photos by Boyd Loving
” Fishbein was in cahoots with Sheila, and Mike is an emotional wreck. Fishbein knew that Sheila and Chris would vote no, and that Dani and Kwak would vote yes, and Mike would be the swing vote, Fishbein and Sheila lined up the public comments *(shame, knowing that Kwak and Dani were being thrown under the bus)* and they got Mike to vote with his emotions, unless he’s gone rogue and broke rank and had discussions with Fishbein/Sheila/Chris on the side, in total violation of open meeting laws. I cant for the life of me understand this, the man submitted his resignation, wrote a nice letter on the web site, and now the Board (speaks with one voice) tells him, no you can’t leave you MUST fulfill your contract, otherwise we will hold you in breech of contract, because that is what they did. Mike obviously did not understand this, otherwise why did he move to start a discussion on an interim superintendent, Mike, the Bd Chair did not understand what his vote even meant, he must’ve thought this was a vote of confidence, and that the resignation was still going to happen, No Mike! you voted to force Fishbein to stay, although he wanted to leave. Unless, that was the plan all along. Like Ricky said often to Lucy, you have some ‘splaining’ to do! Mike with your vote you impeded the progress of the district. The tell tale sign to all of this is simple, if Fishbein goes back to the Bd. and says hey Bd members, I really wanted to resign, I have plans, I’m taking the kids to Disney World, whatever, please reconsider and re-cast your vote so I can move on, then this was not a grand scheme, on the other-hand if Fishbein just goes back to work, and doesnt do that, then you know that he never intended on resigning and the whole resignation was a sham to try and stick it to the new Bd. It’s either one or the other.”
Continue reading Reader Claims Superintendent in “cahoots” with some Board Members and Protesters