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The Most Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About Your PC Operation


Blue screen, lack of free space, bugs, and failure of Windows – is it familiar to you? Sometimes, probably every PC user faces some issues connected with the smooth operation of their PC. This article is intended for regular Windows users who are not programmers, developers, or PC geeks. Here is the basic set of questions that all Windows users should know answers to.

Continue reading The Most Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About Your PC Operation

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Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions


civility in Ridgewood 

October 31,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to the Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own political beliefs.

We have gotten to the point that 65% of Americans (and 54% of college and graduate students) say college students should discuss which halloween costumes might be seen as offensive without the involvement of college administrators.

Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor. Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves

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Rutgers: to avoid microaggressions, only speak when ‘necessary’


Amber Athey

Students in at least one Rutgers University residence hall are being encouraged to use only language that is “helpful” and “necessary” to avoid committing microaggressions.

The display, which is part of the school’s “Language Matters” campaign, also includes hand-written definitions of the three types of microaggressions, as well as a flyer listing potentially-offensive words and phrases.

Students in at least one Rutgers University residence hall are being encouraged to use only language that is “helpful” and “necessary” to avoid committing microaggressions.

The display, photos of which were obtained by Campus Reform, is titled “Language Matters: Think,” and was placed in the College Avenue Apartments by a resident assistant, according to a current resident of the building who does not wish to be identified.

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At convention, N.J. Democrats debate whether political correctness is a good thing



New Jersey Democrats have gotten so “PC” this week. And some who have made the pilgrimage to the Democratic National Convention proudly asserted that political correctness is part of the DNA of the Democratic Party. Charles Stile, The RecordRead more

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Trump: We can’t afford to be politically correct anymore



June 12,2016

Donald J. Trump

Last night, our nation was attacked by a radical Islamic terrorist. It was the worst terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11, and the second of its kind in 6 months. My deepest sympathy and support goes out to the victims, the wounded, and their families.

In his remarks today, President Obama disgracefully refused to even say the words ‘Radical Islam’. For that reason alone, he should step down. If Hillary Clinton, after this attack, still cannot say the two words ‘Radical Islam’ she should get out of this race for the Presidency.

If we do not get tough and smart real fast, we are not going to have a country anymore. Because our leaders are weak, I said this was going to happen – and it is only going to get worse. I am trying to save lives and prevent the next terrorist attack. We can’t afford to be politically correct anymore.

The terrorist, Omar Mir Saddique Mateen, is the son of an immigrant from Afghanistan who openly published his support for the Afghanistani Taliban and even tried to run for President of Afghanistan. According to Pew, 99% of people in Afghanistan support oppressive Sharia Law.

We admit more than 100,000 lifetime migrants from the Middle East each year. Since 9/11, hundreds of migrants and their children have been implicated in terrorism in the United States.

Hillary Clinton wants to dramatically increase admissions from the Middle East, bringing in many hundreds of thousands during a first term – and we will have no way to screen them, pay for them, or prevent the second generation from radicalizing.

We need to protect all Americans, of all backgrounds and all beliefs, from Radical Islamic Terrorism – which has no place in an open and tolerant society. Radical Islam advocates hate for women, gays, Jews, Christians and all Americans. I am going to be a President for all Americans, and I am going to protect and defend all Americans. We are going to make America safe again and great again for everyone.


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Clarence Thomas tells graduates to simply be good citizens

Clarence Thomas

By JOEL GEHRKE (@JOELMENTUM) • 5/14/16 8:32 PM

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas urged college graduates who seek to “preserve liberty” to do so by fulfilling the duties of their daily vocations rather than attempting to achieve sweeping political goals.

“At the risk of understating what is necessary to preserve liberty in our form of government, I think more and more that it depends on good citizens, discharging their daily duties in their daily obligations,” Thomas said Saturday during a commencement address at Hillsdale College, a small liberal arts college in Michigan.

Thomas lamented various aspects of contemporary society, especially with regard to colleges and universities. He diagnosed what he regards as a contemporary tendency to take pride in having “grievances rather than personal conduct” and to focus on individual rights as citizens, rather than responsibilities. “Hallmarks of my youth such as patriotism and religion seem more like outliers, if not afterthoughts,” Thomas said.

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Meet the “Trump Bros”



Jack Rowe, an 18-year-old high school student from St. Paul, Minnesota, sat in the front row of a Donald Trump rally in Eau Claire, Wisconsin last weekend, sandwiched between two friends.

He had caucused for Trump in Minnesota for the very first time a few weeks earlier. Freckled and grinning, he sported a red “Make America Great Again” hat and a gray Trump t-shirt.

Rowe had some thoughts on Trump’s rhetorical treatment of women, which had been dominating the news lately thanks to the Republican front-runner’s comments about punishing women who have abortions. Mainly, Rowe said, it’s a non-issue.

“Misogyny was an issue about maybe 60, 80 years ago,” said Rowe. “That’s not an issue today. There are a lot bigger fish to fry…You know, ISIS is chopping off heads. We’ve got 19 trillion dollars in debt.”

