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Multiple Agencies Respond to Single Family Home Fire In Montvale

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Montvale NJ, on February 3, 2024 at approximately 2:10pm, the Montvale Volunteer Fire Department was dispatched to a single family home on E. Grand Ave for a reported basement fire. First arriving Montvale Police units confirmed a working fire. Chief M10 requested an elevated alarm assignment. Tri-Boro Volunteer Ambulance Corps and multiple police departments for their assistance.

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No Injuries Report in Saddle River Fire

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photos courtesy of Saddle River Fire Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Saddle River NJ, the Saddle River Fire Department was requested to a home on the East side of town for a reported structure fire. Upon signing in service, Chief Salvatori was advised by Saddle River Police Department that the attached garage was fully involved and he asked for his 2nd alarm mutual aid companies.

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Saddle River Fire Brings Out Multi Borough Response

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photos courtesy of Saddle River Fired Department and Waldwick Fire Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Saddle River NJ,on Tuesday March 24th at approximately 12:10 pm the Saddle River Fire Department was requested to a home within the borough for a report of a possible fire. Upon their arrival , Chief Salvatori arrived on scene and found smoke showing from the residence and requested a second alarm be transmitted. Engine 1131 arrived on scene and began advancing a hose into the structure to extinguish the fire. Ladder 1141 arrived on scene second , began laddering the building and assisting with the fire attack. The fire was under control shortly at approximately 12:30pm and Saddle River Fire Department  sends a big Thank you to all of the mutual aid who responded to the scene and covered the firehouse.

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