Bergen County freeholders agree to enlist ‘Pothole Killer’
MARCH 18, 2015, 7:49 PM LAST UPDATED: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 2015, 8:05 PM
In the seemingly endless war against potholes, Bergen County officials are bringing back a big weapon: “the Pothole Killer.”
The freeholders voted unanimously to spend up to $60,000 to rent the pothole patching system from Patch Management Inc., a company based in Fairless, Pa.
The vote came after County Executive James Tedesco made a last-minute personal request for the device, which he described as far more effective than the so-called “hot patch” method the county has been using this winter.
The truck costs $9,000 a month to rent. Tedesco said the county was also exploring whether to buy the unit at a cost of about $700,000 and make it available to the 70 towns in the county as a shared service.
Tedesco said the potholes filled by the truck, which the county has used in the past, are guaranteed to stay filled for up to a year if the equipment is used properly.
He said the system had a long snout-like attachment with a compressor that blows out any water in the pothole and dries it.