As Governor Murphy Parties in Atlantic City, NJ Residents are Stranded On Roads for Hours
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
PARSIPPANY NJ, Due to the poor preparedness and response to the State’s first snowstorm of 2018, hundreds of thousands of residents across the state were stranded on major highways that were not prepared, plowed, salted or cleared for upwards of over twelve hours. Despite the fact that the snowstorm was predicted 3-4 days before it hit, there was still little to nothing done to prepare for the turmoil and danger the storm caused.
“While the Governor was partying at the League of Municipalities in Atlantic City, our friends and neighbors were stuck on NJ highways for up to 14 hours in some areas. The danger and havoc that the lack of preparation caused on residents should be unforgivable. This is what happens when people vote on emotion and not practicality. You elect people into office that have no experience or right being there”, said Morris County Chair Ron DeFilippis.