Orpheus Club Flash Mob Honors Veterans
Veterans Day celebration at Paramus Park Mall included a Flash Mob by the Orpheus Club Men’s Chorus featuring patriotic songs.
November 15,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Paramus NJ, The Paramus Park Mall was the scene on Saturday, November 12, 2016, of a flash mob staged in honor of veterans and Veterans Day by the Orpheus Club Men’s Chorus. The performance began as Orpheus tenor Charles Brown of Hackensack stepped out alone in the atrium beneath the food court, and sang the opening words of “America the Beautiful” to the unsuspecting crowd of shoppers nearby. Quickly, he was joined by other singers until the full chorus had formed. Before long a large crowd of shoppers stood by as the Chorus’ voices swelled with patriotic fervor and filled the atrium with their second song, “God Bless America.”
Many shoppers sang along. More than a few onlookers had tears in their eyes. Some stated that they were thrilled to feel once again uncomplicated patriotism without faction or partisan discord. It was a pure, magical moment with no agenda save to honor those who served. To that end Orpheus accomplished its mission.
The Orpheus Club Men’s Chorus has been a keystone of the cultural life of the region for 106 years. Founded in 1909, it is the oldest cultural institution in all of Bergen County. Now almost 50 voices strong, the Orpheus Club Men’s Chorus is directed by John Palatucci and accompanied by pianist Ron Levy.
Your next chance to hear Orpheus perform will be at their Gala Holiday Concerts on Saturday, December 17, 2016 at 7:30 pm, and on Sunday, December 18, 2016 at 4:00 pm, both at the Ridgewood United Methodist Church, 100 Dayton Street, in downtown Ridgewood. Tickets for these concerts may be purchased online, with a 20% advance purchase discount, at the Orpheus website: www.ridgewoodorpheusclub.org.