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PARCC Test – Measuring Your Productivity


PARCC (the partnership for assessment of readiness for college and careers) is a new and innovative assessment system developed by a group of different states. This test doesn’t only measure the student’s knowledge but it also plays an essential role in measuring important skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving skills that the students usually need to succeed in the real world.

In simple words, the PARCC is a complete assessment system that is particularly developed by teachers for students. Students will take one assessment divided into two sections (one in early spring and the second in late spring). The purpose of introducing this test is to measure the student’s progress during the school year.

What is the PARCC test?

PARCC provides a clear picture for teachers, students and parents about whether a student is prepared for each step in their education. The teachers can use the test results of students to help them stay on track. The best thing about PARCC is that its assessments provide actionable data to teachers.

The teachers may use this information to identify areas of improvement for the students. Thus, they’d be able to make sure that the student is properly prepared for the following school year. Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers has simply made it easier for the officials to keep an eye on the whole picture of the education system.

Things You need to know about PARCC test

The PARCC is an online test system that offers more convenience to the students and educators. The administrators may also provide special guidance to the students based on their test results.

The PARCC test is divided into two major sections known as the English language arts/literacy section and the Math section. The first section deals with reading fiction and non-fiction passages from real texts. Moreover, the candidates are supposed to watch videos or listen to audio. The students should carefully study the given material as it’s used later to provide written responses with supporting evidence. In the second mathematics section, students solve multi-step problems that require mathematical reasoning and show their understanding of each problem. 

Why is PARCC so popular?

The PARCC test is currently implemented in approximately 8 states but it’s getting popular day by day. Government officials from other states are also working on implementing this test system in their states. The reason why it’s continuously becoming popular is that it helps students stay prepared for the college and future career. Similarly, this test helps students in understanding different strategies that can assist them in solving different problems.

Thus, the students will not only stay limited to memorizing things but they’ll also develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills which are a necessity for any individual in the modern world.

Moreover, the states can also track the progress of their students and compare it with the students from other states to see the whole picture of the educational system in the current time. However, there are some critics that aren’t in favor of this test and every year several debates take place between them and the praisers of PARCC. And that’s another major reason why PARCC is getting popular day by day.

How to prepare for the PARCC test?

Fortunately, the students don’t need to be worried about scoring high points in the PARCC test because the purpose of introducing this test is to help teachers, parents and administrators understand that whether they are preparing the students for their future goals. If a student is regularly focusing on the studies, they don’t need to be worried about preparing for the test because the PARCC is associated with the things they’ve learned in a year.

However, if the students are excited about getting better marks in the PARCC test, they may take help from the practice tests that are available on the official website of PARCC. The practice tests are available for students of all grades. And these tests will help determine that how intelligent you are and how well you’re going to perform in the future.

The pattern of the real exam may be different from the practice tests but you may still take help from these tests to be confident and calm at the exam. 

How does the PARCC Scoring System work?

The administrators have set several performance levels for PARCC test that help to evaluate student’s skills level. Totally, there are five levels the best ones are four and five – met expectations and exceeded expectations accordingly, level 3 refers to approached expectations and implies that you need some help from the instructor, while levels 1 and 2, denote the statements “didn’t yet meet expectations” and “partially met expectations”, meaning that the significant help is needed. 


The PARCC test is a great tool for teachers, parents and administrators to figure out if a student possesses the necessary skills for college or a future career. This test is the best one in checking their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as it’s the indicator of improving them in future. To be completely prepared for the exam, use practice test from PARCC official website and use actual braindumps from PrepAway, ExamCollection, Exam-Labs websites to get the highest level possible and show your readiness for your future career.

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Putting PARCC in reverse, NJ lawmakers look to block graduation requirement

Graduation 13

By Michael Symons February 14, 2017 3:45 AM

New Jersey lawmakers took a first step toward blocking the state Department of Education from requiring high-school students to pass the PARCC test in order to earn a diploma.

The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers is currently among an array of graduation requirements, but qualifying scores on alternative exams such as the SAT or ACT are being phased out. Starting with the Class of 2021 — currently in the eighth grade — students will have to pass the PARCC’s Algebra 1 and 10th-grade English tests.

Only about half of students are doing that so far in the PARCC’s first two years of use.

“I do not believe it was ever the intent of this Legislature to make PARCC a graduation requirement,” said Assemblywoman Mila Jasey, D-Essex.

“Most states have stopped using it altogether. The decision of state Board of Ed to make PARCC a graduation requirement was, in my view, designed to thwart the opt-out movement,” Jasey said.

