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Click it or Ticket: NJ cops will pull over thousands of drivers for 2 weeks

ridgewood police

file photo by Boyd Loving

By Jen Ursillo May 21, 2017 8:00 PM

For two weeks, starting Monday and ending June 4, law enforcement agencies across New Jersey will be out and about pulling over drivers who aren’t wearing seat belts.

Gary Poedubicky, acting director of the state Division of Highway Traffic Safety, says 375 police agencies, including the State Police, are expected to take part in the campaign. In May 2016, 387 agencies participated.

“We’re trying to encourage motorists and passengers to buckle up,” he said. “Seat belts save thousands of lives every year but far too many motorists are still not buckling up. In our opinion, buckling is not an option. It’s a difference between life and death in a crash.”

Read More: Click it or Ticket: NJ cops will pull over thousands of drivers for 2 weeks |