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New Jersey’s Olympic Stars: Athletes Heading to the 2024 Summer Games in Paris

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, New Jersey is set to shine on the global stage at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, held from July 26 to August 11 in Paris. The Ridgewood blog has rounded up all the Garden State athletes who will be competing, showcasing the state’s incredible home-grown talent.

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Jetsetter Chic: Travel Fashion Essentials for the Stylish Woman

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Jet-setting around the globe? Whether you’re off to Paris for fashion week or Bali for a beach retreat, travelling in style is a must for the modern woman. But achieving that perfect blend of fashion and functionality can be a challenge. Here is a close look at the critical components of jetsetter chic, from compact card holders (名片夾) to Functional Yet Stylish Luggage to ensure you’re impeccably dressed for every destination.

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Suc Le Blu: Parisians Ban E-scooters

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Les Parisiens interdisent les trottinettes électriques

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paris France, in a major setback for micromobility  last Friday, Paris became the first European capital to outlaw e-scooter rentals. The ban, which doesn’t apply to privately owned scooters, was the result of a referendum this spring. An overwhelming 90%of voters voted for the ban.

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Introducing : Zion Ama Dio Paris

Effiel Tower Moi

Quality Styles

Extraordinary attention to detail throughout the collection. Completely handmade, using only natural silks, satin and Chantilly lace. Zion Ama Dio Paris  service exclusively to clients who prefer exquisite, one-of-a kind pieces that are cut, shaped and finished to flatter and fit to perfection.


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Leaders Gather to Save the World


The UN wants to limit global warming to 2C, but international co-operation has been slow in coming

Tom Bawden Environment Editor

Almost 150 heads of state, including David Cameron, Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, are heading to Paris for the start of the most important environmental meeting for decades.

Ahead of the summit, more than 175 countries have tabled pledges (known as intended nationally determined contributions, or INDCs) to cut their carbon emissions which, if enacted, would be enough to limit global warming to 2.7C. But the United Nations has pledged to limit climate change to 2C – and would much prefer it to be 1.5C.

This means there is much work to be done in Paris. Although nobody is expecting an agreement that will guarantee to limit global warming to 2C, the UN climate chief Christiana Figueres is determined to enshrine a process that paves the way for the world to be able to meet that target further down the line. Here are some of the different interest groups and what they want from Paris:

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Paris doesn’t need your hashtag ‘heroics’


By Rich Lowry

November 16, 2015 | 8:00pm

The instant online symbol of global support for Paris after last week’s attacks was a roughly rendered peace symbol with an Eiffel Tower in the middle of it.

The French designer Jean Jullien sketched it as soon as he heard the news of the atrocity. He called it “Peace for Paris,” and it immediately became a sensation on social media.

Its success is a sign of the times.

We have become experts at treacly online mourning. We take grotesque atrocities and launder them into trite symbols and slogans that are usually self-congratulatory and, of course, wholly ineffectual.

The 19th-century author William Dean Howells once said, “Yes, what the American public wants is a tragedy with a happy ending.”

On social media, the happy ending is the widely shared and tweeted image or hashtag.

After the slaughter at the offices of the satirical French magazine Charlie Hedbo earlier this year, it was “Je suis Charlie,” or “I am Charlie.”

It was a well-intentioned expression of solidarity, so long as you overlooked the absurd presumption of it.