Fuhrman,  Matthew Lindenberg, Stacey Loscalzo , Deborah Steinbaum and Siobhan Crann Winograd.
All were active in the high density development in the central business district .

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Court Rules Against Development in Single Family Zone in Paramus

high density housing hero

the staff of thenRidgewood blog

Paramus NJ, a New Jersey appeals court has upheld the Paramus zoning board’s decision to reject a 35-unit multi-family development in a part of the borough that is zoned for single-family homes only. The developer Highview Homes proposed a 45-unit development for the site that would include parking and other amenities in 2016. Homes had purchased 1.8 acres on Sorbello Road,the project required that three single-family homes on the property be demolished.

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Visioning Questionnaire : Residents Worry Most About Ridgewood Maintaining a “Small Town Feel”

brogan cad

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The purpose of the Visioning Questionnaire (VQ) was to provide a means to capture the sentiments, opinions, and ideas of as many residents as possible about a wide range of topics in Ridgewood today and into the future.

The results of the VQ, combined with the results of the other methods for engaging residents during the visioning process, will inform the values, principles, goals, and priorities that guide the creation of Ridgewood’s next Master Plan. 

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Judge Rules Against Glen Rock Senior High Density Housing

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, A Superior Court judge has struck down a variance granted to an age-restricted apartment project planned for a Prospect Street residential zone in Glen Rock,In 2017, the Glen Rock Zoning Board of Adjustment approved the variance permitting construction of the 52-unit rental complex in a single-family residential zone adjacent to a Ridgewood Water facility. The Glen Park Village project was first pitched as senior housing in 2013, but just months before the zoning board’s 2017 decision, the Glen Rock Borough Council twice rejected ordinances against rezoning the 2-acre property to permit high-density housing. Their consideration came at the request of Glen Park. A neighbor-driven petition was given to the council in advance of their vote. The council’s action prompted the developer to pursue a use variance with the zoning board.

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Apple Ridge Environmental Tragedy Continues

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog 

Upper Saddle River NJ, Derek Michalski reports again on the runoff from the Toll Brother site at Apple Ridge, “Dark and Stormy in USR today on this gloomy Friday December 28, 2018. We are experiencing heavy rain and another storm water violation on the part of Toll Brothers in Upper Saddle River. This time laden with arsenic and lead mud (sorry “colloidal clay” as NJDEP wants us to call this 12th month long pollution) is allowed to being discharged directly into our public drains. And not even one Toll Brothers employee or USR town zoning officer on the site paying attention to lack of silt barriers and even the cheepest hay barriers. Truly pathetic how this site is being overseen.

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Emerson Elects its First Female Mayor

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courtesy of Danielle DiPaola’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Emerson NJ, Emerson has elected its first women mayor . Danielle DiPaola, a longtime Republican councilwoman, running against over development ousted the borough’s Democratic mayor in Tuesday’s election .

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BREAKING : Toll Brothers Has Stopped ALL Pumping Activities into Pleasant Brook in Upper Saddle River

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photo by Derek Michalski

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, after 10 months of questionable practice of pumping mud into Pleasant Brook Toll Brothers stopped ALL pumping activities into the brook over the weekend. Houses, pumps and generators used to power these pumps were also removed from 19 Meadowbrook Rd. construction site In Upper Saddle River.

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He Who Promotes High Density Housing Does Not Get to Complain About its Effects

public saftey cbd

Reader says , “Don’t get too mad at her, she probably doesn’t even have the self awareness/common sense to understand the consequences of what she and the garage/high density crowd have done. Tim Whiting is another, loud garage supporter who now complains about how high the annual parking fees are. He also recently struggled to understand the difference between motivational banners for the football team and the “proper message for students”. Birds of feather…”

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Aronsohn Apologist Has Nerve to Complain About Traffic Congestion in the Ridgewood’s Central Business District

Ridgewood 3 amigos

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on one of the many Ridgewood Facebook pages a poster said loved to walk in Ridgewood but cars need to heed New Jersey state traffic law .

MOTORISTS in New Jersey MUST stop for pedestrians in a marked crosswalk. Failure to observe the law may subject you to one or more of the following:
$200 FINE (plus court costs)
NEW JERSEY STATUTE 39:4-36 states:
-The driver of a vehicle must stop and stay stopped for a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk.

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Major Breakthrough in a 10-month Investigation in Toll Brothers Alleged Sludge Pumping into Local Brooks from the Apple Ridge Development in Mahwah

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photo by Derek Michalski , Pictured: Chairman of Mahwah Environmental Commission Richard Wolf documenting ongoing pollution at Toll Brothers construction site in Mahwah and Upper Saddle River.

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, Major breakthrough in a 10-month community investigation started back in January 2018 by GreenUSR activist and resident of Upper Saddle River Derek Michalski.

Ramsey, Mahwah, Upper and Saddle River. Over the weekend residents from Ramsay, Mahwah and Upper Saddle River met for the second weekend in a row on the property that was featured in April 23, 2018 CBS New York Evening News coverage. We all remember Channel 2 Lisa Rozner’s report from 5 months ago about those infamous hoses pumping mud into Upper Saddle River stream directly from 100 acre site that had arsenic in the past.* Since that day very little has been done to stop the mud pumping that is occurring now 24/7 according to eyewitnesses. Last weekend the site was visited by Richard Wolf, Chairman of Mahwah Environmental Commission. This weekend Councilwoman Janet Ariemma took initiative and also met with residents and visually inspected continuous mud discharge into the Pleasant Brook.

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Reader says Aronsohn’s puppets will just pick up where they left off


As I said previously, we have no candidates with new ideas running. Sedon and Susan may have done nothing visible but push the garage that no-one wants anymore, but they haven’t done too much actual damage to Ridgewood. Aronsohn’s puppets will just pick up where they left off. That means that they will promote even more outlandish development in town, and may revert to that huge garage when basically we don’t want any. Everyone who cares at all about Ridgewood, or who plans to live here a few more years MUST VOTE. If you can’t stomach voting for any of them, you still must vote. Otherwise Aronson’s people will be a shoe in as they will be the only ones to draw the voters. If you stay home, you choose the puppets because they will win by default. All you can do this time is to vote for the current council and then spend some time finding someone with the kind of knowledge we need to lead this town.

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Reader says This town is on the path of no return

CBD high density housing

I agree with most of what you say but not voting for Aronsohn. I won’t vote at all. Now I have understood what RW politicians are made of, it is NJ after all. They can tear their pie anyway they want but I won’t support any of them. This town is on the path of no return. Whoever thinks that raising voice works is a classic naive. I really expected much more from Susan Knudsen but she turned out to be a huge disappointment.