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Northbound Paramus Road Closed After Truck Strikes Overhead Wires in Paramus

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, A segment of northbound Paramus Road, Paramus was temporarily closed on Friday morning, 06/19, after a flatbed truck carrying building materials struck a large overhead telephone trunk line cable and knocked it to the ground. Paramus Police and Paramus Fire Engine Company #3 responded to the incident. No injuries were reported and the truck appeared to have sustained no damage.

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Paramus Green House Fire Under Investigation

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photo courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, early Wednesday evening, 01/15 Paramus Fire Companies 3 & 1 responded to a working fire in a green house at a local nursery. A quick knockdown saved the adjacent structures and all went home safe. The Fire within a greenhouse  was at the Denny Wiggers Garden Center, located in the 300 block of Paramus Road. Paramus Police, Paramus EMS, and the Paramus Rescue Squad also responded.

The Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division assisted with traffic control. Paramus Road was shut down northbound & southbound between Midland Ave & Century because of the fire .No injuries were reported; damage to the greenhouse involved was extensive. The cause of the fire remains under investigation.


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Paramus Road at Route 4 Closed for Three Weeks

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the staff if the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, the Paramus Police Department has issued a road closure alert :

Paramus Road will be closed in both directions at Route 4 and all ramps to and from Route 4 at Paramus Road will be completely closed. Heavy delays are expected. Road will be closed in both directions at Route 4 beginning on May 31st.

Please plan an alternate route as this construction is expected to last three weeks. This is an NJDOT project.

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Crash Sends SUV to Bottom of a Roadside Embankment in Paramus

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photo courtesy Boyd Loving’s Facebook

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, No injuries were reported following an early Monday afternoon, 11/05, rollover crash on Paramus Road, Paramus near Route 4. Paramus Police and Paramus Fire Department responded to the incident. A heavy duty wrecker was required to hoist the vehicle from its post crash resting place at the bottom of a roadside embankment. Police at the scene did not say whether any summonses were issued to the vehicle’s adult male driver.

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Paramus Road Collision Leaves No Reported Injuries

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photo courtesy of Boyd Loving;s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, A two (2) vehicle, Tuesday afternoon, 10/02, collision at the intersection of Linwood Avenue West and Paramus Road in Paramus resulted in heavy damage to both vehicles involved. The adult female driver of a silver colored SUV reported chest pains, but refused medical attention at the scene. Ridgewood Police assisted Paramus Police with traffic control until a tow truck could remove both wrecks from the roadway. No word from Paramus Police officers at the scene as to whether any crash related summonses were issued.

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Multi-Vehicle Accident Shuts Down 17 South

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

August 4,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, At least two (2) victims were transported to area hospitals following a multi-vehicle Saturday morning collision involving a tractor trailer on Route 17 southbound near Paramus Road in Ridgewood. Initial reports are that a flooded left hand lane may have contributed to the crash. All travel lanes of the highway were shut down while emergency crews worked at the scene, with vehicles being allowed to pass only on the right shoulder. Three (3) wrecked passenger vehicles were removed from the scene by tow trucks. Ridgewood Police, Ridgewood Fire Department , Ridgewood EMS, and Ridgewood Emergency Services responded to the incident.

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Bicyclist Struck and Seriously Injured Thursday afternoon on Paramus Road

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

May 25,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, An adult male bicyclist was struck by an SUV and seriously injured Thursday afternoon, 05/24, on Paramus Road just south of West Midland Avenue in Paramus. The victim, who was knocked off of this bike and thrown against the SUV’s windshield, was rushed by ambulance to Hackensack University Medical Center’s main campus. The visibly distraught driver of the SUV remained on the scene and was also transported by ambulance to an undisclosed hospital. A flatbed tow truck lifted the SUV off of the damaged bicycle and removed the vehicle from the scene. Paramus Police and EMS, responded along with an ambulance from Hackensack University Medical Center, and a paramedic team from The Valley Hospital. Police at the scene were observed interviewing several witnesses to the incident, including an individual who was waiting for a bus at a nearby bus stop.

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No injuries reported in two vehicle crash at the intersection of Paramus Road and West Century Road, Friday morning

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

May 19,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, No injuries warranting ambulance transport were reported in a two (2) vehicle crash at the intersection of Paramus Road and West Century Road, Paramus on Friday morning, 05/18. Separate flatbed tow trucks removed both wrecked vehicles from the roadway. Paramus Police  investigated.