Young men like Rowe are a common sight at Trump rallies around the country: Mostly white, they travel in packs and frequently wear Trump’s signature “Make America Great Again” hats, pumping their fists and cheering loudly as protesters get hauled out by security. They document their political activity like any good millennial would, recording their outings on Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter.

They are dudes, jocks, preps and just-your-average college and high school kids. But on the campaign trail, they’ve come to be known simply as “Trump Bros.”

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New ‘Trust and Safety Council’ Is Twitter Version of 1984’s Ministry of Truth


Twitter says it wants to strike a balance between free speech and harassment. It didn’t.

Robby Soave|Feb. 9, 2016 3:25 pm

In order for users to feel confident expressing themselves “freely and safely,” Twitter is debuting a new advisory group dubbed the “Trust & Safety Council.” But a quick glance at its membership roster suggests the council is almost as Orwellian as it sounds—and overwhelmingly biased in favor of speech suppression.

If you thought Milo Yiannopoulos losing his blue checkmark was the opening salvo in the next great culture war (I tended to agree with Popehat’s Ken Whitethat the controversy was overblown), then this might be your virtual invasion of Poland.

The council includes more than 40 organizations that will be tasked with helping Twitter, “strike the right balance between fighting abuse and speaking truth to power.” But if the goal was really to find some middle ground between total free speech and safeguards against harassment, one might have expect Twitter to solicit some diversity of opinion. In fact, despite the press release’s claim that the council includes a “diversity of voices,” virtually none of the council members are properly classified as free speech organizations. (Full list here ).

Some of the groups—such as Hollaback! and the Dangerous Speech Project—don’t think harassment should be criminalized outright. But the vast majority are certainly more concerned about allowing too much speech rather than too little. Notable members include Feminist Frequency—the blog and Youtube channel of anti-Gamer Gate activist Anita Sarkeesian—the Anti-Defamation League, and a host of suicide-and-domestic-violence prevention groups.

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Why Trump may be winning the war on ‘political correctness’

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By Karen Tumulty and Jenna Johnson January 4 at 9:53 PM

Cathy Cuthbertson once worked at what might be thought of as a command post of political correctness — the campus of a prestigious liberal arts college in Ohio.

“You know, I couldn’t say ‘Merry Christmas.’ And when we wrote things, we couldn’t even say ‘he’ or ‘she,’ because we had transgender. People of color. I mean, we had to watch every word that came out of our mouth, because we were afraid of offending someone, but nobody’s afraid of offending me,” the former administrator said.

All of which helps explain why the 63-year-old grandmother showed up at a recent Donald Trump rally in Hilton Head Island, S.C., where she moved when she retired a year ago.

The Republican front-runner is “saying what a lot of Americans are thinking but are afraid to say because they don’t think that it’s politically correct,” she said. “But we’re tired of just standing back and letting everyone else dictate what we’re supposed to think and do.”

In the 2016 Republican presidential primary season, “political correctness” has become the all-purpose enemy. The candidates have suggested that it is the explanation for seemingly every threat that confronts the country: terrorism, illegal immigration, an economic recovery that is leaving many behind, to name just a few.

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Americans over 30 are more miserable than they’ve ever been

Democratic presidential candidate U

Published: Nov 9, 2015 5:00 a.m. ET

It all goes downhill after 30 — at least when it comes to happiness.

“Adults over 30 are less happy than their predecessors,” concludes a study published online Thursday in the journal Social Psychology and Personality Science, which examined happiness data from more than 50,000 adults, gleaned from the General Social Survey, carried out by NORC at the University of Chicago, a nonpartisan, independent research organization, which has collected information about American adults since 1972.

From 2010 to 2014, adults over 30 had an average happiness score of just 2.18, compared with 2.24 a decade ago. That’s significant considering happiness scores were measured on a tiny scale from just 1 to 3, with 1 being “not too happy” and 3 being “very happy.” (The data used five-year cohort periods so that single year fluctuations were smoothed out.)

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Starbucks drops Christmas Imagery from Holiday Cups

November 9,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Some Christian groups are attacking Starbucks for the minimal design on this year’s red-and-green holiday cups.
It seems that images of snowflakes, Christmas tree ornaments and other seasonal adornments seen in previous years have all been removed.

While a Starbucks designer told FOX News the company “wanted to usher in the holidays with a purity of design that welcomes all of our stories.”
But some Christians are accusing the company of being scrooges who “hate Jesus.”

This has gone as far as to have a former Arizona pastor Joshua Feuerstein said “Starbucks REMOVED CHRISTMAS from their cups because they hate Jesus,” in a Facebook video post that’s been watched over 12 million times and shared by more than 400,000 people. Feuerstein is urging Christians to tell baristas their name is “Merry Christmas” so that they’ll be “pranked” into writing the message on the cup.

So what do you think is it a design element or does Starbucks really ,”hate Jesus”? Or simply Political Correctness gone awry.