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Multi Alarm Fire On Paramus Road Guts Building

Multi Alarm Fire On Paramus Road Guts Building

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

November 15,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, Paramus firefighters battled a multiple alarm fire at Denny Wiggers Landscaping, 387 Paramus Road, Paramus on Monday morning, 11/14. The structure involved was declared uninhabitable due to fire, smoke and water damage. All occupants safely evacuated the building prior to the arrival of fire department personnel. Paramus Road was closed in both directions near the incident scene. Paramus PD and EMS personnel also responded to the scene in force. Fire and rescue personnel from nearby municipalities staffed Paramus FD and Rescue Squad locations during the incident and provided relief at the fire scene.

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Pickup and Landscaping Truck Collision on East Glen Avenue and Paramus Road in Ridgewood

Pickup and Landscaping Truck Collision on East Glen Avenue and Paramus Road in Ridgewood

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

June 19,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Two (2) adult females were transported by ambulance to The Valley Hospital following a Saturday afternoon, 06/16, crash at the intersection of East Glen Avenue and Paramus Road in Ridgewood. Ridgewood PD Patrol Officer Salvatore D’Amico issued three (3) summonses in connection with the crash, at least one (1) of which was to the driver of a large landscaping vehicle who was driving with a suspended drivers license. Both vehicles involved in the collision were removed by tow trucks. Injuries to both victims were reported as non life threatening.

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Paramus School bus Involved in Accident on Paramus Road

Paramus School bus Involved in Accident on Paramus Road
photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page 
October 1,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Paramus NJ, Six (6) children who were passengers on a mini school bus owned & operated by the Paramus Board of Education escaped injury after the bus was involved in a multi-vehicle collision on Paramus Road near Bergen Community College on Wednesday afternoon, 09/30.
Two (2) of the four (4) vehicles involved were removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck, including a pickup truck that mounted a concrete center divider, knocking down a traffic control sign in the process. One (1) person involved in the incident complained of chest pains related to the crash impact, but refused to be transported to a hospital. Paramus PD and EMS responded.