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Tree Service Truck Rolled Over on Paramus Road No one Hurt

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

May 15,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, An aerial lift truck owned by a tree service rolled over onto its side in front of 387 Paramus Road, Paramus on Monday afternoon, 05/14. Fair Lawn Heavy Rescue and Rochelle Park Fire Department responded to the incident on a mutual aid basis because Paramus Fire Department and Rescue Squad personnel were engaged at a multiple alarm fire in Paramus. The driver of the truck self-extricated from the vehicle and was uninjured. A hazardous materials response team was summoned to evaluate/remediate a diesel fuel spill resultant from the crash. Paramus Police was assisted at the scene by members of the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Service Division. An overhead communications cable was also damaged in the mishap.

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Traffic Alert for East Saddle River Road and Paramus Road Paving today in Ridgewood

ridgewood Police

photo courtesy of Ridgewood Police 

April 12,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Police have issued a traffic alert for East Saddle River Road and Paramus Road Paving today. Linwood Avenue east bound traffic will be detoured at N.Pleasant Ave. to East Glen.
East bound Traffic on East Ridgewood Ave at Paramus Road is being diverted North on Paramus Road. Best route to Rt 17 is E.Glen Ave. or Grove Street to Midland Ave. Additionally the exit ramp from route 17 south onto East Saddle River Rd is closed and being detoured to Linwood Ave. please allow extra time or choose an alternate.

photos from Road Work on Paramus Road on Wednesday April 11,2018

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“Jaws of Life” deployed for 2-vehicle crash at the intersection of Carl Place and Paramus Road

Carl Place and Paramus Road

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

February 11,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, Paramus Police, EMS, Fire Department, and Rescue Squad personnel responded to aid the entrapped adult female driver of a 4-door passenger sedan involved in a 2-vehicle crash at the intersection of Carl Place and Paramus Road, Paramus on Saturday afternoon, 02/10. Members of Paramus Rescue 7 used the “Jaws of Life” to remove the driver’s side door of the victim’s vehicle in order to free her. She was transported by ambulance to Hackensack University Medical Center’s main campus. A paramedic team from The Valley Hospital assisted Paramus EMS. Both vehicles involved in the crash were removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck.

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Paramus Road Ridgewood Avenue Crash Sends Victim to Hospital

Paramus Road Ridgewood Avenue Crash Sends Victim to Hospital

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook Page

January 24,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, Paramus Police, Fire, and EMS responded to aid the adult female driver of an older model BMW coupe who became entrapped in her vehicle following a Tuesday morning, 01/23, crash in front of 688 Paramus Road (TD Bank) , Paramus.  On the boarder of Ridgewood and Paramus .  Paramus Road and Ridgewood Avenue experienced delays through most of mid day according to Paramus Police .

The victim, who sustained non life threatening crash related injuries, was transported by ambulance to a local hospital. The wrecked BMW was removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck.

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Head on Collusion on Paramus Road Sends Driver to Hackensack University Medical Center

Head on Collusion on Paramus Road Sends Driver to Hackensack University Medical Center

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

May 25,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, A head on crash in Paramus early Wednesday afternoon, 05/24, was apparently caused when the driver of a vehicle involved experienced an unknown medical emergency. The crash occurred when a 4-door Buick traveling southbound on Paramus Road veered into the northbound lanes and was hit by a Mercedes sedan. The collision occurred near 85 Paramus Road. Paramus PD, EMS, and a paramedic team from Hackensack University Medical Center responded to the incident. The Buick’s driver was transported by ambulance to Hackensack University Medical Center’s main campus with unspecified injuries/in unknown condition. A paramedic team was on board the ambulance during its hospital run. Both vehicles involved were removed by tow trucks. An occupant of the Mercedes sustained a minor arm or leg injury. She was not transported from the scene by ambulance. Paramus PD is investigating the incident.

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Ridgewood Police : East Ridgewood Ave is closed to westbound traffic at Paramus Road


file photo by Boyd Loving


Ridgewood NJ,  Ridgewood Ave is closed to westbound traffic at Paramus Road. Vehicles entering Ridgewood from Paramus should use Midland Ave or Linwood Ave. Due to a utility emergency the road may be closed up to 48 hours.