Read More: Putting PARCC in reverse, NJ lawmakers look to block graduation requirement |

Read More: Putting PARCC in reverse, NJ lawmakers look to block graduation requirement |

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The low down on PARCC tests ,the good ,the bad and the ugly


Frequently Asked Questions about the PARCC

1. Do parents have the right to opt their children out of the PARCC tests?

New Jersey does not have an “opt out” provision, but, as New Jersey State Board of Education President Mark Biedron pointed out at the January 7, 2015 State Board of Education meeting, “nobody can force a child” to take a test.(1)

On September 9, 2015, NJ Commissioner of Education David Hespe sent a memo to school districts on how to accommodate students whose families or guardians refuse PARCC. He said “school districts should be prepared in the event that students choose not to participate in the assessment program and adopt policies and procedures for the appropriate supervision and engagement of these students during administration of the assessment. The specific policies adopted by school districts regarding students not participating in the assessment program are entirely within the school district’s discretion, in consideration of each district’s school environment and available staffing and resources and recognizing that a statewide rule could not take into account these local circumstances. However, in developing these policies, districts should be mindful of ensuring appropriate student supervision and creating alternative options for student activity during the test period, so long as the testing environment is not disrupted and, in this regard, a sit and stare policy should be avoided.”(2)

Districts and charter schools may not require that students who refuse the PARCC tests miss school on the days that their classmates are taking PARCC.

Last spring, more than 230 districts allowed students whose families refused the tests to read or take part in an alternative activity. Please email to let us know how your district or charter schools is handling test refusals this spring.

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Did “PARCC Refuseniks” force the Ridgewood Schools District to Take a Harder Line on PARCC tests ?


March 4,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, A recent letter from the Ridgewood Public Schools regarding PARCC testing being held April 18-20.


“Students who are absent due to illness, family business, etc. will have make up tests scheduled for them.

Please note that students who come to school during their grade’s scheduled testing time should be prepared to take the test. Our instructional program for the mornings listed above is PARCC testing. No alternative learning experience will be provided during testing sessions. If your child is going to be absent on a testing day for any reason, please notify the High School Principal’s Secretary. You are required to send a note to school letting the principal know why your child is absent.”

This letter does seem to contradict Procedure 2622 which was adopted by our school board in February 2015. Procedure 2622 states that on testing date “a student whose parent has provided prior written notice informing the Principal their child will not be participating in a Statewide assessment will be required to report to the testing location on the date of the assessment or to the area in the building as determined by the Principal, such as study hall, media center, or other location in the school where the student can be supervised by a school district staff member.”

The BOE website states that 2622 is still valid.  Many suggest that because Ridgewood High School ( RHS ) had so many opt-outs, the schools didn’t have anywhere to put the students.

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The unanswered PARCC question: How many N.J. kids opted out?


The question buzzed throughout New Jersey schools for months. As the state prepared to administer new standardized tests in English and math last spring, parents, teachers and administrators wondered how many students would refuse to participate, the hallmark of a small but growing “opt out” movement in New Jersey. Adam Clark, Read more

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Voices from the First Round of the PARCC Tests in New Jersey Schools


Voices from the First Round of the PARCC Tests in New Jersey Schools

The second phase in the field tests of the online PARCC exams will start next week, with the state Department of Education inviting still more districts to take part.

New Jersey is already one of the biggest participants in the shakeout, with more than 60,000 students taking part last month. More than 1,000 schools are expected to participate next week.

During the first cycle of field tests in April, NJ Spotlight asked its readers — teachers, administrators, parents, and students themselves — to comment on the new exams. As the second round starts next week, we’re again asking those involved in the testing to share their experiences with us.

Here’s a small sampling of what we’ve been told thus far:

“Teachers and nontesting students have no access to computers and media resources during the testing days. This is getting to be a real problem, since the amount of testing days can approach 30 and administration has not indicated that there is going to be an improvement in access next year.” — teacher with students involved in the field test

“Education in the school came to a screeching halt. No other uses of technology were permitted during testing time. Students reported that the test itself was a big waste of time. Students also reported many problems with the process itself. Administrators were invisible during the process, as they were preoccupied with the tests. — teacher with students involved in the field test

“She enjoyed the experience. She said the questions were hard . . . . Learning to manage your time as you take the test seems to be the biggest challenge. — parent of a child in the field test

“It will force technology to be used in instruction, and it will raise the bar for students to learn touch-typing. Classroom instruction time will be reduced due to testing time . . . It was very frustrating getting all students logged onto the [test site]. Some got on without a hitch. Others took over an hour of trying and retrying.– administrator in a district involved in the field testing.  (Mooney/NJSpotlight)