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Anti War Art

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War can have a devastating effect on people and the economy. Throughout human civilization, it is estimated that various wars have together killed about a billion people. Apart from death, war also causes injury, disability, malnutrition, illness, depression, anxiety, and PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It breaks families by taking away men from their wives. It can cause both material and psychological damage.

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The Unsustainable State of Defensiveness facing Police

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By Michael Letts

In a recent conversation with a retired police officer from a major urban area, he admitted a stunning revelation. “For decades, my daily professional life was filled with ‘bad guys’ and when I retired, I had to really work at calming myself down around others.”

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5 Reasons Why an Emotional Support Animal Is Helpful

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Do you freeze when you have to join in activities that involve loads of people because you fear public humiliation? Or do you suddenly turn into a bumbling incoherent mass of flesh when you find yourself faced with a spider? Well, you might be suffering from a phobia/anxiety disorder. 

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