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Ridgewood Earns Gold Recognition for Safe Routes to School Initiatives

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photo courtesy of the Village of Ridgewood

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Village of Ridgewood is celebrating a major achievement in community safety! Ridgewood received Gold Level Recognition from the New Jersey Safe Routes to School Program for its impactful work throughout 2023. This award highlights the Village’s commitment to making streets safer and more accessible for everyone, especially young cyclists and pedestrians.

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Ridgewood Police , Parks and Rec and EZ Ride Encourage Safer Cycling in the Village

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photos are courtesy of the Ridgewood Police Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Police officer Chris Mormino got to spend part of the day in the Graydon lot assisting with bicycle safety.

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The Village of Ridgewood Still Needs Lifeguards for Graydon Pool

Opening day at Graydon in Ridgewood for 2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Village of Ridgewood, Parks and Recreation Department, is seeking certified lifeguards for seasonal employment at the Graydon Pool municipal facility. Full-time and part-time positions are available. Competitive salaries are offered, ranging from $10.30 to $15.00 per hour, based on years of experience and duties assigned.

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Month of April – Visit the Story Walk at The Stable


CRPL presents: Story Walk®- “The Spotty Dotty Daffodil”

The Conservancy for Ridgewood Public Lands (CRPL) and the Parks and Recreation Department is pleased to present a Story Walk® of The Spotty Dotty Daffodil for all families to discover and enjoy together.

Story Walk® is an exciting literary initiative that combines the reading of a children’s story with a walking route, while connecting families in the out of doors. A unique way to inspire parents, teachers, grandparents and care givers to take young children on a short stroll that is free for all. The Story walk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Vermont Bicycle and Pedestrian Coalition and the Kellogg Hubbard Library, visit

The Spotty Dotty daffodil is a picture book by Rose Mannering and illustrated with beautiful water colors by Bethany Straker which features a heartfelt story of acceptance ; one that celebrates the differences in all of us- spots , stripes or otherwise.

Volunteers from the Conservancy have made arrangements for this Story walk®- of the Spotty Dotty Daffodil to be displayed April1 through May 2, in unison with the bloom of some 14,000 daffodil bulbs planted throughout the Village community. The actual story walk will take place in the meadow area adjacent to the Stable, 259 N. Maple Avenue in Ridgewood. Families are invited to visit the Story Walk®, enjoy the Spotty Dotty Daffodil story together and discover the beauty of nature that abounds in one local park. For your convenience, parking, restroom facilities and a playground are available.

This is an outdoor experience, so dress accordingly. The event is free to the public.

For more information please contact the Ridgewood Parks and Recreation Department at 201-670-5560, or visit the office at 259 N. Maple Avenue.