Nicholas Katzban, Staff Writer, @NicholasKatzbanPublished 1:18 p.m. ET Aug. 31, 2017
In 1982 the village of Ridgewood sold a small park on Broad Street to Bergen County for $60,000. Thirty-plus years later, that sale is costing the village in state funds that are being withheld until 1.9 acres of land is purchased and maintained as public green space.
The search for replacement parkland is ongoing. Village Manager Heather Mailander would not share details of the search, as it involves negotiations with property owners, but said, “I’m expecting to brief the council on that during an executive session very soon.”
She has, she said, identified multiple locations for the council’s consideration.
The state Department of Environmental Protection discovered the sale of 308-316 South Broad Street in 2012, several decades after the county constructed affordable town houses on the land, which stand there today.