the Village of Ridgewood : If you See a Pothole Report the Pothole
Welcome to the Ridgewood Service Request System (RSR)
This website will allow the registered user to report specific categorized items to the correct departments. Once the item is reported, the submitted information will be copied to the user that has created request. Throughout the entire process, the user will receive status update emails pertaining to the request until it is resolved.
Currently the request that can be submitted will be pertaining to the following categories (additional categories will be added in the future):
The request:
Each request must have a:
Title (example: “Big Pothole”, “Multiple Potholes”, “Deep Pothole”, ect…).
Category – Currently Pothole is the only choice.
Address – (Location of pothole) Address can be entered with just street number and name of street (example: 131 N Maple Ave). The user can also enter the entire address (example: 131 N Maple Ave, Ridgewood, NJ, 07450). After the address is entered, use the “Find Address on Map” button below to pinpoint the area on the map. The map is interactive, and the user can define the exact location of the request by zooming in and dragging the red marker to the exact location.
Upload an Image – While this is not mandatory, it will help in providing information that can be useful in determining needed materials or extent of damages that require attention. Do not put yourself in harm’s way in order to take a photo.
Description – The more information the better. An estimate on the size of the pothole (examples: “12 inches irregular, about 6″ deep”; “Multiple large potholes in a cluster covering a 10 foot section of the road on the northbound lane”) and any other pertinent information would be helpful.
The website can be accessed on most devices and has been tested on: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Android (internet app), iPhone (safari app), and iPad (safari app). If you experience any issues with RSR, please email: dhansen@ridgewoodnj.net. Please provide as much information pertaining to the issue, time and date of when the issue occurred in order to assist us in troubleshooting the problem.
RSR IS NOT AN EMERGENCY REPORTING SYSTEM. If your issue or concern involves an immediate risk to life or personal safety, CALL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY. RSR requests are reviewed during the Village’s regular business hours, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All requests will be reviewed and addressed in accordance with Village polices and within the limits of available resources.